Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration
2004 - 2024
Current editor(s): Ian Thynne and Danny Lam From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 46, issue 4, 2024
- Introduction to the special issue: digital transformation of government and the Asia Pacific region pp. 315-320
- Yu-Che Chen and Soonhee Kim
- The brave new world of AI: implications for public sector agents, organisations, and governance pp. 321-325
- Justin B. Bullock and Yu-Che Chen
- Digital transformation in a large democracy: the case of India pp. 326-359
- Pallavi Awasthi, Sukumar Ganapati and Kuang Ting Tai
- Crisis and choice in digital transformation: COVID-19 and the punctuated politics of government DX in Japan pp. 360-391
- Matthew Brummer and Hiroko Ueno
- Driving Urban Digitalisation through a National Mission– a multilevel governance perspective of India’s data smart cities strategy pp. 392-421
- Tathagata Chatterji and Aravindan R Mukkai
- Digitally vulnerable populations’ use of e-government services: inclusivity and access pp. 422-446
- Yeonkyung Kim and Jooho Lee
- Fear of nothing to hide? How do Chinese people feel about privacy when facing facial recognition cameras? pp. 447-470
- Ziteng Fan and Jason Wu
- Current auditor expertise and future relevance of innovative audit technology: evidence from Indonesia public sector auditor pp. 471-487
- M. Rizal Yahya, Jalaluddin and Gamal Batara
- Chatbot applications in government frontline services: leveraging artificial intelligence and data governance to reduce problems and increase effectiveness pp. 488-511
- Chian-Wen Wang, Bo-Ya Hsu and Don-Yun Chen
Volume 46, issue 3, 2024
- Jon Quah Siew Tien: an appreciation pp. 211-212
- John P Burns
- Public administration in authoritarian regimes: propositions for comparative research pp. 213-235
- Kwan Nok Chan
- A systematic review of the link between public service motivation and ethical outcomes pp. 236-263
- Euipyo Lee, Tinganxu Lewis-Liu, Shaun Khurana and Ming Lu
- Linking public service motivation, perceived external career barriers, and public-sector attraction pp. 264-290
- Thi Quynh Trang Nguyen and Tu Phuoc Truong
- Why and how are millennials sensitive to unfairness? Focusing on the moderated mediating role of generation on turnover intention pp. 291-314
- Kyuwoong Kyeong and Minjai Kim
Volume 46, issue 2, 2024
- Improving adaptability in democratic systems pp. 109-112
- Alasdair Roberts
- To what extent does corruption erode trust? evidence of reputational spillovers from ten countries in the Southern African development community pp. 113-137
- Sergio Fernandez, Lianne P Malan, Natasja Holtzhausen and Michel M Tshiyoyo
- Public leadership symposium: co-editors’ introduction pp. 138-138
- James L. Perry and Wai-Fung Lam
- Local government managers’ change-oriented leadership and employees’ change-supportive behaviour during COVID-19: utilizing the theory of planned behaviour pp. 139-158
- Wisanupong Potipiroon and Worasan Thawornprasert
- Leaders need to be led: complementary followership in the context of community-driven development program pp. 159-183
- Junesoo Lee, Jongwoo Chung and Booyuel Kim
- Abusive supervision in public service organisations: investigating the moderating effect of attribution styles pp. 184-209
- Abdul Kadir, Hillman Wirawan, Rudi Salam, Syahruddin Hattab and Daswati Daswati
Volume 46, issue 1, 2024
- In Defense of the deep state pp. 1-12
- Francis Fukuyama
- The changing traditions of Islamic public administration: observing processes of collision, absorption and adaptation pp. 13-30
- Adrian Kay
- Public performance symposium: co-editors’ introduction pp. 31-31
- James L. Perry and Wai-Fung Lam
- Organizational size and public service performance: a meta-analysis and an agenda for future research pp. 32-65
- Richard M. Walker, Rhys Andrews, Bert George and Xuan Tu
- COVID-19 and employee productivity in the public sector pp. 66-89
- Hyesong Ha, Aarthi Raghavan and Mehmet Akif Demircioglu
- Open or shut case? Exploring the role of openness in public sector innovation pp. 90-108
- Shaleen Khanal
Volume 45, issue 4, 2023
- The challenges, and importance, of understanding government in Xi Jinping’s China pp. 335-341
- Andrew Podger
- Special issue introduction: administrative burdens as a global public management phenomenon pp. 342-344
- Donald Moynihan and Pamela Herd
- Who puts the thorn in the citizen’s flesh? Sources underlying administrative burden in a developing country pp. 345-361
- Shehreen Amin Bhuiyan and Hasan Muhammad Baniamin
- What factors underlie burden tolerance in South Korea? Policy implementation domain, administrative efficiency, and bureaucratic personality pp. 362-384
- Jesse W. Campbell and Yongjin Ahn
- Are all burdens bad? Disentangling illegitimate administrative burdens through public value accounting pp. 385-403
- Muhammad Azfar Nisar and Ayesha Masood
Volume 45, issue 3, 2023
- Co-editors' Note pp. 237-237
- The Editors
- A spirit of service to the community: public service motivation in the New Zealand public service pp. 238-243
- Rodney Scott and Peter Hughes
- Developing public service motivation in the non-Western world pp. 244-247
- Zeger Van der Wal and Assel Mussagulova
- Demystifying the components of public service motivation among young public servants in China: a qualitative inquiry pp. 248-273
- Lei Tao and Bo Wen
- Underlying assumptions of public service motivation: a view from the developing world pp. 274-294
- Aisha Azhar and Trui Steen
- The influence of servant leadership on job performance through innovative work behavior: does public service motivation matter? pp. 295-315
- Bui Nhat Vuong
- Job characteristics and public service motivation among highly-qualified public employees pp. 316-333
- Baris Kiyak and Naci Karkin
Volume 45, issue 2, 2023
- Special issue introduction: integrating Asia Pacific influences and public management research pp. 115-117
- Chung-An Chen, Soojin Kim and Liang Ma
- “Expecting children to be dragons” in an east asian context: Parental expectations of children choosing a career in the public sector pp. 118-138
- Chung-an Chen, Chengwei Xu and Don-Yun Chen
- Advancing social equity in East Asia: education and health care policy in China, South Korea, and Singapore pp. 139-159
- Morgen Johansen
- The effects of organizational diversity perception on affective commitment pp. 160-178
- Sangsuk Kim and Geunjoo Lee
- Do high-PSM public employees like extrinsic rewards? A latent class analysis pp. 179-198
- Chengwei Xu, Assel Mussagulova, Chung-An Chen and Ming-Feng Kuo
- How do public sector auditors perceive the concept and practice of auditor Independence? Evidence from Indonesia pp. 199-216
- Ahmad Rizki and Mark Turner
- The influence of planning group diversity on the quality of local strategic plan design pp. 217-235
- Iseul Choi, Jeongyoon Lee and David Lee
Volume 45, issue 1, 2023
- Advancing knowledge in public administration: why religion matters pp. 1-6
- Edoardo Ongaro and Michele Tantardini
- Public administration in authoritarian regimes pp. 7-15
- B. Guy Peters
- Does bureaucratic performance vary across authoritarian regimes? pp. 16-36
- Colin Knox and Saltanat Janenova
- Political parties and policy transfer in authoritarianism pp. 37-53
- Hang Duong
- Public sector digitalisation and stealth intrusions upon individual freedoms and democratic accountability pp. 54-72
- Srinivas Yerramsetti
- Autocratization and public administration: the revolutionary-populist regime in Venezuela in comparative perspective pp. 73-92
- Wolfgang Muno and Héctor Briceño
- Is there passion for public service in authoritarian bureaucracies? Exploring public service motivation across regime types pp. 93-113
- Guillem Ripoll and Martin Rode
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