Journal of Business Economics and Management
2003 - 2017
Current editor(s): Izolda Joksiene, Romualdas Ginevicius and Ieva Meidute From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 18, issue 6, 2017
- Assessment of technology transfer office performance for value creation in higher education institutions pp. 1063-1081
- Jelena Stankevičienė, Lidija Kraujalienė and Agnė Vaiciukevičiūtė
- Energy consumption, economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union countries pp. 1082-1097
- Giedrė Lapinskienė, Kęstutis Peleckis and Neringa Slavinskaitė
- Algorithm for the assessment of heavyweight and oversize cargo transportation routes pp. 1098-1114
- Artūras Petraška, Kristina Čižiūnienė, Aldona Jarašūnienė, Pavlo Maruschak and Olegas Prentkovskis
- Interactive digital media and impact of customer attitude and technology on brand awareness: evidence from the South Asian countries pp. 1115-1134
- Rizwan Raheem Ahmed, Jolita Vveinhardt and Dalia Streimikiene
- Is profitability driven by working capital management? evidence for high-growth firms from emerging Europe pp. 1135-1155
- Claudiu Boțoc and Sorin Anton
- Predictive potential and risks of selected bankruptcy prediction models in the Slovak business environment pp. 1156-1173
- Beata Gavurova, Miroslava Packova, Maria Misankova and Lubos Smrcka
- Evaluation of second pillar pension funds’ supply and investment strategies in Baltics pp. 1174-1192
- Teodoras Medaiskis and Tadas Gudaitis
- Estimation of medical equipment prices – a case study of tomotherapy equipment in the Czech Republic pp. 1193-1211
- Gleb Donin, Miroslav Barták and Peter Kneppo
- Comparative analysis of the Eastern European countries as participants of the new silk road pp. 1212-1227
- Joanicjusz Nazarko, Katarzyna Czerewacz-Filipowicz and Katarzyna Anna Kuźmicz
- Innovative component of economic security of enterprises: a case of the Republic of Moldova pp. 1228-1242
- Alina Ianioglo and Tatjana Polajeva
- Online grocery retailing in Germany: an explorative analysis pp. 1243-1263
- Christian Seitz, Jan Pokrivcak, Marián Tóth and Miroslav Plevný
Volume 18, issue 5, 2017
- Comparative study on retail sales forecasting between single and combination methods pp. 803-832
- Serkan Aras, İpek Deveci Kocakoç and Cigdem Polat
- Reduction of non-performing loans in the banking industry: an application of data envelopment analysis pp. 833-851
- Chih-Ching Yang
- Comparison of selected methods for performance evaluation of Czech and Slovak commercial banks pp. 852-876
- Beata Gavurova, Jaroslav Belas, Kristina Kocisova and Tomas Kliestik
- Global sourcing and technical efficiency – a firm-level study on the ICT industry in Sweden pp. 877-896
- Martin Andersson and Trudy-Ann Stone
- Prioritization of petroleum supply chains’ disruption management strategies using combined framework of BSC approach, fuzzy AHP and fuzzy Choquet integral operator pp. 897-919
- Fatemeh Ghasemzadeh, Mahsa Pishdar and Jurgita Antuchevičienė
- SMEs innovation capabilities and export performance: an entrepreneurial orientation view pp. 920-934
- Cláudia P. Ribau, António C. Moreira and Mário Raposo
- Environmental management in SMEs: organizational and sectoral determinants in the context of an Outermost European Region pp. 935-953
- Yaiza Armas-Cruz, Esperanza Gil-Soto and Juan Ramón Oreja-Rodríguez
- Pillar 3: market discipline of the key stakeholders in CEE commercial bank and turbulent times pp. 954-973
- Michal Munk, Anna Pilkova, Lubomir Benko and Petra Blažeková
- Modified SERVQUAL model and effects of customer attitude and technology on customer satisfaction in banking industry: mediation, moderation and conditional process analysis pp. 974-1004
- Rizwan Raheem Ahmed, Jolita Vveinhardt, Dalia Štreimikienė, Muhammad Ashraf and Zahid Ali Channar
- Leveraging financial management performance of the Spanish aerospace manufacturing value chain pp. 1005-1022
- Rubén Elvira Herranz, Pablo García Estévez, María Auxiliadora de Vicente y Oliva and Rahul Dé
- Hull-White’s value at risk model: case study of Baltic equities market pp. 1023-1041
- Nikola Radivojević, Nikola V. Ćurčić and Djurdjica Dj. Vukajlović
- Developing eco-innovation in business practice in Slovakia pp. 1042-1061
- Jana Hroncová Vicianová, Jana Jaďuďová, Martin Hronec and Silvia Rolíková
Volume 18, issue 4, 2017
- Scaled and stable mean-variance-EVaR portfolio selection strategy with proportional transaction costs pp. 561-584
- Ebenezer Fiifi Emire Atta Mills, Bo Yu and Jie Yu
- Trust as a booster pp. 585-598
- Jon Reiersen
- New group decision-making ARCAS approach based on the integration of the SWARA and the ARAS methods adapted for negotiations pp. 599-618
- Dragisa Stanujkic, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Darjan Karabasevic, Zenonas Turskis and Violeta Keršulienė
- Predicting customer lifetime value for hypermarket private label products pp. 619-635
- Hsin-Hui Lin, Hsien-Ta Li, Yi-Shun Wang, Timmy H. Tseng, Ya-Ling Kao and Min-Yi Wu
- Factors affecting personal customers’ trust in traditional banking: case of the Baltics pp. 636-649
- Viktorija Skvarciany and Daiva Jurevičienė
- Collateral requirements for SME loans: empirical evidence from the Visegrad countries pp. 650-675
- Ashiqur Rahman, Jaroslav Belas, Tomas Kliestik and Ladislav Tyll
- Non-equidistant “Basic Form”-focused Grey Verhulst Models (NBFGVMs) for ill-structured socio-economic forecasting problems pp. 676-694
- Mohammad Hashem-Nazari, Akbar Esfahanipour and S.M.T. Fatemi Ghomi
- Operational shipping intelligence through distributed cloud computing pp. 695-725
- Dragos Sebastian Cristea, Liliana Moga, Mihaela Neculita, Olegas Prentkovskis, Khalil Md Nor and Abbas Mardani
- HFMADM method based on nondimensionalization and its application in the evaluation of inclusive growth pp. 726-744
- Xiaodi Liu, Zengwen Wang and Antoinette Hetzler
- Fiscal decentralization and economic growth in selected European countries pp. 745-757
- Neringa Slavinskaitė
- Explicating the role of trust in knowledge sharing: a structural equation model test pp. 758-778
- Rasa Smaliukienė, Svajonė Bekešienė, Eugenijus Chlivickas and Marius Magyla
- Trend analysis of global stock market linkage based on a dynamic conditional correlation network pp. 779-800
- Kedong Yin, Zhe Liu and Peide Liu
- Corrigendum pp. 801-801
- The Editors
Volume 18, issue 3, 2017
- Risky multi-criteria group decision making on green capacity investment projects based on supply chain pp. 355-372
- Yan Song, Shuang Yao, Donghua Yu and Yan Shen
- Solving the ally-versus-acquire dilemma through the dual lenses of subjective and objective views pp. 373-389
- Chiung-Hui Tseng
- Does headquarter structure follow corporate strategy? an empirical study of antecedents and consequences of changes in the size of corporate headquarters pp. 390-411
- Sven Kunisch
- Impact of corporate taxation on unemployment pp. 412-426
- Aras Zirgulis and Tadas Šarapovas
- Integrated FANP-f-MIGP model for supplier selection in the renewable energy sector pp. 427-450
- Pınar Kaya Samut
- Is the great decoupling real? pp. 451-467
- Marinko Skare and Damian Škare
- Use of quantitative criteria in the management of personal consumption expenditure: challenges and opportunities pp. 468-486
- Kamilė Taujanskaitė, Eugenijus Milčius and Nomeda Dobrovolskienė
- Effect of supply chain structure and power dynamics on R&D and market performances pp. 487-504
- Seung Ho Yoo and Yong Won Seo
- Assessment of business conditions benevolence: case of occupational safety and health services pp. 505-520
- Živilė Tunčikienė and Rolandas Drejeris
- Non-parametric analysis of yield risk in Lithuanian crop farming pp. 521-536
- Tomas Baležentis, Dalia Štreimikienė, Rasa Melnikienė and Zhiqian Yu
- Living positive experiences in store: how it influences shopping experience value and satisfaction? pp. 537-553
- Silvia Cachero-Martínez and Rodolfo Vázquez-Casielles
- Business negotiations: communication in the bargaining process pp. 554-559
- Tatjana Põlajeva
Volume 18, issue 2, 2017
- Comprehensive market microstructure model: considering the inventory holding costs pp. 183-201
- Doojin Ryu
- Customer satisfaction and corporate investment policies pp. 202-223
- Lai Van Vo, Huong Thi Thu Le, Danh Vinh Le, Minh Tuan Phung, Yi-Hsien Wang and Fu-Ju Yang
- Modeling credit approval data with neural networks: an experimental investigation and optimization pp. 224-240
- Chi Guotai, Mohammad Zoynul Abedin and Fahmida–E Moula
- Brand Identity Management and Corporate Social Responsibility: an analysis from employees’ perspective in the banking sector pp. 241-257
- Rafael Bravo, Isabel Buil, Leslie de Chernatony and Eva Martínez
- Ambivalent impact of customer satisfaction on firm value in emerging markets: the case of Korea pp. 258-272
- Hyunseok Kim, Jaisang Kim and Kyeong-Seop Choi
- Concept, motives and channels of digital shadow economy: consumers’ attitude pp. 273-287
- Ligita Gasparėnienė, Rita Remeikienė and Friedrich Schneider
- Proposing an agile strategy for a steel industry supply chain through the integration of balance scorecard and Interpretive Structural Modeling pp. 288-308
- Ali Tizroo, Ahmad Esmaeili, Ehsan Khaksar, Jonas Šaparauskas and Mohammad Mahdi Mozaffari
- Assessment of market reaction on the share performance on the basis of its visualization in 2D space pp. 309-318
- Ingrida Vaiciulyte, Zivile Kalsyte, Leonidas Sakalauskas and Darius Plikynas
- Location choice of Spanish multinational firms in developing and transition economies pp. 319-339
- Josep Marti, Maite Alguacil and Vicente Orts
- Assessment of the financial health of regional emergency medical services in the Czech Republic using the BAMF model pp. 340-353
- Ivana Kraftová and Lenka Kašparová
Volume 18, issue 1, 2017
- Fuzzy extension of the CODAS method for multi-criteria market segment evaluation pp. 1-19
- Mehdi Keshavarz Ghorabaee, Maghsoud Amiri, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Reyhaneh Hooshmand and Jurgita Antuchevičienė
- Individual mean-variance relation and stock-level investor sentiment pp. 20-34
- Jun Sik Kim, Da-Hea Kim and Sung Won Seo
- Industry-wide competitiveness assessment through fuzzy synthetic evaluation: the case of cement industry pp. 35-53
- Serdar Ulubeyli
- Testing environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis: the role of enterprise’s sustainability and other factors on GHG in European countries pp. 54-67
- Giedrė Lapinskienė, Kęstutis Peleckis and Zlatko Nedelko
- Influence of sensory stimuli on brand experience, brand equity and purchase intention pp. 68-83
- António C. Moreira, Nuno Fortes and Ramiro Santiago
- Multidimensional and comparative study on intellectual capital and organisational performance pp. 84-99
- Boris Urban and Gabriël Coenraad Daniël Stoltz Joubert
- Cultural antecedents to the normative, affective, and cognitive effects of domestic versus foreign purchase behavior pp. 100-115
- Suzanne L. Conner, James Reardon, Chip Miller, Laura Salciuviene and Vilte Auruskeviciene
- How regulation affects the relevance of bank-debt maturity as a control mechanism in developed countries pp. 116-130
- Eleuterio Vallelado, Paolo Saona and Pablo San Martin
- Effect of export promotion programs on export performance: evidence from manufacturing SMEs pp. 131-145
- Xiaoting Wang, Aihua Chen, Huafeng Wang and Shengxiao Li
- Blog content management in shaping pro recreational attitudes pp. 146-162
- Krzysztof Stepaniuk
- Evaluating vendor managed inventory systems: how incentives can benefit supply chain partners pp. 163-179
- Sule Birim and Cigdem Sofyalioglu
- Corrigendum pp. 180-180
- The Editors
- Erratum pp. 181-181
- The Editors
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