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Lester Ingber Papers

From Lester Ingber
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68pk: Physics of karate techniques
Lester Ingber
68nf: Nuclear forces Downloads
Lester Ingber
68bj: Nuclear Forces
K.A. Brueckner and Lester Ingber
67rn: Realistic nuclear forces
Lester Ingber
67om: One-meson-exchange potentials and properties of nucleon-nucleon scattering and of nuclear matter Downloads
Lester Ingber
66ci: Collective interactions between light and matter
Lester Ingber
65vd: Velocity-dependent potentials
Lester Ingber
65na: Non-adiabatic corrections to the method of stationary states Downloads
Lester Ingber
57bt: Electroluminescence
Lester Ingber
24pq: Parameters in Quantum Systems Downloads
Lester Ingber
23qf: Quantum variables in Finance Downloads
Lester Ingber
23pq: Parameterization of quantum systems Downloads
Lester Ingber
22rn: Realistic Neural Networks Downloads
Lester Ingber
22qv: Quantum Variables in Finance Downloads
Lester Ingber
22qc: Quantum calcium-ion affective influences measured by EEG Downloads
Lester Ingber
22le: From Lagrangian To Laplacian: An Example From EEG Standing Waves Downloads
Lester Ingber
21hc: Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions Downloads
Lester Ingber
21fc: Forecasting COVID-19 with importance-sampling and path-integrals Downloads
Lester Ingber
21cq: Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of financial markets Downloads
Lester Ingber
20rq: Revisiting Our Quantum World Downloads
Lester Ingber
19qc: Quantum-Classical interactions: calcium ions and synchronous neural firings Downloads
Lester Ingber
19mo: Model of Models (MOM) Downloads
Lester Ingber
19db: Developing bid-ask probabilities for high-frequency trading Downloads
Lester Ingber
19ai: Artificial intelligence, ideas by statistical mechanics, and affective modulation of information processing Downloads
Lester Ingber
18qv: Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience Downloads
Lester Ingber
18qp: Quantum path integral for financial options Downloads
Lester Ingber
18qc: Quantum calcium-ion interactions with EEG Downloads
Lester Ingber
18mo: Model of Models (MOM) Downloads
Lester Ingber
18fn: Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience II Downloads
Lester Ingber
17qp: Evolution of regenerative Ca-ion wave-packet in neuronal-firing fields: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks Downloads
Lester Ingber
17qa: Quantum Path-Integral qPATHINT Algorithm Downloads
Lester Ingber
17oq: Options on quantum money: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks Downloads
Lester Ingber
16pi: Path-integral quantum PATHTREE and PATHINT algorithms Downloads
Lester Ingber
16ls: Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Large-scale EEG influences on molecular processes Downloads
Lester Ingber
15sc: Synergy among multiple scales of neocortical interactions Downloads
Lester Ingber
15cm: Calculating consciousness correlates at multiple scales of neocortical interactions Downloads
Lester Ingber
15bi: Biological Impact on Military Intelligence: Application or Metaphor? Downloads
Lester Ingber
14lf: Influences on consciousness from multiple scales of neocortical interactions: Lecture plates Downloads
Lester Ingber
14ef: Electroencephalographic field influence on calcium momentum waves Downloads
Lester Ingber, M. Pappalepore and R.R. Stesiak
13te: Theoretical and experimental electrophysiology in human neocortex: Multiscale correlates of conscious experience
P.L. Nunez, R. Srinivasan and Lester Ingber
13se: Slides for Electroencephalographic field influence on calcium momentum waves Downloads
Lester Ingber
13lf: Electroencephalographic (EEG) influence on Ca2+ waves: Lecture plates Downloads
Lester Ingber
12im: Influence of macrocolumnar EEG on Ca waves Downloads
Lester Ingber
12ce: Columnar EEG magnetic influences on molecular development of short-term memory Downloads
Lester Ingber
12as: Adaptive simulated annealing Downloads
Lester Ingber
11ca: Computational algorithms derived from multiple scales of neocortical processing Downloads
Lester Ingber
10tr: Trading in Risk Dimensions
Lester Ingber
10ro: Real Options for Project Schedules (ROPS) Downloads
Lester Ingber
10nd: Neocortical Dynamics at Multiple Scales: EEG Standing Waves, Statistical Mechanics, and Physical Analogs Downloads
Lester Ingber and P.L. Nunez
09pp: Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Portfolio of physiological indicators
Lester Ingber
Page updated 2025-02-11
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