Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series
2008 - 2021
Current editor(s): Daniela Szymańska
From Sciendo
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Volume 54, issue 54, 2021
- Spatial convergence of mortality in Poland pp. 7-20

- Kuropka Ireneusz and Krupowicz Joanna
- A theoretical foundation for investigating the spatial economic attributes of airport-centric developments pp. 21-31

- Mokhele Masilonyane and Geyer Hermanus S.
- Changes in the distribution of economic activity in Wrocław and its suburban area, 2008–2016 pp. 33-48

- Sikorski Dominik and Szmytkie Robert
- An evaluation of urbanisation processes in suburban zones using land-cover data and fuzzy set theory pp. 49-62

- Cieślak Iwona and Górecka Kamila
- Legal and water management policy during climate warming in Poland pp. 63-75

- Marszelewski Michał and Piasecki Adam
- Determinants of farmland prices and their local variation pp. 77-87

- Lee Changro
- The underground city: the tourism potential of water and sewage infrastructure: the example of Poland pp. 89-95

- Dębczyńska Klaudia and Piasecki Adam
- Metropolitan bicycle-sharing system in the Polish context of various needs of cities, towns, and villages pp. 97-111

- Kwiatkowski Michał Adam
- The potential of data exploration methods in identifying the relationship between short-period (daily) water consumption and meteorological factors pp. 113-122

- Piasecki Adam, Pilarska Agnieszka and Golba Radosław
- Sustainable urban development of the Slovak Republic pp. 123-136

- Douša Milan
- Analysis of the visibility and signal strength of the LoRaWAN network in an urbanized area – a case study of the Bielany campus at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń pp. 137-149

- Karpińska Dominika and Kunz Mieczysław
Volume 53, issue 53, 2021
- Evaluation of green space systems in small towns of Kyiv region pp. 7-16

- Yukhnovskyi Vasyl Yu., Zibtseva Olha V. and Debryniuk Iurii M.
- Shrinking agricultural land and changing livelihoods after land acquisition in Vietnam pp. 17-32

- Tran Tuan Nguyen
- The influence of transport offer on passenger traffic in the railway transport system in a post-socialist country: case study of Poland pp. 33-42

- Jurkowski Wojciech and Smolarski Mateusz
- Recycling of municipal waste in Slovak cities pp. 43-54

- Škamlová Lucia and Klobučník Michal
- Mapping paradigm shifts in the geography of innovation pp. 55-69

- Oláh Dániel and Alpek Levente Balázs
- Websites and social networks of communes in Slovakia: development and current state pp. 71-86

- Bačík Vladimír and Klobučník Michal
- CSR&COVID19 – How do they work together? Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility transformation during a pandemic crisis. Towards smart development pp. 87-103

- Lopata Ewelina and Rogatka Krzysztof
- Impact of the implementation of EU, national and local policies and legislation on the transition towards eco-cities in Poland pp. 105-130

- Kociuba Dagmara and Wajs Klaudia
- An analysis of key factors affecting New Town Planning with a human-centred approach pp. 131-145

- Izadi Maliheh, Varesi Hamidreza and Vardanjani Mehdi Jafari
- Zipf's Law for cities: estimation of regression function parameters based on the weight of American urban areas and Polish towns pp. 147-156

- Sokołowski Dariusz and Jażdżewska Iwona
Volume 52, issue 52, 2021
- Tracking Land Use Land Cover changes from 2000 to 2018 in a local area of East Java Province, Indonesia pp. 7-24

- Indarto Indarto and Hakim Farid Lukman
- Residential segregation and socio-spatial processes in Marseille. Urban social sustainability challenge pp. 25-38

- Grzegorczyk Anna
- Description of the Intramunicipal Habitat with Significant Concentrations of Foreign Population. The Case of the Province of Málaga (Spain) pp. 39-58

- Natera-Rivas Juan Jose, Larrubia-Vargas Remedios and Navarro-Rodríguez Susana
- Discrepancies in legal classifications as a hindrance to implementing water policy, on the example of Lake Wysokie pp. 59-68

- Dąbrowski Mieczysław and Marszelewski Michał
- Remote-sensing technology in mapping socio-economic divergence of Europe pp. 69-84

- Mikhaylov Andrey, Mikhaylova Anna, Alsynbaev Kamil, Bryksin Vitaliy and Hvaley Dmitry
- The modern concept of special economic zones in Ukraine pp. 85-94

- Liashenko Viacheslav, Pidorycheva Iryna, Mytsenko Ivan and Chebotarova Nataliia
- The smart city concept in Poland and Ukraine: in search of cooperation opportunities pp. 95-109

- Lozynskyy Roman, Pantyley Viktoriya and Sawicka Anna
- Climate therapy and the development of South Africa as a health resort, c.1850–1910 pp. 111-121

- Rogerson Christian M. and Rogerson Jayne M.
- Using Spatial Autocorrelation for identification of demographic patterns of Functional Urban Areas in Poland pp. 123-144

- Kurek Sławomir, Wójtowicz Mirosław and Gałka Jadwiga
Volume 51, issue 51, 2021
- Models of efficiency of functioning in trading enterprises under conditions of economic growth pp. 7-24

- Ilyash Olha, Vasyltsiv Taras, Lupak Ruslan and Get’manskiy Volodymyr
- Evaluating housing in urban planning using TOPSIS technique: cities of Isfahan province pp. 25-34

- Izadi Maliheh, Vardanjani Mehdi Jafari and Varesi Hamidreza
- The concept of technological proximity in the development of European Union national innovative systems pp. 35-45

- Svetlana Rastvortseva and Amanalieva Aizhan
- Spatial differentiation of public administration employees due to professional burnout pp. 47-59

- Bąk Iwona and Wawrzyniak Katarzyna
- Motivations and livelihood dynamics in the urban informal economy: the case of Dire Dawa City, Eastern Ethiopia pp. 61-74

- Dube Engida Esayas
- The olderpreneur: future market challenges pp. 75-83

- Krzyminiewska Grażyna
- A conceptual database model for the identification of degraded areas and areas proposed for planned revitalisation pp. 85-93

- Podciborski Tomasz Stanisław and Zienkiewicz Aleksandra
- The impact on urban accessibility conditions of a proposed cableway line in the city of Manizales, Colombia pp. 95-107

- Montoya Jorge Alberto, Aguilera Juan Camilo and Escobar Diego Alexander
- Multivariate classification of provinces of Vietnam according to the level of sustainable development pp. 109-122

- Truong Van Canh
Volume 50, issue 50, 2020
- Development of crop production in the Slovakia and Czechia after the year 2004 in comparison with V4 countries pp. 7-22

- Némethová Jana, Svobodová Hana, Křejčí Ondřej and Věžník Antonín
- National business cultures: the influence of religion, and their role in the economic development of countries pp. 23-30

- Chebotarov Viacheslav and Chebotarov Iegor
- Local initiatives for green space using Poland's Village Fund: evidence from Lodzkie voivodeship pp. 31-41

- Feltynowski Marcin
- Is there a relationship between the use of motorcycles and the level of development of countries? pp. 43-53

- Bastos Suzana Quinet Andrade, Gama Fabio, Tiana de Paula Assis and Milosz Matheus
- The local community: an entity discriminated against in spatial decision-making in Poland? pp. 55-72

- Bednarek-Szczepańska Maria
- Living standards in North Ossetia-Alania through the prism of economic processes pp. 73-82

- Dobronosov Vitaly, Tebieva Delyara and Kebalova Lyubov’
- How will new orbital motorways reshape accessibility in Bratislava metropolitan area? pp. 83-100

- Ďurček Pavol, Nováková Gabriela, Horňák Marcel and Kusendová Dagmar
- Good governance in strategic planning of local development in rural and urban-rural gminas of the eastern peripheral voivodeships of Poland pp. 101-112

- Guzal-Dec Danuta, Zbucki Łukasz and Kuś Agnieszka
- Walkable city and universal design in theory and practice in Poland pp. 113-132

- Kociuba Dagmara and Maj Małgorzata
- Potential and cumulative accessibility of workplaces by public transport in Szczecin pp. 133-146

- Goliszek Sławomir, Połom Marcin and Duma Patryk
Volume 49, issue 49, 2020
- Proposed method for delimiting spatial structure on the example of agriculture types in Poland pp. 7-18

- Wiśniewski Łukasz, Perdał Robert and Rudnicki Roman
- The development of orchard fruit-growing in Poland in the period of impact of the Common Agricultural Policy. Production-related and spatial issues pp. 19-30

- Wójcik Marcin and Traczyk Anna
- Pedestrian accessibility of services as a measure of territorial cohesion at the neighbourhood level pp. 31-48

- Damurski Łukasz, Pluta Jacek and Zipser Wawrzyniec
- Multidestination travel of the Slovenian population pp. 49-63

- Cigale Dejan
- Urban party zones and their changes in former communist countries on the example of Polish cities pp. 65-80

- Iwanicki Grzegorz and Dłużewska Anna
- Spatial (in)justice and place-based strategies in innovation ecosystems: the case of the Alexander Innovation Zone in Thessaloniki pp. 81-92

- Nikolas Topaloglou
- Leveraging Wildlife Tourism for Employment Generation and Sustainable Livelihoods: The Case of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Southern Africa pp. 93-108

- Lekgau Refiloe J. and Tichaawa Tembi M.
- Municipal caravan parks in South Africa: geography, management and planning pp. 109-124

- Rogerson Christian M. and Rogerson Jayne M.