European Economy - Discussion Papers
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- 214: Fossil Fuel Subsidies in EU Member States – Trends and Analytical Challenges
- Jan Nill
- 213: The Planning of Public Investments in EU Member States: Long-Term Strategy, Selection and Budgeting Issues
- Cristiana Manescu
- 212: Tax Expenditures in the EU: Recent Trends and New Policy Challenges
- Alessandro Turrini, Julien Guigue, Áron Kiss, Alexander Leodolter, Kristine Van Herck, Frank Neher, Chrysa Leventi, Andrea Papini, Fidel Picos, Mattia Ricci and Federica Lanterna
- 211: Space Possibilities for Our Grandchildren: Current and Future Economic Uses of Space
- Alessio Terzi and Francesco Nicoli
- 210: Artificial Intelligence: Economic Impact, Opportunities, Challenges, Implications for Policy
- Wouter Simons, Alessandro Turrini and Lara Vivian
- 209: Circular Economy: Main features and Key Determinants of the EU Secondary Markets for Materials
- Lucia Vergano
- 208: Mid-Tech Europe? A Sectoral Account on Total Factor Productivity Growth from the Latest Vintage of the EU-KLEMs Database
- Plamen Nikolov, Wouter Simons, Alessandro Turrini and Peter Voigt
- 207: Greece’s Loan Facility: Facilitating Corporate Investment through NextGenerationEU
- Judit Antal, Manos Sfakianakis, Philipp Pfeiffer and Eduardo Llobell
- 206: Assessing Green Job Dynamics in the EU A Comparison of Alternative Methodologies
- Joana Elisa Maldonado, Anneleen Vandeplas, Istvan Vanyolos, Mauro Vigani and Alessandro Turrini
- 205: Financial Frictions and Asymmetric International Risk Sharing
- Pierfederico Asdrubali, Soyoung Kim and Haerang Park
- 204: The Implications of Public Investment for Debt Sustainability
- Gergő Motyovszki, Philipp Pfeiffer and Jan in 't Veld
- 203: National Productivity Boards after Seven Years: An Assessment
- Luis García, Alexander Leodolter and Alessandro Turrini
- 202: Euro Area Current Account Developments
- Milan Výškrabka and Erza Aruqaj
- 201: Approaching Disaster Risk Financing in a Structured Way
- Diana Radu
- 200: How Have Spending Reviews Recently Evolved Through EU Initiatives?
- Martijn Hoogeland, Lazaros Dimitriadis and Magdalena Mandl
- 199: Defence Spending in the European Union
- Alessandra Cepparulo and Paolo Pasimeni
- 198: Robustness of the Trend-Cycle Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity in EUCAM
- Francesca D'Auria, Christophe Planas, Rafal Raciborski, Alessandro Rossi and Anna Thum-Thysen
- 197: Inflation Differentials in the Euro Area at the Time of High Energy Prices
- Leonor Coutinho and Mirko Licchett
- 196: How Green Budgeting is Embedded in National Budget Processes
- Simona Pojar
- 195: Patterns of Cross-Border Venture Capital Flows in Europe
- Pierfederico Asdrubali
- 194: Common Sovereign Debt Instruments: An Analytical Framework
- Daniel P. Monteiro
- 193: The ECB Strategy Review - Implications for the Space of Monetary Policy
- Lucian Briciu, Stefan Hohberger, Luca Onorante, Beatrice Pataracchia, Marco Ratto and Lukas Vogel
- 192: Unleashing Potential: Model-Based Reform Benchmarking for EU Member States
- Philipp Pfeiffer, Janos Varga and Jan in 't Veld
- 191: The COVID-19 Recession on Both Sides of the Atlantic: A Model-Based Comparison
- Roberta Cardani, Philipp Pfeiffer, Marco Ratto and Lukas Vogel
- 190: The Fiscal Effects of Terms-of-Trade-Driven Inflation
- Gergő Motyovszki
- 189: Domestic Medium-Term Budgetary Frameworks in the EU: Fit for Purpose and for the Future?
- Diana Radu
- 188: Macrofinancial Dynamics in a Monetary Union
- Daniel Monteiro
- 187: The Development of Renewable Energy in the Electricity Market
- Sebastian Busch, Ruben Kasdorp, Derck Koolen, Arnaud Mercier and Magdalena Spooner
- 186: Reviewing the National Budgetary Frameworks: An Opportunity to Strengthen Independent Fiscal Institutions?
- Christos Axioglou, Oskar Grevesmühl and Martijn Hoogeland
- 185: National Productivity Boards: Institutional Set-up and Analyses of Productivity
- Luis García, Luigi Giamboni and Mauro Vigani
- 184: National Fiscal Frameworks during COVID-19: Weathering the Storm, Challenges Ahead
- Christian Weise
- 183: Googling “Inflation”: What does Internet Search Behaviour Reveal about Household (In)attention to Inflation and Monetary Policy?
- Christian Buelens
- 182: Insolvency Frameworks across the EU:Challenges after COVID-19
- Leonor Coutinho, Andreas Kappeler and Alessandro Turrini
- 181: Do National Fiscal Rules Support Numerical Compliance with EU Fiscal Rules?
- Cristiana Manescu, Elva Bova, Martijn Hoogeland and Philipp Mohl
- 180: Reflections on the Role of Natural Capital for Economic Activity
- Björn Döhring, Atanas Hristov, Anna Thum-Thysen and Cristiano Carvell
- 179: The Role of Public Development Banks & Institutions in the Implementation of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030: A Survey in Europe
- Martina Colombo and Matteo Cuda
- 178: Slack and Tightness: Making Sense of Post COVID-19 Labour Market Developments in the EU
- Áron Kiss, Maria Chiara Morandini, Alessandro Turrini and Anneleen Vandeplas
- 177: New Evidence on the Quality of Public Investment Management in the EU
- Cristiana Manescu
- 176: The Possible Implications of the Green Transition for the EU Labour Market
- Anneleen Vandeplas, Istvan Vanyolos, Mauro Vigani and Lukas Vogel
- 175: Environmental Assessments within Green Budgeting
- Simona Pojar
- 174: Disaster Risk Financing: Limiting the Fiscal Cost of Climate-Related Disasters
- Diana Radu
- 173: Financial Constraints of EU Firms A Sectoral Analysis
- Pierfederico Asdrubali, Issam Hallak and Péter Harasztosi
- 172: Consumer Savings Behaviour at Low and Negative Interest Rates
- Marco Felici, Geoff Kenny and Roberta Friz
- 171: Housing Market Developments in the Euro Area: Focus on Housing Affordability
- Christine Frayne, Agnieszka Szczypińska, Bořek Vašíček and Stefan Zeugner
- 170: Biases in Survey Inflation Expectations: Evidence from the Euro Area
- Jiaqian Chen, Lucyna Gornicka and Vaclav Zdarek
- 169: Explaining the Low Level of Investment in Slovenia
- Joze Damijan, Jozef Konings, Crt Kostevc and Katja Zajc Kejžar
- 168: The Fiscal Impact of Extreme Weather and Climate Events Evidence for EU Countries
- Nicola Gagliardi, Pedro Arévalo and Stéphanie Pamies
- 167: Public Administration Reforms in Greece during the Economic Adjustment Programmes
- Vasilis Nikitas and Vasiliki Vasilopoulou
- 166: Energy Reforms in Greece during the Economic Adjustment Programmes
- Alexander Ioannidis
- 165: Gender Budgeting Practices Concepts and Evidence
- Elva Bova and Joana Jerosch Herold da Costa Reis
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