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Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration

2004 - 2024

Current editor(s): Ian Thynne and Danny Lam

From Taylor & Francis Journals
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Volume 46, issue 4, 2024

Introduction to the special issue: digital transformation of government and the Asia Pacific region pp. 315-320 Downloads
Yu-Che Chen and Soonhee Kim
The brave new world of AI: implications for public sector agents, organisations, and governance pp. 321-325 Downloads
Justin B. Bullock and Yu-Che Chen
Digital transformation in a large democracy: the case of India pp. 326-359 Downloads
Pallavi Awasthi, Sukumar Ganapati and Kuang Ting Tai
Crisis and choice in digital transformation: COVID-19 and the punctuated politics of government DX in Japan pp. 360-391 Downloads
Matthew Brummer and Hiroko Ueno
Driving Urban Digitalisation through a National Mission– a multilevel governance perspective of India’s data smart cities strategy pp. 392-421 Downloads
Tathagata Chatterji and Aravindan R Mukkai
Digitally vulnerable populations’ use of e-government services: inclusivity and access pp. 422-446 Downloads
Yeonkyung Kim and Jooho Lee
Fear of nothing to hide? How do Chinese people feel about privacy when facing facial recognition cameras? pp. 447-470 Downloads
Ziteng Fan and Jason Wu
Current auditor expertise and future relevance of innovative audit technology: evidence from Indonesia public sector auditor pp. 471-487 Downloads
M. Rizal Yahya, Jalaluddin and Gamal Batara
Chatbot applications in government frontline services: leveraging artificial intelligence and data governance to reduce problems and increase effectiveness pp. 488-511 Downloads
Chian-Wen Wang, Bo-Ya Hsu and Don-Yun Chen

Volume 46, issue 3, 2024

Jon Quah Siew Tien: an appreciation pp. 211-212 Downloads
John P Burns
Public administration in authoritarian regimes: propositions for comparative research pp. 213-235 Downloads
Kwan Nok Chan
A systematic review of the link between public service motivation and ethical outcomes pp. 236-263 Downloads
Euipyo Lee, Tinganxu Lewis-Liu, Shaun Khurana and Ming Lu
Linking public service motivation, perceived external career barriers, and public-sector attraction pp. 264-290 Downloads
Thi Quynh Trang Nguyen and Tu Phuoc Truong
Why and how are millennials sensitive to unfairness? Focusing on the moderated mediating role of generation on turnover intention pp. 291-314 Downloads
Kyuwoong Kyeong and Minjai Kim

Volume 46, issue 2, 2024

Improving adaptability in democratic systems pp. 109-112 Downloads
Alasdair Roberts
To what extent does corruption erode trust? evidence of reputational spillovers from ten countries in the Southern African development community pp. 113-137 Downloads
Sergio Fernandez, Lianne P Malan, Natasja Holtzhausen and Michel M Tshiyoyo
Public leadership symposium: co-editors’ introduction pp. 138-138 Downloads
James L. Perry and Wai-Fung Lam
Local government managers’ change-oriented leadership and employees’ change-supportive behaviour during COVID-19: utilizing the theory of planned behaviour pp. 139-158 Downloads
Wisanupong Potipiroon and Worasan Thawornprasert
Leaders need to be led: complementary followership in the context of community-driven development program pp. 159-183 Downloads
Junesoo Lee, Jongwoo Chung and Booyuel Kim
Abusive supervision in public service organisations: investigating the moderating effect of attribution styles pp. 184-209 Downloads
Abdul Kadir, Hillman Wirawan, Rudi Salam, Syahruddin Hattab and Daswati Daswati

Volume 46, issue 1, 2024

In Defense of the deep state pp. 1-12 Downloads
Francis Fukuyama
The changing traditions of Islamic public administration: observing processes of collision, absorption and adaptation pp. 13-30 Downloads
Adrian Kay
Public performance symposium: co-editors’ introduction pp. 31-31 Downloads
James L. Perry and Wai-Fung Lam
Organizational size and public service performance: a meta-analysis and an agenda for future research pp. 32-65 Downloads
Richard M. Walker, Rhys Andrews, Bert George and Xuan Tu
COVID-19 and employee productivity in the public sector pp. 66-89 Downloads
Hyesong Ha, Aarthi Raghavan and Mehmet Akif Demircioglu
Open or shut case? Exploring the role of openness in public sector innovation pp. 90-108 Downloads
Shaleen Khanal

Volume 45, issue 4, 2023

The challenges, and importance, of understanding government in Xi Jinping’s China pp. 335-341 Downloads
Andrew Podger
Special issue introduction: administrative burdens as a global public management phenomenon pp. 342-344 Downloads
Donald Moynihan and Pamela Herd
Who puts the thorn in the citizen’s flesh? Sources underlying administrative burden in a developing country pp. 345-361 Downloads
Shehreen Amin Bhuiyan and Hasan Muhammad Baniamin
What factors underlie burden tolerance in South Korea? Policy implementation domain, administrative efficiency, and bureaucratic personality pp. 362-384 Downloads
Jesse W. Campbell and Yongjin Ahn
Are all burdens bad? Disentangling illegitimate administrative burdens through public value accounting pp. 385-403 Downloads
Muhammad Azfar Nisar and Ayesha Masood

Volume 45, issue 3, 2023

Co-editors' Note pp. 237-237 Downloads
The Editors
A spirit of service to the community: public service motivation in the New Zealand public service pp. 238-243 Downloads
Rodney Scott and Peter Hughes
Developing public service motivation in the non-Western world pp. 244-247 Downloads
Zeger Van der Wal and Assel Mussagulova
Demystifying the components of public service motivation among young public servants in China: a qualitative inquiry pp. 248-273 Downloads
Lei Tao and Bo Wen
Underlying assumptions of public service motivation: a view from the developing world pp. 274-294 Downloads
Aisha Azhar and Trui Steen
The influence of servant leadership on job performance through innovative work behavior: does public service motivation matter? pp. 295-315 Downloads
Bui Nhat Vuong
Job characteristics and public service motivation among highly-qualified public employees pp. 316-333 Downloads
Baris Kiyak and Naci Karkin

Volume 45, issue 2, 2023

Special issue introduction: integrating Asia Pacific influences and public management research pp. 115-117 Downloads
Chung-An Chen, Soojin Kim and Liang Ma
“Expecting children to be dragons” in an east asian context: Parental expectations of children choosing a career in the public sector pp. 118-138 Downloads
Chung-an Chen, Chengwei Xu and Don-Yun Chen
Advancing social equity in East Asia: education and health care policy in China, South Korea, and Singapore pp. 139-159 Downloads
Morgen Johansen
The effects of organizational diversity perception on affective commitment pp. 160-178 Downloads
Sangsuk Kim and Geunjoo Lee
Do high-PSM public employees like extrinsic rewards? A latent class analysis pp. 179-198 Downloads
Chengwei Xu, Assel Mussagulova, Chung-An Chen and Ming-Feng Kuo
How do public sector auditors perceive the concept and practice of auditor Independence? Evidence from Indonesia pp. 199-216 Downloads
Ahmad Rizki and Mark Turner
The influence of planning group diversity on the quality of local strategic plan design pp. 217-235 Downloads
Iseul Choi, Jeongyoon Lee and David Lee

Volume 45, issue 1, 2023

Advancing knowledge in public administration: why religion matters pp. 1-6 Downloads
Edoardo Ongaro and Michele Tantardini
Public administration in authoritarian regimes pp. 7-15 Downloads
B. Guy Peters
Does bureaucratic performance vary across authoritarian regimes? pp. 16-36 Downloads
Colin Knox and Saltanat Janenova
Political parties and policy transfer in authoritarianism pp. 37-53 Downloads
Hang Duong
Public sector digitalisation and stealth intrusions upon individual freedoms and democratic accountability pp. 54-72 Downloads
Srinivas Yerramsetti
Autocratization and public administration: the revolutionary-populist regime in Venezuela in comparative perspective pp. 73-92 Downloads
Wolfgang Muno and Héctor Briceño
Is there passion for public service in authoritarian bureaucracies? Exploring public service motivation across regime types pp. 93-113 Downloads
Guillem Ripoll and Martin Rode
Page updated 2025-02-17