management revue. Socio-economic Studies
2004 - 2016
Current editor(s): Matthias Baum, Ina Ehnert, Marcel Erlinghagen, Simon Fietze, Susanne Gretzinger, Wenzel Matiaske and Sylvia Rohlfer From Rainer Hampp Verlag Bibliographic data for series maintained by Rainer Hampp ( this e-mail address is bad, please contact Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 4, 2016
- The relationship between profit-sharing schemes and wages: Evidence from French firms pp. 219-233
- Mathieu Floquet, Loris Guery, Chloé Guillot-Soulez, Patrice Laroche and Anne Stévenot
- Resurrected, recovered, but still didn’t survive? A case study on the viability of employee-owned companies pp. 234-260
- Olaf Kranz and Thomas Steger
- Financialisation of wages and works councils’ policy: Profit sharing in the German metalworking and electrical engineering industries pp. 261-284
- Thomas Haipeter
- Employee share ownership in Germany: A cluster analysis of firms' aims pp. 285-303
- Renate Ortlieb, Wenzel Matiaske and Simon Fietze
- Are firms with financial participation of employees better off in a crisis? Evidence from the IAB Establishment Panel Survey pp. 304-320
- Lutz Bellmann and Iris Möller
Volume 27, issue 3, 2016
- Dynamics of a facilitator’s role: Insights from the Danish construction industry pp. 117-138
- Per V. Freytag and Pia Storvang
- A long way home: How an intra-organizational innovation network overcomes its political boundaries pp. 139-159
- Christiane Rau, Anne-Katrin Neyer, Agnes Schipanski and Fiona Schweitzer
- Predicting HR’s involvement and influence in strategic decision-making pp. 160-187
- Gary Florkowski and Miguel R. Olivas-Luján
- Social reciprocity as a critical success factor for small and mid-size enterprises: Work relationships as reflections of social exchange structures pp. 188-207
- Thorsten Jochims
Volume 27, issue 1-2, 2016
- HRM responses to ageing societies in Germany and Japan: Contexts for comparison pp. 5-13
- Keith Jackson and Philippe Debroux
- Making the case for older workers pp. 14-28
- Philip Taylor and Catherine Earl
- Diversity management in ageing societies: A comparative study of Germany and Japan pp. 29-49
- Lena Elisabeth Kemper, Anna Katharina Bader and Fabian Jintae Froese
- Ageing society and evolving wage systems in Japan pp. 50-62
- Nobuo Sueki
- Workplace accommodation for older teachers in Japan and Germany: The role of the institutional context in supporting late career options for teachers with ill health pp. 63-81
- Heike Schroeder, Masa Higo and Matt Flynn
- Elderly workers in Japan: The need for a new deal pp. 82-96
- Philippe Debroux
- Comparing HRM responses to ageing societies in Germany and Japan: Towards a new research agenda pp. 97-113
- Keith Jackson
Volume 26, issue 4, 2015
- The influence of temporary time offs from work on employer attractive-ness – An experimental study pp. 282-305
- Sarah Altmann and Stefan Suess
- Success factors in Balanced Scorecard implementations – A literature review pp. 306-327
- Rainer Lueg and Louisa Vu
- Unpacking performance benefits of innovation ambidexterity: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry pp. 328-348
- Osamu Suzuki
Volume 26, issue 3, 2015
- Contemporary calendar management: Exploring the intersections of groupware and personal calendars pp. 185-202
- Sharon P. McKechnie and Joy E. Beatty
- Time to teach: Revisiting teaching time in German higher education pp. 203-226
- Alexander Mitterle, Roland Block and Carsten Wuermann
- Working time arrangements and family time of fathers: How work organization(s) shape fathers’ opportunities to engage in childcare pp. 227-252
- Thordis Reimer
- Between work and non-work: Institutional settings of boundary management in case of German self-employed lawyers pp. 253-276
- Irma Rybnikova and Josephine Krueger
Volume 26, issue 2, 2015
- Service innovation and internationalization in SMEs: Implications for growth and performance pp. 83-100
- Anna Kunttu and Lasse Torkkeli
- Internationalisation of R&D: New insights into multinational enterprises’ R&D strategies in emerging markets pp. 101-122
- Stine Jessen Haakonsson and Vandana Ujjual
- Job design, work engagement and innovative work behavior: A multi-level study on Karasek’s learning hypothesis pp. 123-137
- Stan De Spiegelaere, Guy Van Gyes, Hans De Witte and Geert Van Hootegem
- Perceptions of HRM and their effect on dimensions of innovative work behaviour: Evidence from a manufacturing firm pp. 138-160
- Andre Veenendaal and Tanya Bondarouk
- Success factors of virtual research teams – Does distance still matter? pp. 161-179
- Andrea Hanebuth
Volume 26, issue 1, 2015
- Innovation, institutions and cultures: Exploring the European context pp. 5-24
- Bice Della Piana, Alessandra Vecchi and Enrica Vivacqua
- Demand lotteries, abandonment options and the decision to start R&D and process innovation pp. 25-51
- Sabien Dobbelaere, Roland Iwan Luttens and Bettina Peters
- Who can you trust? The Swedish Confederation for Professional Employees (TCO) and trust-based working time 1950-1970 pp. 52-68
- Mikael Ottosson and Calle Rosengren
Volume 25, issue 4, 2014
- Job definitions and service behaviour. An investigation among technical service employees pp. 248-262
- Jan Dettmers
- Sustainable HRM: Bridging theory and practice through the ‘Respect Openness Continuity (ROC)’-model pp. 263-284
- Peggy De Prins, Lou Van Beirendonck, Ans De Vos and Jesse Segers
- The self-concept of book publishers and its significance for job satisfaction and satisfaction with economic success pp. 285-314
- Albert Martin and Susanne Bartscher-Finzer
Volume 25, issue 3, 2014
- Demographic change and innovation: The ongoing challenge from the diversity of the labor force pp. 166-184
- Doreen Richter
- Occupational segregation and organizational characteristics. Empirical evidence for Germany pp. 185-206
- Stefanie Seifert and Eva Schlenker
- The management of diversity in U.S. and German higher education pp. 207-226
- Marlene Langholz
- Can we support diversity by performance measurement of European higher education institutions? pp. 227-242
- René Krempkow and Ruth Kamm
Volume 25, issue 2, 2014
- Stakeholder involvement in Human Resource Management practices: Evidence from Italy pp. 80-102
- Marco Guerci and Abraham B. Rami Shani
- Is self-leadership the new silver bullet of leadership? An empirical test of the relationship between self-leadership and organizational commitment pp. 103-124
- Signe Pihl-Thingvad
- Innovation in small and medium-sized companies: Knowledge integration mechanisms and the role of top managers’ networks pp. 125-147
- Alexander Fliaster and Tanja Golly
Volume 25, issue 1, 2014
- Does alignment elicit competency-based HRM? A systematic review pp. 5-26
- Mieke Audenaert, Alex Vanderstraeten, Dirk Buyens and Sebastian Desmidt
- Changes in workplace situation and work values. Relations and dynamics within different employment regimes pp. 27-49
- Sven Hauff and Stefan Kirchner
- Service work without emotional labour? Role expectations of service engineers, their employers and customers in the mechanical engineering industry pp. 50-66
- Verena Houben and Kerstin Wuestner
Volume 24, issue 4, 2013
- Corporate governance, uncertainty and executive stock option plans pp. 250-269
- Dolores Álvarez-Pérez, Edelmira Neira-Fontela and Carmen Castro-Casal
- Sense of deservingness: What are the entitlement beliefs of students in their anticipatory psychological contract? pp. 270-288
- Werner Gresse, Bennie Linde and René Schalk
- 'Who are you?' – Constructing managerial identities in post-apartheid South Africa pp. 289-308
- Claude-Hélène Mayer and Lynette Louw
- Contemporary psychological contracts: How both employer and employee are changing the employment relationship pp. 309-327
- Sjoerd van der Smissen, René Schalk and Charissa Freese
Volume 24, issue 3, 2013
- Patterns of Organizational Flexibility in Knowledge-intensive Firms – Going Beyond Existing Concepts pp. 162-178
- Caroline Ruiner, Uta Wilkens and Monika Kuepper
- The Implications of Flexible Work: Membership in Organizations Revisited pp. 179-198
- Angelika Schmidt
- Employment-related Demands and Resources – New Ways of Researching Stress in Flexible Work Arrangements pp. 199-222
- Tim Vahle-Hinz, Katharina Kirschner and Maja Thomson
- Conflict between Work and Life: The Case of Contract Workers in the German IT and Media Sectors pp. 222-244
- Shiva Sayah and Stefan Suess
Volume 24, issue 2, 2013
- Balancing Firm and Network-based Resources to Gain Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of an Artisanal Musical Instruments Cluster in Germany pp. 77-95
- Birgit Leick
- Social Capital Determinants of Preferential Resource Allocation in Regional Clusters pp. 96-113
- Niels J. Pulles and Holger Schiele
- Bridging the Institutional Void: An Analytical Concept to Develop Valuable Cluster Services pp. 114-132
- Tine Schrammel
- Facilitating Different Types of Clusters pp. 133-150
- Mads Bruun Ingstrup
Volume 24, issue 1, 2013
- Embedded Flexibility Strategies and Diversity within Na-tional Institutional Frameworks: How many Flexibility Profiles are in the German Model? pp. 12-29
- Stefan Kirchner
- Performance Principle and Organizational Compensation Practice in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis: A Discourse-analytical Study pp. 30-52
- Ronald Hartz and Gabriele Fassauer
- Corporate Dieting. Persuasive Use of Metaphors in Downsizing pp. 53-70
- Heiko Hossfeld
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