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Main Street Economist

1999 - 2014

From Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
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2014, articles 3

Structural transitions in global agriculture: a summary of the 2014 Agricultural Symposium pp. 1-7 Downloads
Nathan Kauffman

2014, articles 2

U.S. electricity prices in the wake of growing natural gas production pp. 1-8 Downloads
Jason Brown and Andres Kodaka

2014, articles 1

Getting crude to market: central U.S. oil transportation challenges pp. 1-7 Downloads
Nida Cakir Melek and Chad Wilkerson

2013, articles 5

Less uncertainty about future corn prices highlights liquidity pp. 1-7 Downloads
Maria Akers and Nathan Kauffman

2013, articles 4

The shifting nexus of global agriculture: a summary of the 2013 Agricultural Symposium pp. 1-7 Downloads
Nathan Kauffman

2013, articles 3

The cycles of wind power development pp. 1-7 Downloads
Jason Brown

2013, articles 2

Financing young and beginning farmers Downloads
Nathan Kauffman

2013, articles 1

The wealth effect in U.S. agriculture Downloads
Jason Henderson and Nathan Kauffman

2012, articles 6

Will farm profits shift in 2013? Downloads
Nathan Kauffman

2012, articles 5

Markets, not mandates, shape ethanol production Downloads
Nathan Kauffman

2012, articles 4

Is this farm boom different? a summary of the 2012 Agricultural Symposium Downloads
Jason Henderson

2012, articles 3

Initial impacts of the 2012 drought Downloads
Jason Henderson and Nathan Kauffman

2012, articles 2

Rebuilding rural manufacturing Downloads
Jason Henderson

2012, articles 1

Commodities underpin rural economic growth Downloads
Maria Akers and Jason Henderson

2011, articles 5

Is this farm boom different? Downloads
Jason Henderson

2011, articles 4

Recognizing risk in global agriculture: a summary of the 2011 Agricultural Symposium Downloads
Jason Henderson

2011, articles 3

Will U.S. food prices follow global trends? Downloads
Jason Henderson

2011, articles 2

Farm balance sheets: the hidden risk of non-real estate debt Downloads
Brian Briggeman

2011, articles 1

What are the risks in today’s farmland market? Downloads
Brian Briggeman and Jason Henderson

2010, articles 6

Debt, income and farm financial stress Downloads
Brian Briggeman

2010, articles 5

A rural rebound in 2010 Downloads
Maria Akers and Jason Henderson

2010, articles 4

Farming, Finance and the Global Marketplace: a summary of the 2010 agricultural symposium Downloads
Jennifer Clark and Jason Henderson

2010, articles 3

Rural America's fiscal challenge Downloads
Alison Felix and Jason Henderson

2010, articles 2

The new ACRE program: costs and effects Downloads
Brian Briggeman and Jody Campiche

2010, articles 1

Financial challenges facing farm enterprises Downloads
Maria Akers and Jason Henderson

2009, articles 6

Will high farmland values hold? Downloads
Maria Akers and Jason Henderson

2009, articles 5

Prospects for a rural recovery Downloads
Jason Henderson

2009, articles 4

The slow road back for the U.S. livestock industry Downloads
Brian Briggeman and Jason Henderson

2009, articles 3

Monitoring credit conditions in rural America Downloads
Brian Briggeman

2009, articles 2

When will agricultural demand rebound? Downloads
Jason Henderson

2009, articles 1

Agricultural credit standards tighten Downloads
Jason Henderson

2008, articles 6

Is rural America facing a home price bust? Downloads
Chad Wilkerson

2008, articles 5

Are energy prices threatening the farm boom? Downloads
Jason Henderson

2008, articles 4

The national defense boost in rural America Downloads
Chad Wilkerson and Megan Williams

2008, articles 3

Can grain elevators survive record crop prices? Downloads
Jason Henderson

2008, articles 2

Can rising exports sustain the farm boom? Downloads
Maria Akers and Jason Henderson

2008, articles 1

What is driving food price inflation? Downloads
Jason Henderson

2007, articles 6

Farm spending surges with record incomes Downloads
Maria Akers and Jason Henderson

2007, articles 5

The Tenth District's defining industries: changes and opportunities for rural communities Downloads
Megan Williams

2007, articles 4

The power of technological innovation in rural America Downloads
Jason Henderson

2007, articles 3

Will the rebound in farm financial conditions continue? Downloads
Maria Akers and Jason Henderson

2007, articles 2

Minorities in the Tenth District: are they ready for the jobs of the future? Downloads
Chad Wilkerson and Megan Williams

2007, articles 1

Can ethanol power the rural economy? Downloads
Jason Henderson and Nancy Novack

2006, articles Special edition

Division of Regional, Public and Community Affairs: an expanded commitment to regional & rural research Downloads

2006, articles 8

U.S. agricultural credit conditions: drought strikes the plains Downloads
Nancy Novack

2006, articles 6

A catalog of innovative regional partnerships, part two Downloads
Katie Cervantes, Jason Henderson and Stephan Weiler

2006, articles 5

Innovative regional partnerships in the rural Tenth District Downloads
Katie Cervantes, Jason Henderson and Stephan Weiler

2006, articles 4

A new rural economy: a new role for public policy Downloads
Mark Drabenstott and Jason Henderson

2006, articles 3

U.S. agricultural credit conditions: a softening in 2006? Downloads
Nancy Novack

2006, articles 2

Obesity: America’s economic epidemic Downloads
Jason Henderson and Sarah Low

2006, articles 1

A robust rural economy Downloads
Jason Henderson
Page updated 2024-12-31