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University of East Anglia Applied and Financial Economics Working Paper Series

Continuation of University of East Anglia Discussion Papers in Economics. Continued by University of East Anglia School of Economics Working Paper Series.

From School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
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72: Economic backwardness and social tension Downloads
Christa Brunnschweiler and Paivi Lujala
71: Salience and the Disposition Effect: Evidence from the Introduction of `Cash-Outs' in Betting Markets Downloads
Alasdair Brown and Fuyu Yang
70: Adverse Selection, Speed Bumps and Asset Market Quality Downloads
Alasdair Brown and Fuyu Yang
69: The Group All-Pay Auction with Heterogeneous Impact Functions Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury and Iryna Topolyan
68: The Role of Speculative Trade in Market Efficiency: Evidence from a Betting Exchange Downloads
Alasdair Brown and Fuyu Yang
67: Eye-image in Experiments: Social Cue or Experimenter Demand Effect? Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury, Joo Young Jeon and Bibhas Saha
66: Have Betting Exchanges Corrupted Horse Racing? Downloads
Alasdair Brown and Fuyu Yang
65: The Effect of Gender Equality on International Soccer Performance Downloads
Julia Bredtmann, Carsten Crede and Sebastian Otten
64: Does Forced Voting Result in Political Polarization? Downloads
Fernanda Leite Lopez de Leon and Renata Rizzi
63: Two Bidder All-Pay Auctions with Interdependent Valuations, including the Highly Competitive Case Downloads
Theodore Turocy and Lucas Rentschler
62: The Hidden Perils of Affirmative Action: Sabotage in Handicap Contests Downloads
Alasdair Brown and Subhasish Chowdhury
61: Resources for Conflict: Constraint or Wealth? Downloads
Kyung Baik, Subhasish Chowdhury and Abhijit Ramalingam
60: Competence versus Trustworthiness: What Do Voters Care About? Downloads
Fabio Galeotti and Daniel Zizzo
59: On the Optimal Social Contract: Agency Costs of Self-Government Downloads
Sang-Hyun Kim
58: A Note on Multi-winner Contest Mechanisms Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury and Sang-Hyun Kim
57: Optimal Compatibility in Systems Markets Downloads
Sang-Hyun Kim and Jay Choi
56: Bayesian Stochastic Search for the Best Predictors: Nowcasting GDP Growth Downloads
Nikolaus Hautsch and Fuyu Yang
55: Bayesian Inference and Forecasting in the Stationary Bilinear Model Downloads
Roberto Leon-Gonzalez and Fuyu Yang
54: Limited Cognition and Clustered Asset Prices: Evidence from Betting Markets Downloads
Alasdair Brown and Fuyu Yang
53: The Political Influence of Peer Groups: Experimental Evidence from the Classroom Downloads
Camila Campos, Shaun Hargreaves Heap and Fernanda L L de Leon
52: Wage Bargaining with Direct Competition and Heterogeneous Access to Vacancies Downloads
Adalbert Mayer and Theodore Turocy
51: Sabotage in Contests: A Survey Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury and Oliver Gurtler
50: The Max-Min Group Contest Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury, Dongryul Lee and Iryna Topolyan
49: The Attack-and-Defence Group Contests Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury and Iryna Topolyan
47: Time series non-linearity in the real growth / recession-term spread relationship Downloads
Dalu Zhang and Peter Moffatt
46: Olympic news and attitudes towards the Olympics: A compositional time-series analysis of how sentiment is affected by events Downloads
Terence Mills, Peter Dawson and Paul Downward
45: World, Country, and Sector Factors in International Business Cycles Downloads
Aikaterini Karadimitropoulou and Miguel Leon-Ledesma
44: Adding Ideology to the Equation: New Predictions for Election Results under Compulsory Voting Downloads
Fernanda de Leon
43: Information Acquisition in Ostensibly Efficient Markets Downloads
Alasdair Brown
42: Immigration Status and Victimization: Evidence from the British Crime Survey Downloads
Georgios Papadopoulos
41: Assortative Matching and Risk Sharing Downloads
Hailin Sun, Sanxi Li and Tong Wang
40: Co-dependence of Extreme Events in High Frequency FX Returns Downloads
Arnold Polanski and Evarist Stoja
39: Dynamic Multilateral Markets Downloads
Arnold Polanski and Emiliya Lazarova
38: Markets, Bargaining, and Networks with Heterogeneous Agents Downloads
Arnold Polanski and Fernando Vega-Redondo
37: Immigration Status and Criminal Behavior Downloads
Georgios Papadopoulos
36: Change in risk and bargaining game Downloads
Hailin Sun, Sanxi Li and Tong Wang
35: The yield curve as a leading indicator in economic forecasting in the U.K Downloads
Dalu Zhang and Peter Moffatt
32: An inspection game model of the stolen base in baseball: A theory of theft Downloads
Theodore Turocy
31: Mirror utility functions and reflexion properties of various classes of goods Downloads
Peter Moffatt and Keith Moffatt
30: Environmental outcomes in a model of mixed duopoly Downloads
Rupayan Pal and Bibhas Saha
29: The Return on Human Capital: the Case of UK Non-executive Directors that are also Executive Directors Downloads
Charlie Weir, Oleksandr Talavera and Alexander Muravyev
28: Bilateral Delegation, Wage Bargaining and Managerial Incentives: Implications for Efficiency and Distribution Downloads
Ishita Chatterjee and Bibhas Saha
27: Equal Opportunities in Science? Evidence on Gender Pay Gaps amongst Scientists Working in the UK Downloads
Sara Connolly and Susan Long
26: Main bank power, Switching Costs, and Firm Performance. Evidence from Ukraine Downloads
Andreas Stephan, Oleksandr Talavera and Andriy Tsapin
25: Group Contests with Internal Conflict and Power Asymmetry Downloads
Jay Choi, Subhasish Chowdhury and Jaesoo Kim
24: Top Guns May Not Fire: Best-Shot Group Contests with Group-Specific Public Good Prizes Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury, Dongryul Lee and Roman Sheremeta
23: Can State Language Policies Distort Students' Demand for Higher Education? Downloads
Alexander Muravyev and Oleksandr Talavera
22: Endorse or Not to Endorse: Understanding the Determinants of Newspapers' Likelihood of Making Political Recommendations Downloads
Fernanda Leite Lopez de Leon
20: Mortgage Choice as a Natural Field Experiment on Choice Under Risk Downloads
Philomena Bacon and Peter Moffatt
19: Social Capital and Access to Bank Financing: The Case of Chinese Entrepreneurs Downloads
Oleksandr Talavera, Lin Xiong and Xiong Xiong
18: Barro-Gordon Revisited: Reputational Equilibria with Inferential Expectations Downloads
Timo Henckel, Gordon Menzies, Nicholas Prokhovnik and Daniel Zizzo
17: Corporate Culture and the Tournament Hypothesis Downloads
Neslihan Ozkan, Oleksandr Talavera and Anna Zalewska
16: Exclusivity and Exclusion on Platform Markets Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury and Steven Martin
15: Psychological pressure in competitive environments: Evidence from a randomized natural experiment: Comment, Second Version Downloads
Martin Kocher, Marc Lenz and Matthias Sutter
14: Multiple Equilibria in Tullock Contests Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury and Roman Sheremeta
13: A Class of Indirect Utility Functions Predicting Giffen Behaviour Downloads
Peter Moffatt
12: Giffen Goods: A Duality Theorem Downloads
Henry Keith Moffatt and Peter Moffatt
11: Betting in the Shadow of Match-Fixing Downloads
Parimal Bag and Bibhas Saha
10: Corporate Debt Maturity Choice in Emerging Financial Markets Downloads
Andreas Stephan, Oleksandr Talavera and Andriy Tsapin
9: Entrepreneurship, Windfall Gains and Financial Constraints: Evidence from Germany Downloads
Dorothea Schaefer, Oleksandr Talavera and Charlie Weir
8: Inferential Expectations and the Missing Middle of Price Changes Downloads
Timo Henckel, Gordon Menzies and Daniel Zizzo
7: Do People Make Strategic Commitments? Experimental Evidence on Strategic Information Avoidance Downloads
Anders Poulsen and Michael Roos
6: Increasing Income Inequality: Productivity, Bargaining and Skill-Upgrading Downloads
Anders Frederiksen and Odile Poulsen
5: Technology Diffusion with Market Power in the Upstream Industry Downloads
Grischa Perino
4: Sensitivity of Prices to Demand Shocks: A Natural Experiment in the San Francisco Bay Area Downloads
Volodymyr Bilotkach, Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Oleksandr Talavera
3: The Impact of Financial Structure on Firms' Financial Constraints: A Cross-Country Analysis Downloads
Christopher Baum, Dorothea Schäfer and Oleksandr Talavera
2: Parliamentary Election Cycles and the Turkish Banking Sector Downloads
Christopher Baum, Mustafa Caglayan and Oleksandr Talavera
1: Corporate Liquidity Management and Future Investment Expenditures Downloads
Christopher Baum, Mustafa Caglayan and Oleksandr Talavera
Page updated 2024-12-31
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