International Journal of Stochastic Analysis
1987 - 2018
From Hindawi
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Mohamed Abdelhakeem ().
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Volume 2018, month September, 2018
- Stochastic Temporal Data Upscaling Using the Generalized k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm pp. 1-8

- John Mashford
Volume 2018, month July, 2018
- Regime-Switching Temperature Dynamics Model for Weather Derivatives pp. 1-15

- Samuel Gyamerah, Philip Ngare and Dennis Ikpe
Volume 2017, month July, 2017
- Option Price Decomposition in Spot-Dependent Volatility Models and Some Applications pp. 1-16

- Raúl Merino and Josep Vives
Volume 2017, month March, 2017
- Malliavin Differentiability of Solutions of SPDEs with Lévy White Noise pp. 1-9

- Raluca M. Balan and Cheikh B. Ndongo
Volume 2017, month February, 2017
- Semigroup Solution of Path-Dependent Second-Order Parabolic Partial Differential Equations pp. 1-12

- Sixian Jin and Henry Schellhorn
Volume 2017, month January, 2017
- Global Stability of Nonlinear Stochastic SEI Epidemic Model with Fluctuations in Transmission Rate of Disease pp. 1-7

- Olusegun Michael Otunuga
Volume 2016, month September, 2016
- Asymptotic Time Averages and Frequency Distributions pp. 1-10

- Muhammad El-Taha
- Generalisation of Hajek’s Stochastic Comparison Results to Stochastic Sums pp. 1-6

- Jörg Kampen
Volume 2016, month August, 2016
- A BSDE with Delayed Generator Approach to Pricing under Counterparty Risk and Collateralization pp. 1-11

- Francesco Cordoni and Luca Di Persio
Volume 2016, month July, 2016
- Stochastic Analysis of Gaussian Processes via Fredholm Representation pp. 1-15

- Tommi Sottinen and Lauri Viitasaari
- Analysis of a Priority Queue with Phase-Type Service and Failures pp. 1-11

- Alexander Dudin and Sergei Dudin
- Optimal Bounds for the Variance of Self-Intersection Local Times pp. 1-10

- George Deligiannidis and Sergey Utev
Volume 2016, month March, 2016
- Multiserver Queue with Guard Channel for Priority and Retrial Customers pp. 1-23

- Kazuki Kajiwara and Tuan Phung-Duc
Volume 2015, month October, 2015
- Large Deviation Analysis of a Droplet Model Having a Poisson Equilibrium Distribution pp. 1-15

- Richard S. Ellis and Shlomo Ta’asan
Volume 2015, month July, 2015
- Pricing FX Options in the Heston/CIR Jump-Diffusion Model with Log-Normal and Log-Uniform Jump Amplitudes pp. 1-15

- Rehez Ahlip and Ante Prodan
- On Continuous Selection Sets of Non-Lipschitzian Quantum Stochastic Evolution Inclusions pp. 1-5

- Sheila Bishop
Volume 2015, month June, 2015
- A Generic Decomposition Formula for Pricing Vanilla Options under Stochastic Volatility Models pp. 1-11

- Raúl Merino and Josep Vives
Volume 2015, month April, 2015
- Stochastic Nonlinear Equations Describing the Mesoscopic Voltage-Gated Ion Channels pp. 1-13

- Mauricio Tejo
Volume 2015, month February, 2015
- A General Multidimensional Monte Carlo Approach for Dynamic Hedging under Stochastic Volatility pp. 1-21

- Daniel Bonetti, Dorival Leão, Alberto Ohashi and Vinícius Siqueira
- Asymptotic Stabilizability of a Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Hybrid Systems pp. 1-9

- Ewelina Seroka
- A Comparative Numerical Study of the Spectral Theory Approach of Nishimura and the Roots Method Based on the Analysis of BDMMAP/G/1 Queue pp. 1-9

- Arunava Maity and U. C. Gupta
Volume 2015, month January, 2015
- Yamada-Watanabe Results for Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps pp. 1-23

- Mátyás Barczy, Zenghu Li and Gyula Pap
- A Stochastic Flows Approach for Asset Allocation with Hidden Economic Environment pp. 1-11

- Tak Kuen Siu
Volume 2014, month December, 2014
- On Henstock Method to Stratonovich Integral with respect to Continuous Semimartingale pp. 1-7

- Haifeng Yang and Tin Lam Toh
- Adaptive Algorithm for Estimation of Two-Dimensional Autoregressive Fields from Noisy Observations pp. 1-5

- Alimorad Mahmoudi
- Strong Law of Large Numbers for Hidden Markov Chains Indexed by an Infinite Tree with Uniformly Bounded Degrees pp. 1-6

- Huilin Huang
Volume 2014, month November, 2014
- A Note on the Distribution of Multivariate Brownian Extrema pp. 1-6

- Marcos Escobar Anel and Julio Hernandez
- Optimal Foreign Exchange Rate Intervention in Lévy Markets pp. 1-8

- Masimba Aspinas Mutakaya, Eriyoti Chikodza and Edward T. Chiyaka
Volume 2014, month October, 2014
- Limit Properties of Transition Functions of Continuous-Time Markov Branching Processes pp. 1-10

- Azam A. Imomov
- A Discrete-Time Queue with Balking, Reneging, and Working Vacations pp. 1-8

- Veena Goswami
Volume 2014, month September, 2014
- Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Approach to Hedging, Option Pricing, and Insurance Problems pp. 1-11

- Francesco Cordoni and Luca Di Persio
- A Semigroup Expansion for Pricing Barrier Options pp. 1-15

- Takashi Kato, Akihiko Takahashi and Toshihiro Yamada
Volume 2014, month July, 2014
- Efficient Variable Step Size Approximations for Strong Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations with Additive Noise and Time Singularity pp. 1-6

- Harry Randolph Hughes and Pathiranage Lochana Siriwardena
Volume 2014, month May, 2014
- A Two-Mode Mean-Field Optimal Switching Problem for the Full Balance Sheet pp. 1-16

- Boualem Djehiche and Ali Hamdi
Volume 2014, month April, 2014
- Influence of Gestation Delay and Predator’s Interference in Predator-Prey Interaction under Stochastic Environment pp. 1-9

- Debaldev Jana
Volume 2014, month March, 2014
- From Pseudorandom Walk to Pseudo-Brownian Motion: First Exit Time from a One-Sided or a Two-Sided Interval pp. 1-49

- Aimé Lachal
- Diffusion Processes Satisfying a Conservation Law Constraint pp. 1-9

- J. Bakosi and J. R. Ristorcelli
- with Setup Time, Bernoulli Vacation, Break Down, and Delayed Repair pp. 1-12

- G. Ayyappan and S. Shyamala
Volume 2014, month February, 2014
- SPDEs with -Stable Lévy Noise: A Random Field Approach pp. 1-22

- Raluca M. Balan
Volume 2014, month January, 2014
- The Relationship between the Stochastic Maximum Principle and the Dynamic Programming in Singular Control of Jump Diffusions pp. 1-17

- Farid Chighoub and Brahim Mezerdi
Volume 2013, month December, 2013
- Measure-Dependent Stochastic Nonlinear Beam Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion pp. 1-16

- Mark A. McKibben
- Some Limit Properties of the Harmonic Mean of Transition Probabilities for Markov Chains in Markovian Environments Indexed by Cayley's Trees pp. 1-5

- Huilin Huang
- Sharp Large Deviation for the Energy of -Brownian Bridge pp. 1-4

- Shoujiang Zhao, Qiaojing Liu, Fuxiang Liu and Hong Yin
Volume 2013, month November, 2013
- Analysis of Queue-Length Dependent Vacations and P-Limited Service in BMAP/G/1/ N Systems: Stationary Distributions and Optimal Control pp. 1-14

- A. D. Banik
- Online Stochastic Convergence Analysis of the Kalman Filter pp. 1-9

- Matthew B. Rhudy and Yu Gu
- Foundations of the Theory of Semilinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations pp. 1-25

- Stefan Tappe
Volume 2013, month September, 2013
- Stability Analysis of a Stochastic SIR Epidemic Model with Specific Nonlinear Incidence Rate pp. 1-4

- Jihad Adnani, Khalid Hattaf and Noura Yousfi
- The BALM Copula pp. 1-6

- Boyan Dimitrov and Nikolai Kolev
Volume 2013, month August, 2013
- The LMI Approach for Stabilizing of Linear Stochastic Systems pp. 1-5

- Ivan Ivanov
Volume 2013, month April, 2013
- The Itô Integral with respect to an Infinite Dimensional Lévy Process: A Series Approach pp. 1-14

- Stefan Tappe
- A Stochastic Diffusion Process for the Dirichlet Distribution pp. 1-7

- J. Bakosi and J. R. Ristorcelli
Volume 2013, month March, 2013
- Applications of Stochastic Processes in Biology and Medicine pp. 1-2

- Charles J. Mode, Rick Durrett, Fima Klebaner and Peter Olofsson
- Simulating the Emergence of Mutations and Their Subsequent Evolution in an Age-Structured Stochastic Self-Regulating Process with Two Sexes pp. 1-23

- Charles J. Mode, Candace K. Sleeman and Towfique Raj
- Modeling Neutral Evolution Using an Infinite-Allele Markov Branching Process pp. 1-10

- Xiaowei Wu and Marek Kimmel
- Filtering for Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems with Nonlinear Sensor and Time-Varying Delay pp. 1-9

- Mingang Hua, Pei Cheng, Juntao Fei, Jianyong Zhang and Junfeng Chen
- Risk of Infectious Disease Outbreaks by Imported Cases with Application to the European Football Championship 2012 pp. 1-9

- Attila Dénes, Péter Kevei, Hiroshi Nishiura and Gergely Röst
Volume 2013, month February, 2013
- Asymptotic Behavior of Densities for Stochastic Functional Differential Equations pp. 1-17

- Akihiro Kitagawa and Atsushi Takeuchi
- Time Reversal of Volterra Processes Driven Stochastic Differential Equations pp. 1-13

- L. Decreusefond