2017 Conference, October 19-20, Rotorua, New Zealand
From New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
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- 269529: Does the economic benefit of biodiversity enhancement exceed the cost of conservation in planted forests?
- Richard Yao, Riccardo Scarpa, Duncan Harrison and Rhys Burns
- 269528: New Zealand’s Trade Prospects in an Uncertain Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Environment: Results from Gravity Model
- Cheuk Yan Tsang and Shamim Shakur
- 269527: What really drives dairy production systems: economic rationale or social and environmental responsibility?
- Alison Bailey and Thomas Perrier
- 269526: Managing Nutrient Losses and Profitability for 95 Farms in Southland
- Andrew Burtt, Carly Sluys, Lindsay Fung, Tony Pearse, Matthew Newman, Carla Muller, Diana Mathers and Angela Halliday
- 269525: Modelling New Zealand Dairy Production: The Impact of Traceability Between the Farm and the Factory
- Melissa Welsh
- 269523: Testing indicators of resilience for rural communities
- William Kaye-Blake, Kelly Stirrat, Matt Smith and Simon Fielke
- 269522: The impacts of research in an era of more stringent performance evaluation
- Glen Greer and Bill Kaye-Blake
- 269521: Empirical estimation of the impact of weather on dairy production
- Kendon Bell
- 269520: The Employment Effects of Regional Integration: A Case Study of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- Sayeeda Bano and Jose Tabbada
- 269391: Thoughts on the allocation of nutrients; the issue with Natural Capital Allocation
- Phil Journeaus
- 269390: A Behavioural Rebound Effect: Results from a laboratory experiment
- Zack Dorner