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1994 - 2024

Current editor(s): Miroslav Vacura

From Prague University of Economics and Business
Contact information at EDIRC.

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2024, volume 2024, articles 1

On the question concerning the experience of eternal recurrence (K otázke skúsenosti večného návratu toho istého) pp. 4-13 Downloads
Štefan Jusko
Towards a Sustainable Economy and Some New Trends in Economic Thinking From an Ethical Perspective (Smerovanie k udržateľnej ekonomike a niektoré nové trendy ekonomického myslenia z pohľadu etiky) pp. 14-28 Downloads
Eva Pechočiaková Svitačová
The importance of education in comprehending and judging technology pp. 29-34 Downloads
Francesco Scotognella
Demystifying Consciousness: A Non-Reductive Framework pp. 35-46 Downloads
Jahaziel Osei Mensah

2023, volume 2023, articles 2

Once More about Human Nature, Enhancement and Substitution (Ešte raz o ľudskej prirodzenosti, zdokonaľovaní a substitúcii) pp. 4-55 Downloads
Robert Burgan
Limits of Demythologization, Critique of Ideology, Postmodern Critique of Reason and Critique of the Other: Unsuccessful Moments in the History of Modern Rationality pp. 56-70 Downloads
Fasil Merawi
Well-being in the Advent of Capitalism: Maximization of Utility against Categorical Imperative pp. 71-82 Downloads
Givheart C. Dano

2023, volume 2023, articles 1

Byung-Chul Han's Burnout Society (Byung-Chul Hanova Vyhořelá společnost Byung-Chul Han's Burnout Society) pp. 4-13 Downloads
Adam Šimčík
Philosophical Discourse on Image and Text (A Historical Analysis of Image and Text Relationship) pp. 14-20 Downloads
Anastasia Jessica Adinda Susanti
Fundamental Uncertainty in Model Predictions: Analysis of Modern Macroeconomic Models from the Perspective of Friedman's Instrumentalism pp. 15-36 Downloads
Jáchym Novotný

2022, volume 2022, articles 2

Private militaries: Mercenaries, or fighters of a just war? (Soukromé armády: žoldáci, nebo bojovníci spravedlivé války?) pp. 4-22 Downloads
Tom Křížek
The Role of Federal Government in the United States War Economy during World War II (Role federální vlády ve válečné ekonomice Spojených států amerických během druhé světové války) pp. 23-47 Downloads
Zdenka Johnson
Analysis of Technological and Economical Aspects of the On-Going Russian-Ukrainian Hybrid War: The Question of Modernity of Russian Army (Analýza techniky a ekonomických aspektov prebiehajúcej hybridnej vojny na Ukrajine: Otázka modernosti ruskej armády) pp. 48-72 Downloads
Alexandra Tokarčíková
Why is there still a war? On the latent meaning of war aggression (Proč pořád ještě válka? K latentnímu smyslu válečné agresivity) pp. 73-85 Downloads
Hynek Tippelt

2022, volume 2022, articles 1

'tis but a Scratch: on the Moral Neutrality of Tattoos pp. 4-18 Downloads
Michael Campbell
Dangerous epistemology (Nebezpečná epistemologie) pp. 19-31 Downloads
Pablos Kubes
Usury and the Paretian Objection pp. 32-46 Downloads
Lukáš Augustin Máslo

2021, volume 2021, articles 2

Main schools of thought and methodological approaches in the context of environmental protection (Hlavní myšlenkové proudy a metodologické přístupy v kontextu ochrany životního prostředí) pp. 4-15 Downloads
Šárka Pikhartová
Methodology of examining the efficient markets hypothesis - gradual evolution or paradigmatic leaps? (Metodológia skúmania hypotézy efektívnych trhov - postupná evolúcia alebo paradigmatické skoky?) pp. 16-25 Downloads
Michal Vyletelka
An Extraordinary Deed of Czech Philosophy of the 20th Century: Engliš's Great Logic (Mimořádný počin české filosofie 20. století: Englišova Velká logika) pp. 26-33 Downloads
Jiří Vaněk

2021, volume 2021, articles 1

The Social Contract Theory and Corporation Moral Obligation pp. 4-16 Downloads
Husein Inusah and Peter Sena Gawu
Max Scheler - Critique of the Notion of Love (Max Scheler - kritika pojmu lásky) pp. 17-32 Downloads
Štefan Tóth
On the implicit presence of the critical-idealistic phase of Marx´s thinking in the dialectical-historical materialistic phase (O implicitní přítomnosti kriticko-idealistické fáze Marxova myšlení ve fázi dialekticko-historicko materialistické) pp. 33-49 Downloads
Luděk Toman
The Dictate of the Unconscious: The Latent Meaning of a Philosophical Text pp. 50-59 Downloads
Hynek Tippelt
The Renaissance of the Main Goal of Economy and the Humanistic Approach to Human Resources - Prerequisites for the Humanization of Contemporary Economy (Renesancia hlavného cieľa ekonomiky a humánny prístup k ľudským zdrojom - predpoklady humanizácie súčasnej ekonomiky) pp. 60-68 Downloads
Eva Pechočiaková Svitačová
The Concept of Non-Aggression of Murray N. Rothbard and Its Correction (Pojem non-agrese u Murrayho N. Rothbarda a jeho korekce) pp. 69-79 Downloads
Lukáš Augustin Máslo

2020, volume 2020, articles 2

Science, Pseudoscience and Parascience (Věda, pseudověda a paravěda) pp. 4-17 Downloads
Filip Tvrdý
Let's the Pictures Speak about Themself: Contribution of W.J.T. Mitchell on Philosophy of Image (Let the Pictures Speak about Themselves: Contribution of W.J.T. Mitchell on Philosophy of Image) pp. 18-23 Downloads
Anastasia Jessica Adinda Susanti
Philosophical Aspects of Collaboration During World War II (Filozofické aspekty kolaborace za druhé světové války) pp. 24-33 Downloads
Václav Velčovský
New Styles of Reasoning in Contemporary Philosophy and Science pp. 34-45 Downloads
Jitka Paitlová
War and Philosophy: A Study of Mutual Interaction pp. 46-56 Downloads
Michal Rigel
In Defense of Semantic Externalism pp. 57-70 Downloads
Panu Raatikainen

2020, volume 2020, articles 1

A Meinongian Empirical Case Based on Galician 'Meigas' pp. 4-20 Downloads
Olga Ramírez Calle
To one of Spinoza´s letters … (K jednomu Spinozovu dopisu …) pp. 21-24 Downloads
Martin Hemelík
A short reminder … (Krátké připomenutí) pp. 25-29 Downloads
Martin Hemelík
Karl Popper and the Method of Causal Explanation in Historical Sciences pp. 30-37 Downloads
Jiří Stránský
The issue of the ego in Husserl's Logical Investigations and Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy (Problém já v Husserlových Logických zkoumáních a v Idejích k čisté fenomenologii a fenomenologické filosofii) pp. 38-55 Downloads
David Rybák
Being oneself and being self-conscious. Spinoza's concept of freedom pp. 56-70 Downloads
Hynek Tippelt

2019, volume 2019, articles 2

Philosophical-Anthropological Contribution by Viktor Frankl - the Human, Meaning, Illness and Health (Filozoficko-antropologický přínos Viktora Frankla - člověk, smysl, nemoc a zdraví) pp. 4-13 Downloads
Roman Adamczyk
Conscious Experience and Quantum Consciousness Theory: Theories, Causation, and Identity pp. 14-34 Downloads
Mika Suojanen
Meta-awareness as a solution to the problem of Awareness of Intention (Meta-awareness jako řešení problému Awareness of Intention) pp. 35-47 Downloads
Ondřej Bečev
Perception as an Explication of Being in Patočka and Merleau-Ponty (Smyslové vnímání jako vyjadřování bytí u Patočky a Merleau-Pontyho) pp. 48-74 Downloads
Martin Rabas

2019, volume 2019, articles 1

T. H. Huxley's Evolution and Ethics: Struggle for Survival and Society pp. 4-18 Downloads
Klára Netíková
The End of History and Comparison of Cultures (Konec dějin a komparace kultur) pp. 19-33 Downloads
Jan Kozák
About Attributes of God (The First Czech Translations of Two Letters, which Were Changed between B. Spinoza and G. H. Schuller in July 1675.) (O atributech Boha (První české překlady dopisů, které si v červenci roku 1675 mezi sebou vyměnili B. Spinoza a G. H. Schuller)) pp. 34-46 Downloads
Martin Hemelík
About Attributes of God II (The First Czech Translations of Two Letters, which Were Changed between B. Spinoza and G. H. Schuller in November 1675.) (O atributech Boha II (První české překlady dopisů, které si v listopadu roku 1675 mezi sebou vyměnili B. Spinoza a G. H. Schuller)) pp. 47-55 Downloads
Martin Hemelík

2018, volume 2018, articles 2

Nietzsche and War (Nietzsche a válka) pp. 4-14 Downloads
Jan Krist
About the Origin of Dreams (The First Czech Translation of Letter, which B. Spinoza Wrote to His Friend P. Balling in Summer of 1663 or 1664.) (O původu snů (První český překlad dopisu, který v létě roku 1663 (nebo 1664) napsal B. Spinoza svému příteli Pieteru Ballingovi.)) pp. 15-21 Downloads
Martin Hemelík
Kim on Causation and Mental Causation pp. 22-47 Downloads
Panu Raatikainen
A Study in Language Analysis of Francis Bacon and Johan Amos Comenius III: Bacon, Comenius and Their Legacy in Swift and Sheridan (Příspěvek k pojetí jazyka u Francise Bacona a Jana Amose Komenského III) pp. 48-60 Downloads
Jitka Kuncová

2018, volume 2018, articles 1

Beyond Witches, Angels and Unicorns. The Possibility of Expanding Russell's Existential Analysis pp. 4-15 Downloads
Olga Ramírez Calle
The Problematic Parts of Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Problematické části Kuhnovy Struktury vědeckých revolucí) pp. 16-25 Downloads
Vendula Kovářová
The asymmetry objection to political liberalism: evaluation of a defence pp. 26-32 Downloads
Terence Rajivan Edward
Ontological relativity and metadata (Ontologická relativita a metadat) pp. 33-42 Downloads
Jakub Novotný
Republic, Plato's 7th letter and the concept of Δωριστὶ ζῆν pp. 43-49 Downloads
Konstantinos Gkaleas
Two Principles of Justice (Dva princípy spravodlivosti) pp. 50-71 Downloads
Magdaléna Steinhauser Wesserlová
Page updated 2025-02-17