From Centre for European Labour Market Studies
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- _009: Exits from Lone Motherhood: The Case of Sweden
- Håkan Nyman
- _008: Earning Inequality and the Gender Gap, the Changing Pattern in Sweden 1975-1991
- Mats Johansson
- _007: The Demand for Public Child Care in Sweden
- Urban Kjulin
- _006: Arbetstidsförkortning, driftid & sysselsättning, Ett internationellt perspektiv = Reduction of Working Time, Capital Operating Time and Employment, an International Perspective
- Sveinn Agnarsson and Dominique Anxo
- _004: Politique et évolution du temps de travail en Suéde in le temps de travail en Europe, organisation et réduction
- Dominique Anxo
- _003: Differentiel sexuel de salaire et discrimination salariale en Suède = Gender Wage Differential and Wage Discrimination in Sweden
- Dominique Anxo and J. Johannesson
- _002: Financing Swedish Labour Market Policy
- Dominique Anxo and J. Johannesson
- _001: Arbetstidsforkortning, driftid & sysselsattning, Ett internationellt perspektiv = Reduction of Working Time, Capital Operating Time and Employment, an International Perspective
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