Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis
2010 - 2024
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Volume 15, issue 1, 2024
- Regulators Should Value Nonhuman Animals pp. 1-13
- Cass R. Sunstein
- Valuing a Reduction in the Risk and Severity of Asthma: A Large Scale Multi-Country Stated Preference Approach pp. 14-86
- Gildas Appéré, Damien Dussaux, Alan Krupnick and Muriel Travers
- Open Exceptions: Why Does the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) Exempts RIA and Ex Post Reviews? pp. 87-104
- Natasha Schmitt Caccia Salinas and Lucas Thevenard Gomes
- Policy Diffusion, Environmental Federalism, and Economic Efficiency – How Institutions Influence the Implementation of EU Legislation in Two Nordic Countries pp. 105-127
- Lena Nerhagen and Johanna Jussila Hammes
- The Influence of the Benefit–Cost Analysis on Policy Evaluation in the European Union pp. 128-141
- Kristina Gogic
- Valuing a Reduction in the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large-Scale Multi-Country Stated Preference Approach pp. 142-162
- Chris Dockins, Damien Dussaux, Charles Griffiths, Sandra Hoffmann and Nathalie Simon
- Mask Mandate Costs pp. 163-191
- Patrick Carlin, Shyam Raman, Kosali Simon, Ryan Sullivan and Coady Wing
- Do Opportunity Costs of Regulations Appropriately Benefit or Inappropriately Burden Disadvantaged Consumers? pp. 192-203
- Donald Kenkel
- A Tale of the Tails: The Value of a Statistical Life at the Tails of the Age Distribution pp. 204-222
- Thomas J. Kniesner and W. Kip Viscusi
- The Health-Augmented Lifecycle Model – CORRIGENDUM pp. 223-223
- J.P. Sevilla
Volume 14, issue S1, 2023
- Save 4.2 Million Lives and Generate $1.1 Trillion in Economic Benefits for Only $41 Billion: Introduction to the Special Issue on the Most Efficient Policies for the Sustainable Development Goals pp. 1-15
- Bjorn Lomborg
- An Investment Case for the Scale-up and Use of Insecticide-Treated Nets Halfway into the SDG Targets pp. 16-54
- Rima Shretta and Randolph Ngwafor Anye
- Improving Learning in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries pp. 55-80
- Noam Angrist, Elisabetta Aurino, Harry Patrinos, George Psacharopoulos, Emiliana Vegas, Ralph Nordjo and Brad Wong
- The Investment Case for E-Government Procurement: A Cost–Benefit Analysis pp. 81-107
- Erica Bosio, Gavin Hayman and Nancy Dubosse
- Benefit–Cost Analysis of Increased Trade: An Order-of-Magnitude Estimate of the Benefit–Cost Ratio pp. 108-135
- James Feyrer, Vladimir Tyazhelnikov, Benjamin Aleman-Castilla and Brad Wong
- Sustainable Development Goal Halftime Project: Benefit-Cost Analysis Using Methods from the Decade of Vaccine Economics Model pp. 136-180
- Bryan Patenaude, Salin Sriudomporn and Joshua Mak
- Benefit–Cost Analysis of Increased Funding for Agricultural Research and Development in the Global South pp. 181-205
- Mark W. Rosegrant, Brad Wong, Timothy Sulser, Nancy Dubosse and Travis J. Lybbert
- Achieving Maternal and Neonatal Mortality Development Goals Effectively: A Cost-Benefit Analysis pp. 206-234
- Nyovani Madise, Arindam Nandi, Brad Wong and Saleema Razvi
- Investing in Nutrition: A Global Best Investment Case pp. 235-254
- Bjorn Larsen, John Hoddinott and Saleema Razvi
- Best Investments in Chronic, Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control in Low- and Lower–Middle-Income Countries pp. 255-271
- David Watkins, Sali Ahmed and Sarah Pickersgill
- The Investment Case for Land Tenure Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cost–Benefit Analysis pp. 272-300
- Frank F.K. Byamugisha and Nancy Dubosse
- A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Increased International Migration of Skilled Labor in Africa and the World pp. 301-336
- Keith Maskus
- One Million Lives Saved Per Year: A Cost–Benefit Analysis of the Global Plan to End Tuberculosis, 2023–2030 and Beyond pp. 337-354
- Carel Pretorius, Nimalan Arinaminpathy, Sandip Mandal, Suvanand Sahu, Madhukar Pai, Roland Mathiasson and Brad Wong
- Sustainable Development Goal Halftime Project: Benefit-Cost Analysis Using Methods from the Decade of Vaccine Economics Model – CORRIGENDUM pp. 355-355
- Bryan Patenaude, Salin Sriudomporn and Joshua Mak
- Best Investments in Chronic, Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control in Low- and Lower–Middle-Income Countries – CORRIGENDUM pp. 356-356
- David Watkins, Sali Ahmed and Sarah Pickersgill
Volume 14, issue 3, 2023
- Redistributive Regulations and Deadweight Loss pp. 407-436
- Daniel J. Hemel
- Differences by Race and Ethnicity in Title IX’s Effect on Women’s Health pp. 437-450
- Delaney Beck, Joni Hersch and W Viscusi
- Cost–Benefit Analysis of an “Average” Professional Sports Team or Stadium in the United States pp. 451-477
- Cristian Sepulveda
Volume 14, issue 2, 2023
- Seven Recommendations for Pricing Greenhouse Gas Emissions pp. 191-204
- Arthur G. Fraas, John D. Graham, Kerry M. Krutilla, Randall Lutter, Jason F. Shogren, Linda Thunström and W Viscusi
- Distribution and Disputation: Net Benefits, Equity, and Public Decision-Making pp. 205-229
- Spencer Banzhaf
- An Assessment of the Climate Damage Costs of European Short-Lived Climate Forcers pp. 230-250
- Stefan Åström and Lovisa Källmark
- The Welfare Cost of Beijing’s Lottery Policy: Evidence from a Contingent Valuation Survey pp. 251-274
- Ping Qin, Yifei Quan, Antung A. Liu, Joshua Linn and Jun Yang
- Ex Ante Costs Versus Ex Post Costs of the Large Municipal Waste Combustor Rule pp. 275-297
- Cynthia Morgan and Carl Pasurka
- A Test of Hirschman’s Hiding Hand Principle in World Bank-Financed Hydropower Projects pp. 298-317
- Godwin Olasehinde-Williams and Glenn Jenkins
- Assessing Risk, Effectiveness, and Benefits in Transportation Regulation pp. 318-335
- Deborah Vaughn Aiken and Stephen Brumbaugh
- A Benefit–Cost Analysis of Tulsa Pre-K, Based on Effects on High-School Graduation and College Attendance pp. 336-355
- Timothy Bartik, William T. Gormley, Sara Amadon, Douglas Hummel-Price and James Fuller
- When Patients are Assailants: Valuing Occupational Risks in Health Care pp. 356-385
- Elissa P. Gentry and W Viscusi
- The Elasticity of Marginal Utility of Income for Distributional Weighting and Social Discounting: A Meta-Analysis pp. 386-405
- Daniel Acland and David Greenberg
Volume 14, issue 1, 2023
- Inequality and the Value of a Statistical Life pp. 1-7
- Cass R. Sunstein
- Promoting Equity through Equitable Risk Tradeoffs pp. 8-34
- Thomas Kniesner and W Viscusi
- An Equity Blindspot: The Incidence of Regulatory Costs pp. 35-43
- Caroline Cecot
- The Generalized Risk-Adjusted Cost-Effectiveness (GRACE) Model for Measuring the Value of Gains in Health: An Exact Formulation pp. 44-67
- Darius Lakdawalla and Charles E. Phelps
- Distributional weighting and welfare/equity tradeoffs: a new approach pp. 68-92
- Daniel J. Acland and David Greenberg
- All Cancers Are not Created Equal: How Do Survival Prospects Affect the Willingness to Pay to Avoid Cancer? pp. 93-113
- Anna Alberini, Christoph Rheinberger and Milan Ščasný
- When Can Benefit–Cost Analyses Ignore Secondary Markets? pp. 114-140
- Matthew J. Kotchen and Arik Levinson
- Discounting in Natural Resource Damage Assessment pp. 141-161
- Eric Horsch, Daniel Phaneuf, Chris Giguere, Jason Murray, Cameron Duff and Cole Kroninger
- Discounting in Natural Resource Damage Assessment – Erratum pp. 162-162
- Eric Horsch, Daniel Phaneuf, Chris Giguere, Jason Murray, Cameron Duff and Cole Kroninger
- The Net Benefits and Residual Cost from U.S. Border Management of the Initially Inadmissible pp. 163-189
- Robert Farrow
Volume 13, issue 3, 2022
- “We Test”: An Imagined Regulatory Future pp. 269-280
- Cass R. Sunstein
- Three Criteria for Evaluating Social Programs pp. 281-286
- Jorge Luis Garcia and James Joseph Heckman
- Three Misconceptions about Federal Regulation pp. 287-309
- Patrick A. McLaughlin and Casey B. Mulligan
- How is the U.S. Pricing Carbon? How Could We Price Carbon? pp. 310-334
- Joseph E. Aldy, Dallas Burtraw, Carolyn Fischer, Meredith Fowlie, Roberton Williams and Maureen L. Cropper
- The Benefits and Costs of a Child Allowance pp. 335-362
- Irwin Garfinkel, Laurel Sariscsany, Elizabeth Ananat, Sophie Collyer, Robert P. Hartley, Buyi Wang and Christopher Wimer
- Risk Perception, Learning, and Willingness to Pay to Reduce Heart Disease Risk pp. 363-382
- Mark Dickie, Wiktor Adamowicz, Shelby Gerking and Marcella Veronesi
- Paying a Premium for “Green Steel”: Paying for an Illusion? pp. 383-393
- Per-Olov Johansson and Bengt Kriström
Volume 13, issue 2, 2022
- The Broad Impacts of Disposable Lighter Safety Regulations pp. 149-165
- W Viscusi and Rachel Dalafave
- Costs and Benefits of Branded Drugs: Insights from Cost-Effectiveness Research pp. 166-181
- Harry Frech, Mark V. Pauly, William S. Comanor and Joseph R. Martinez
- The Value of Statistical Life: A Meta-Analysis of Meta-Analyses pp. 182-197
- Spencer Banzhaf
- Dynamic Versus Static Modeling of Mortality-Related Benefits of PM2.5 Reductions in the USA and Chile: 1990 to 2050 pp. 198-223
- Henry Roman, James E. Neumann, Stefani Penn, Alisa White and Neal Fann
- The Weak Spot of Infrastructure BCA: Cost Overruns in Seven Road and Railway Construction Projects pp. 224-246
- Jan-Eric Nilsson
- Valuing COVID-19 Morbidity Risk Reductions pp. 247-268
- Lisa Robinson, Michael R. Eber and James K. Hammitt
Volume 13, issue 1, 2022
- Is California’s Electric Vehicle Rebate Regressive? A Distributional Analysis pp. 1-19
- Arthur L. Ku and John D. Graham
- Categorizing and Ranking Graphs in Economics Research: The American Economic Review over the Last Century pp. 20-33
- Jonathan Schwabish
- Prospective Evaluation of Health Communication Effects on Market Outcomes pp. 34-56
- Rosemarie L. Summers, Dallas W. Wood, Nellie Lew, Shawn A. Karns, Mary K. Muth, Clark Nardinelli, Janet G. Peckham and Carolyn Wolff
- Early Education and Adult Health: Age 37 Impacts and Economic Benefits of the Child-Parent Center Preschool Program pp. 57-90
- Nishank Varshney, Judy Temple and Arthur J. Reynolds
- Benefit-Cost Ratios of Continuing Routine Immunization During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa pp. 91-106
- Elizabeth Watts, Joshua Mak and Bryan Patenaude
- Demand for an Environmental Public Good in the Time of COVID-19: A Statewide Water Quality Referendum pp. 107-119
- George Parsons, Laura A. Paul and Kent Messer
- Time Savings vs. Access-Based Benefit Assessment of New York’s Second Avenue Subway pp. 120-147
- Yadi Wang and David Levinson
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