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UCL SSEES Economics and Business working paper series

From UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)
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2019-1: Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial growth in Central and Eastern European ventures driven by the fit between micro and macro level opportunity exploitation Downloads
Esin Yoruk
2018-3: Modelling the costs of informal networking: Evidence from the Western Balkans region Downloads
Adnan Efendic and Alena Ledeneva
2018-2: Authoritarian populism at work: A political transaction cost approach with reference to Viktor Orbán’s Hungary Downloads
Zoltán à dám
2017-5: War and Social Attitudes Downloads
Travers Barclay Child and Elena Nikolova
2017-4: Diversity and collaboration in Economics Downloads
Sultan Orazbayev
2017-3: The making of a liberal education: Political economy of Austrian school reform, 1865 - 1875 Downloads
Tomas Cvrcek and Miroslav Zajicek
2017-2: Export incentives and global value chains Downloads
Svetlana Ledyayeva
2017-1: International knowledge flows and the administrative barriers to mobility Downloads
Sultan Orazbayev
2016-5: Impact of Financial Integration on Growth in Developing, Transition, and Emerging Market Economies: Quest for Threshold Analysis
Saim Faisal
2016-4: Fiscal Consolidations and Their Effects on Income Inequality Downloads
Conrad Scheibe
2016-3: Determinants of Bank-Sovereign Distress
Raphael Espinoza and Miguel Segoviano
Slavo Radosevic and Esin Yoruk
2016-1: Why Do Banks in Developing Countries Hold Government Securities?
S. M. Abbas and Raphael Espinoza
135: Dynamics of technology upgrading of the Central and East European countries in a comparative perspective: analysis based on patent data Downloads
Bjoern Jindra, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa and Slavo Radosevic
134: Why do we need theory and metrics of technology upgrading? Downloads
Slavo Radosevic and Esin Yoruk
133: Ownership and Enterprise Performance in the Russian Oil Industry 1992-2012 Downloads
Nat Moser
132: The Political Economy of Crisis Adjustment in Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Daniel Kral
131: Modernization through large S&T projects: Assessing Russia’s Drive for Innovation-Led Development via Skolkovo Innovation Centre Downloads
Slavo Radosevic and Imogen Wade
130: China and Russia: Institutional Coherence between the Banking Systems Downloads
Andrei Vernikov
129: Risk and Uncertainty: Macroeconomic Perspective Downloads
Svetlana Makarova
127: Technology choices and growth: testing and expanding the propositions of new structural economics in transition economies Downloads
Randolph Bruno, Elodie Douarin, Julia Korosteleva and Slavo Radosevic
126: Are Foreign-Owned Firms Different? Comparison of Employment Volatility and Elasticity of Labour Demand Downloads
Jaanika Meriküll and Tairi Rõõm
125: Assessing the Impact of the Maternity Capital Policy in Russia Using a Dynamic Model of Fertility and Employment Downloads
Fabian Slonimczyk and Anna Yurko
124: Making the Most of High Inflation Downloads
Wojciech Charemza, Svetlana Makarova and Imran Hussain Shah
123: Lerner meets Gravity Downloads
Joseph Francois and Miriam Manchin
122: Growth Aspirations and Social Capital: Young Firms in a Post-Conflict Environment Downloads
Adnan Efendic, Tomasz Mickiewicz and Anna Rebmann
121: Corruption and Management Practices Firm Level Evidence Downloads
Daphne Athanasouli and Antoine Goujard
120: Entrepreneurial Dynamics and Higher Education Institutions: Evidence from the Post-Communist World Downloads
Maksim Belitski, Julia Korosteleva and Julia Korosteleva
119: Which Institutions Encourage Entrepreneurial Growth Aspirations? Downloads
Saul Estrin, Julia Korosteleva and Tomasz Mickiewicz
118: Corruption and Firm Growth: Evidence from China Downloads
Yuanyuan Wang and Jing You
117: Entrepreneurial Propensity of Innovation Systems Downloads
Slavo Radosevic and Esin Yoruk
116: Industrial Associations as a Channel of Business-Government Interactions in an Imperfect Institutional Environment: The Russian Case Downloads
Andrei Yakovlev and Andrei Govorun
115: Entrepreneurship, Social Capital, And Institutions: Social And Commercial Entrepreneurship Across Nations Downloads
Saul Estrin, Tomasz Mickiewicz and Ute Stephan
114: Institutional Determinants of New Firm Entry in Russia: a Crossregional Analysis Downloads
Randolph Bruno, Maria Bytchkova and Saul Estrin
113: Gross Domestic Expenditures (GDE): the Need for a New National Aggregate Statistic Downloads
Mark Skousen
112: Governance Structures in Russian manufacturing: assessment using sample survey data Downloads
Svetlana Avdasheva and Nadezhda Goreyko
111: Russian Manufacturing Revisited: Industrial Enterprises at the Start of the Crisis Downloads
Boris Kuznetsov, Tatiana Dolgopyatova, Vladimir Gimpelson, Victoria Golikova, Ksenia Gonchar, Andrei Yakovlev and Evgeny Yasin
110: Impact of financial crises on poverty in developing world: an empirical approach Downloads
Zlatko Nikoloski
109: Knowledge source preferences as determinants of strategic entrepreneurial orientation Downloads
Slavo Radosevic, Denis Yoruk and Richard Woodward
108: Integration or regionalization: regional industrial specialization in Russia Downloads
Svetlana Golovanova
107: Legitimacy of inequality and the stability of income distributions in Poland Downloads
Zbigniew Karpinski
106: Entrepreneurship in transition economies: the role of institutions and generational change Downloads
Saul Estrin and Tomasz Mickiewicz
105: Mass privatisation and the post-communist mortality crisis: is there really a relationship Downloads
John Earle and Scott Gehlbach
104: Russian banking: a comeback of the state Downloads
Andrei Vernikov
103: Did Mass Privatisation really increase Post-Communist male mortality? Downloads
Christopher Gerry, Tomasz Mickiewicz and Zlatko Nikoloski
102: Institutional environment, innovative entrepreneurial entry and venture capital financing Downloads
Gian Fazio and Tomasz Mickiewicz
101: Are systems of innovation in Eastern Europe efficient? Downloads
Victoria Kravtsova and Slavo Radosevic
100: The Russian corporation: patterns of behavior during the crisis Downloads
Andrei Yakovlev, Yuri Simachev and Yuri Danilov
99: Foreign direct investments distribution in the Russian Federation: do spatial effects matter? Downloads
Tullio Buccellato and Francesco Santangelo
98: Rule of law, institutional quality and information Downloads
Randolph Bruno
Page updated 2025-02-16
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