Ratio Working Papers
From The Ratio Institute The Ratio Institute, P.O. Box 5095, SE-102 42 Stockholm, Sweden. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Martin Korpi (martin.korpi@ratio.se). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 380: Artificial Intelligence, Hiring and Employment: Job Postings Evidence from Sweden
- Erik Engberg, Mark Hellsten, Farrukh Javed, Magnus Lodefalk, Radka Sabolová, Sara Schroeder and Aili Tang
- 377: Artificial Intelligence and Worker Stress: Evidence from Germany
- Michael Koch and Magnus Lodefalk
- 375: Shifts in Doctoral Education: Analyzing the Rising Popularity of Job Market Papers in Swedish Economics Doctoral Dissertations
- Jonas Grafström and Disa Roth
- 374: -
- Daniel Halvarsson
- 373: Who Wants to Work from Home? A Demographic Study of Attitudes Towards Remote Work
- Jonas Grafström
- 372: Customers’ value-for-money for a regulated service across different owners
- Darryl Biggar and Magnus Söderberg
- 371: Artificial Intelligence, Tasks, Skills and Wages: Worker-Level Evidence from Germany
- Erik Engberg, Michael Koch, Magnus Lodefalk and Sarah Schroeder
- 370: AI Unboxed and Jobs: A Novel Measure and Firm-Level Evidence from Three Countries
- Erik Engberg, Holger Görg, Magnus Lodefalk, Farrukh Javed, Martin Längkvist, Natália Monteiro, Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås, Giuseppe Pulito, Sarah Schroeder and Aili Tang
- 369: Spark of Transformation: The Impact of Electricity Prices on Europe's Industrial Landscape – Introducing the Green Industrial Location Attractiveness Index (GILAI)
- Jonas Grafström
- 368: The State of the Entrepreneurial State: Empirical Evidence of Mission-Led Innovation Projects around the Globe
- Maral Batbaatar, Christian Sandström, Johan P Larsson and Karl Wennberg
- 367: The Impact of population size and bin structure on the cost of municipal solid waste: evidence from Sweden and Norway
- Magnus Söderberg, Vivek Sundriyal and Johan Gabrielsson
- 366: A Public Choice Perspective on Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies and the Behavior of Government Agencies
- Rickard Björnemalm, Christian Sandström and Nelly Åkesson
- 365: Why Green deals may fail – evidence from biogas, bio-ethanol and “fossil free” steel
- Christian Sandström and Carl Alm
- 364: Invention and Diffusion in the Solar Power Sector
- Jonas Grafström and Rahmat Poudineh
- 363: City Size, Employer Concentration, and Wage Income Inequality
- Martin Korpi and Daniel Halvarsson
- 362: Interest groups and thefailure of transformativeinnovation policy - Insights from the ethanolcar bubble in Sweden 2003-2013
- Rickard Björnemalm and Christian Sandström
- 361: Bargaining for Trade: When Exporting Becomes Detrimental for Female Wages
- Daniel Halvarsson, Olga Lark, Patrik Tingvall and Josefin Videnord
- 360: Do gender norms travel within corporations? The impact of foreign subsidiaries on the home country gender wage gap
- Daniel Halvarsson, Olga Lark, Patrik Tingvall, Priit Vather and Josefin Videnord
- 359: Stayin’ Alive: Export Credit Guarantees and Export Survival
- Magnus Lodefalk, Aili Tang and Miaojie Yu
- 358: Native Population Turnover & Emerging Segregation: The Role of Amenities, Crime and Housing
- Martin Korpi, Daniel Halvarsson, Özge Öner, William A.V. Clark, Oana Mihaescu, John Östh and Olof Bäckman
- 357: Managing Work from Anywhere: Six Points to Consider for HR Professionals
- Susanna Allstrin, Jonas Grafström, Charlotta Stern and Linda Weidenstedt
- 356: Employment Protection and Productivity
- Eva Uddén Sonnegård
- 355: Working Paper No. 355: The artificial intelligence (AI) data access regime: what are the factors affecting the access and sharing of industrial AI data?
- Vicky Long and Per-Olof Bjuggren
- 354: Ratio Working Paper No. 354: Foreign Ownership and Transferring of Gender Norms
- Daniel Halvarsson, Ola Lark and Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall
- 353: Ratio Working Paper No. 353: From free competition to fair competition on the European internal market
- Nils Karlson, Theo Herold and Karl Dalbard
- 352: Ratio Working Paper No. 352: More from less? Economic growth and sustainability in Sweden
- Jonas Grafström and Christian Sandström
- 351: Ratio Working Paper No. 351: Knowledge Spillovers in the Solar energy sector
- Jonas Grafström
- 350: Ratio Working Paper No. 350: A quickly transforming labour market
- Eva Uddén Sonnegård
- 349: Industrial conflict in essential services in a new era – Swedish rules in a comparative perspective
- Nils Karlson
- 348: Regional collaboration to enhance recruitment to rural regions
- Kristina Nyström
- 347: A review of problems associated with learning curves for solar and wind power technologies
- Jonas Grafström and Rahmat Poudineh
- 346: Does published research influence policy outcomes? The case of regulated electricity networks in western Europe
- Magnus Söderberg and Yingkui Yang
- 345: Regularized Conditional Estimators of Unit Inefficiency in Stochastic Frontier Analysis, with Application to Electricity Distribution Market
- Zangin Zeebari, Kristofer Månsson, Pär Sjölander and Magnus Söderberg
- 344: Amundsen versus Scott: Are growth paths related to firm performance?
- Alex Coad, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt and Daniel Halvarsson
- 343: Populism, Liberalism and the Quest for Meaning and Community
- Nils Karlson
- 342: Business Angels and Firm Performance: First Evidence from Population Data
- Fredrik W. Andersson and Magnus Lodefalk
- 341: Recruitment of scarce competences to rural regions: Policies to promote recruitment
- Kristina Nyström
- 340: Job Creation in the Wind Power Sector Through Marshallian and Jacobian Knowledge Spillovers
- Luigi Aldieri, Jonas Grafström and Concetto Paolo Vinci
- 339: Broken commitments and unfulfilled expectations: An explorative study of Swedish Labor Court cases
- Charlotta Stern and Linda Weidenstedt
- 338: Breaking Circular Economy Barriers
- Jonas Grafström and Siri Aasma
- 337: Wage Setting as a Discovery Process - Why local is superior to central even if one is skeptical towards performance based pay
- Charlotta Stern
- 336: An Austrian economic perspective on failed Chinese wind power development
- Jonas Grafström
- 335: International Trade and Labor Market Integration of Immigrants
- Magnus Lodefalk, Fredrik Sjöholm and Aili Tang
- 334: Stockholm City’s Elderly Care and Covid19: Interview with Barbro Karlsson
- Charlotta Stern and Daniel Klein
- 333: Balancing employment protection and what’s good for the company - Intended and un-intended consequences of a semi-coercive institution
- Charlotta Stern and Linda Weidenstedt
- 332: Are New Shopping Centers Drivers of Development in Large Metropolitan Suburbs? The Interplay of Agglomeration and Competition Forces
- Oana Mihaescu, Martin Korpi and Özge Öner
- 331: Bureaucrats or Markets in Innovation Policy? – A critique of the entrepreneurial state
- Nils Karlson, Christian Sandström and Karl Wennberg
- 330: Work Environment and Competition in Swedish Schools, 1999-2011
- Abiel Sebhatu, Karl Wennberg, Erik Lakomaa and Maria Brandén
- 329: IPRs and Appropriability in the Digital Era: Evidence from the Swedish Video (Computer) Games Industry
- Vicky Long
- 328: Wholesale firms: A catalyst for Swedish exports?
- Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Erik Engberg, Daniel Halvarsson, Ari Kokko and Patrik Tingvall
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