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Poverty In Focus

From International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
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49: Wealth tax: perspectives in a post-pandemic world Downloads
Pedro Humberto Bruno de Carvalho Junior and Fabio Veras Soares
48: What's next for social protection in light of COVID-19: challenges ahead Downloads
Aline Peres, Roberta Brito, Charlotte Bilo and Mariana Balboni
47: What's next for social protection in light of COVID-19: country responses Downloads
Charlotte Bilo, Roberta Brito, Aline Peres and Mariana Balboni
46: Leveraging food systems for poverty and malnutrition reduction Downloads
Ahmed Raza and Fabio Veras Soares
45: Universal social protection: a target for all Downloads
Mariana Balboni and Aline Peres
44: Rural poverty reduction in the 21st century Downloads
Ryan Nehring and Ana Paula de la O Campos
43: Social protection: meeting children’s rights and needs Downloads
Anna Carolina Machado and Charlotte Bilo
42: Minimum wage: global challenges and perspectives Downloads
Sergei Soares
41: Women at work: addressing the gaps Downloads
Carolina Robino and Raquel Tebaldi
40: Social protection after the Arab Spring Downloads
Rafael Osorio and Fabio Veras Soares
39: Debating Graduation Downloads
Fabio Veras Soares and Ian Orton
38: Social protection: towards gender equality Downloads
Raquel Tebaldi and Flora Myamba
37: A new urban paradigm: pathways to sustainable development Downloads
Michael MacLennan
36: Food and nutrition security: towards the full realisation of human rights Downloads
Lívia Maria da Costa Nogueira, Flavio Luiz Schieck and Valente and Veruska Prado
35: Health policy in emerging economies: innovations and challenges Downloads
Pedro Lara de Arruda and Jeni Vaitsman
34: Public policies for the strengthening of family farming in the Global South Downloads
Thomas Patriota and Francesco Pierri
33: Is there a Brazilian model of development? Downloads
Armando Barrientos and Edmund Amann
32: Social Protection, Entrepreneurship and Labour Market Activation Downloads
Fabio Veras Soares and Carolina Robino
31: The Impact of Cash Transfers on Local Economies Downloads
Stephanie Levy
30: National Transfer Accounts and Generational Flows Downloads
Bernardo L. Queiroz
29: Development without Deforestation Downloads
Carlos Ferreira de Abreu Castro and Guilherme B. R. Lambais
28: Youth and Employment among the BRICS Downloads
Rafael Osorio, Pedro Arruda, Estudos e Políticas Sociais do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) and PNUD/Centro Internacional de Políticas para o Crescimento Inclusivo
27: Protagonist Women Downloads
Diana Oya Sawyer and Ashleigh Kate Slingsby
26: On the Middle Class Downloads
Michael MacLennan and Beatriz Judice Magalhães
25: Recent Developments in the Role and Design of Social Protection Programmes Downloads
Fabio Veras Soares, Radhika Lal and Ryan Higgitt
24: The Role of South-South Cooperation in Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural Development: Focus on Africa Downloads
Leisa Perch, Ammad Bahalim, Lidia Cabral and Alex Shankland
23: Dimensions of Inclusive Development Downloads
Leisa Perch and Gabriel Labbate
22: Can Social Protection Help Promote Inclusive Growth? Downloads
Melissa Andrade, Fabio Veras Soares, Radhika Lal and Rathin Roy
21: What can IBSA Offer to the Global Community? Downloads
Melissa Andrade, Fabio Veras Soares and Radhika Lal
20: South-South Cooperation – The Same Old Game or a New Paradigm? Downloads
Rathin Roy and Melissa Andrade
19: The MDGs and Beyond: Pro-Poor Policy in a Changing World Downloads
Andy Sumner and Claire Melamed
18: Equitable Access to Basic Utilities: Public versus Private Provision and Beyond Downloads
Degol Hailu and Raquel Tsukada
17: Indigenising Development Downloads
Alcida Rita Ramos, Rafael Osorio and José Pimenta
16: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs – The Policy Challenge Downloads
Dag Ehrenpreis
15: Cash Transfers – Lessons from Africa and Latin America Downloads
Degol Hailu and Fabio Veras Soares
14: PSIA – Gauging Poverty Impacts Downloads
Dag Ehrenpreis
13: Gender Equality Downloads
Dag Ehrenpreis
12: Does Aid Work?-for the MDGs Downloads
Dag Ehrenpreis
11: The challenge of Inequality Downloads
Dag Ehrenpreis
10: Analysing and Achieving Pro-Poor Growth Downloads
Dag Ehrenpreis
9: What is poverty? Concepts and measures Downloads
Dag Ehrenpreis
8: Social protection - the role of cash transfers Downloads
Dag Ehrenpreis
7: Poverty and the City Downloads
Alejandro Grinspun
6: Celso Furtado Downloads
Alejandro Grinspun
5: AIDS Downloads
Alejandro Grinspun
4: Dollar a day - how much does it say? Downloads
Alejandro Grinspun
3: The Challenge of Poverty Downloads
Alejandro Grinspun
2: Children and Poverty Downloads
Alejandro Grinspun
1: Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean Downloads
Alejandro Grinspun
Page updated 2024-12-28
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