Cahiers du GRES (2002-2009)
From Groupement de Recherches Economiques et Sociales
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- 2009-07: Institutions and the environment: the case for a historical political economy
- Ali Douai and Matthieu Montalban
- 2009-06: Management of technical and organisational interactions by proximity: the hub firms in aeronautical sector (In French)
- Med KECHIDI (lereps-Gres) and Damien Talbot
- 2009-05: The lasting lack of direct universal suffrage for French metropolitan areas: a shackle that must be rapidly cancelled or a great asset that should be absolutely protected ? (In French)
- Olivier Thomas
- 2009-04: Is the automotive supply chain compatible with Corporate Social Responsible practices? (In French)
- Vincent Frigant
- 2009-03: Crisis and Ethics (In French)
- Philippe Jeannin
- 2009-02: “Win-Win” in sustainable development issues: theoretical insights and operational value
- Denis REQUIER-DESJARDINS (lereps-Gres)
- 2009-01: How financialisation shapes productive models in pharmaceutical industry: the domination and contradictions of the blockbuster conception of control (In French)
- Matthieu Montalban
- 2008-21: The law of growth and attraction: an endogenous model of absorptive capacities, FDI and income for MENA countries
- Alaya MAROUANE (Université de Tunis), Dalila NICET-CHENAF (GREThA-GRES) and Eric Rougier
- 2008-20: The European Socio-Economic Models of a Knowledge-based society. Main findings and conclusions
- Bruno AMABLE (Université Paris I and CEPREMAP) and Yannick Lung
- 2008-19: Ties configuration in entrepreneurs’ personal network and economic performances in African urban informal economy
- Jean-Philippe Berrou and François Combarnous
- 2008-18: Sustainable Development in a Post Keynesian Perspective: Return to Basics of Ecodevelopment (In French)
- Eric Berr
- 2008-17: Recent exports matter: export discoveries, FDI and Growth, an empirical assessment for MENA countries
- Dalila NICET- CHENAF (GREThA-GRES) and Eric Rougier
- 2008-16: The impact of the residential sphere on the territorial development (In French)
- 2008-15: An exploration of local R&D spillovers in France
- Jacques MAIRESSE (CREST-ENSAE, UNU-MERIT & NBER) and Benoît Mulkay
- 2008-14: Attractiveness and agglomeration of automotive industry in Morocco and Tunisia: A comparative analysis (In French)
- Jean-Bernard Layan and Yannick Lung
- 2008-13: Ownership concentration and market discipline in European banking: Good monitoring but bad influence?
- Tristan Auvray and Olivier Brossard
- 2008-12: Non interference in the creation of French metropolitan areas: an indirect way to implicitly merge cities? (In French)
- Olivier Thomas
- 2008-11: Aeronautical manufacturer versus architect-integrator: a new industrial model for Airbus (In French)
- Med Kechidi
- 2008-10: Economic Growth, inequality and environment quality: An empirical analysis applied to developing and transition countries
- Matthieu Clément and André Meunié
- 2008-09: Export-platform FDI: which impacts on the local production? (In French)
- Huu Thanh Tam NGUYEN (lereps-Gres) and Med Kechidi
- 2008-08: The strategies of multilatinas: from the quest for regional leadership to the myth of the global corporation \r\n
- Alexandre Minda
- 2008-07: Medium-Sized Cities and the Dynamics of Creative Services
- Claude Lacour and Sylvette PUISSANT (GREThA-GRES)
- 2008-06: Economics of discontinuous urban development (In French)
- Guillaume Pouyanne
- 2008-05: Competitive intelligence and network mapping of interfirm alliances
- Brigitte GAY (LEREPS-GRES & Toulouse Business School)
- 2008-04: Investment behaviors of the key actors in capitalism: when geography matters
- Claude Dupuy and Stéphanie LAVIGNE (LEREPS-GRES & Toulouse Business School
- 2008-03: The coordination issues of relocations: How proximity still matters in location of software development activities\r\n
- Marie Coris
- 2008-02: Do the Barcelona agreements allow some convergence of the Moroccan economy? A comparative analysis (In French)
- 2008-01: Which development for the 21st century? Reflections on sustainable development (In French)
- Eric Berr
- 2007-22: Local fiscal inflation in France: an unexpected consequence of the growing importance of metropolitan areas ? (In French)
- Olivier Thomas
- 2007-21: Wealth, Well-being and Value(s): A Proposition of Structuring Concepts for a (real) Transdisciplinary Dialogue within Ecological Economics
- Ali Douai
- 2007-20: Ten years of modularity: empirical evidences on the restructuring of the auto part industry (In French)
- Vincent Frigant
- 2007-19: Incrementalism of environmental innovations versus paradigmatic change: A comparative study of the automotive and chemical industries
- Vanessa Oltra and Maïder SAINT JEAN (GREThA-GRES)
- 2007-18: Cognitive & Relational Distance in Alliance Networks: Evidence on the Knowledge Value Chain in the European ICT Sector
- Olivier Brossard and Jérôme Vicente
- 2007-17: Organisational and spatial determinants of the multi-unit firm: Evidence from the French industry
- 2007-16: Understanding the spatial organization of agricultural co-operative groups (In French)
- Maryline Filippi, Olivier FREY (Coop de France & INRA-SAD) and Pierre Triboulet
- 2007-15: French banks in Hong Kong (1860s-1950s): Challengers to British banks?
- Hubert Bonin
- 2007-14: The relation between private transfers and household income on looking at altruism, exchange and risk-sharing hypotheses. An empirical analysis applied to Russia (In French)
- Matthieu Clément
- 2007-13: FDI Promotion policies and dynamic of growth in the South East Mediterranean countries (In French)
- Marouane ALAYA (GREThA-GRES), Dalila NICET-CHENAF (GREThA-GRES) and Eric Rougier
- 2007-12: How can innovation economics benefit from complex network analysis?
- Brigitte Gay
- 2007-11: EADS, an unfinished transition. An understanding by the Economy of proximity (In French)
- Damien Talbot
- 2007-10: Is there an Environmental Urban Kuznets Curve? The case of polluting emissions due to daily mobility in 37 cities. (In French)
- André Meunié and Guillaume Pouyanne
- 2007-09: Financialisation of strategies, risk transfer, liquidity, property and control (In French)
- Tristan AUVRAY (lereps-Gres), Gabriel COLLETIS (coord.) - (lereps-Gres), Stéphanie LAVIGNE (ESC Toulouse - Lereps-Gres), Matthieu Montalban, François MORIN (lereps-Gres) and Geoffroy Raduriau
- 2007-08: An Early Warning Model for EU banks with Detection of the Adverse Selection Effect
- Olivier Brossard, Frédéric DUCROZET (PSE - Crédit Agricole) and Adrian ROCHE (EconomiX - Crédit Agricole)
- 2007-07: Toward a regionalisation of industrial politics: the case of French aerospace industry in Aquitaine (In French)
- Vincent Frigant
- 2007-06: The entry of multinational banks into Latin America: a source of stability or financial fragility?
- Alexandre Minda
- 2007-05: Foreign Direct Investment: a comparative study of the attraction of Moroccan and Tunisian economies (In French)
- Dalila NICET-CHENAF (GREThA-GRES) and Eric Rougier
- 2007-04: Lack of opportunities and persistent poverty:income diversification in rural Madagascar (In French)
- Claire Gondard-Delcroix
- 2007-03: Business Intelligence: towards a new concept in economic analysis? (In French)
- Gabriel COLLETIS (lereps-Gres)
- 2007-02: Vertical sub-contracting relationships strategy, the Airbus First-tier suppliers\' coordination
- Frédéric Mazaud and Marie LAGASSE (airbus-France)
- 2007-01: Free Trade Agreements and Foreign Direct Investment: Institutional proximity as attractiveness factor The case of banks and telecoms in Morocco (In French)
- Malika HATTAB-CHRISTMANN (lereps-Gres)