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20th ITS Biennial Conference, Rio de Janeiro 2014: The Net and the Internet - Emerging Markets and Policies

From International Telecommunications Society (ITS)
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106901: On the incentives of an integrated ISP to favor its own content Downloads
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereiraz and João Vareda
106900: Effective subsidies to the demand for fixed broadbandwith an increase in penetration and an undistorted competition landscape: The Colombian case Downloads
Jaime Casasbuenas, Fernando de Oliveira and Jairo Riobo
106899: Characterizing SMS spam in a large cellular network via mining victim spam reports Downloads
Ann Skudlark
106898: The impact of tariff diversity on broadband diffusion: An empirical analysis Downloads
Justus Haucap, Ulrich Heimesho and Mirjam Lange
106897: A compensation model developed to liberalize spectrum in the G4 era Downloads
Yuntsai Chou
106896: Conceptualized framework for regulation of OTT video services: A new battlefield of interconnection and peering Downloads
Chih-Liang Yeh
106895: Opportunity cost for the digital dividend bandwidth: Application and comparison with LTE auctions outcomes Downloads
Nicola Garelli
106893: Waiting for the national broadband network: Challenges of connectivity in regional Australia Downloads
Catherine Middleton and Sora Park
106892: Institutional variety and internet infrastructure development: The net and the internet: emerging markets and policies Downloads
Reza Rajabiun and Catherine Middleton
106891: The Internet: A black hole releasing new stars. Business models and regulation Downloads
Pier Luigi Parcu and Maria Luisa Stasi
106890: VDSL and Vectoring and the impact on VULA Downloads
Thomas Plückebaum, Stephan Jay and Karl-Heinz Neumann
106889: Geographic regulation and cooperative investment in next generation broadband networks Downloads
Roberto Balmer
106888: Is the European Union moving towards a strategic development of radio spectrum policy? A review of the Connected Continent legislative proposal Downloads
Maria Massaro and Erik Bohlin
106887: Understanding broadband under-utilization in Japan Downloads
Maria Bourna and Hitoshi Mitomo
106886: Estimating quality-adjusted prices for residential fixed broadband in South Korea 2000 - 2009
Wook Joon Kim
106885: The Economic Impact of Cloud Computing Diffusion in Japan Downloads
Atsushi Ozu and Norihiro Kasuga
106884: Drivers of fixed and mobile broadband infrastructure adoption and quality Downloads
Hsin-yi Sandy Tsai and Johannes M. Bauer
106883: Evaluating the product portfolio of Japanese public service broadcaster: Consumer vs. citizen's view Downloads
Masatsugu Tsuji and Yoshiharu Ichikawa
106882: Private-public partnerships for expanding broadband access: Lessons from the Cinturão Digital do Ceará Network in Brazil Downloads
Fernando Cardim de Carvalho, Flavio Feferman, Peter Knight and Glenn Woroch
106881: Historical mutilation: How misuse of 'public utility and 'natural monopoly' misdirects US telecommunications policy development Downloads
Barbara A. Cherry
106880: Alternatives to network neutrality: A South African perspective Downloads
Petrus H. Potgieter
106879: Net bias and the treatment of 'Mission-Critical' bits Downloads
Rob Frieden
106878: Disruptive competition vs. single standard: The role of risk-averse investors in the decline of the European computer and handset industries Downloads
Arnd Weber
106877: Shedding light on net neutrality: The Brazilian case Downloads
Marcio Wohlers, Moacir Giansante, Antonio Carlos Bordeaux-Rego and Nathalia Foditsch
106876: Safety in numbers? The effect of network competition on cybersecurity Downloads
Carolyn Gideon and Christiaan Hogendorn
106875: Can measures of broadband infrastructure improve predictions of economic growth? Downloads
Walter J. Mayer, Gary Madden and Xin Dang
106874: Così Fan Tutte: Why a right to be forgotten should not be pursued Downloads
Martha Garcia-Murillo and Ian MacInnes
106873: Comparison in Europe of telco value evolution during 'bubbles': Dotcom 2000 vs. Dotcom 2012 Downloads
Fernando Herrera-González
106872: Anatomy of a Public-Private Partnership: Hold-up and regulatory risk in an NGN PPP Downloads
Bronwyn Howell and Bert Sadowski
106871: The role of information communication technology policies in economic development: A comparison of select Asian countries Downloads
Francis Pereira
106870: The index construction of cross-media concentration in the digital era: A comparative study Downloads
Kuo-Feng Tseng
106869: Bundling information goods under 'breakeven' price Downloads
Toshifumi Kuroda
106868: Consumer demand for the mobile Internet in a greenfield emerging market: The case of Myanmar Downloads
Thaw Tar Min, Elizabeth Fife and Erik Bohlin
106867: Empirical study on how social media promotes product innovation Downloads
Hiroki Idota, Teruyuki Bunno and Masatsugu Tsuji
106866: International spectrum management regime: Is gridlock blocking flexible spectrum property rights?
Mohamed El-Moghazi, Jason Whalley and James Irvine
106865: Network neutrality: Insights gained by juxtaposing the US and Korea Downloads
Dong-Hee Shin, Jaegil Lee, Nam Cheol Kim and Jaeyoel Jung
106864: Deregulating fixed voice services? Empirical evidence from the European Union Downloads
Mirjam Lange and Amela Šaric
106863: Deployment strategies for FTTH networks and their impact on the business case: A comparison of case studies Downloads
Albert Domingo, Marlies Van der Wee, Sofie Verbrugge and Miquel Oliver
106862: Innovation in European telecommunication regulation: The diffusion of regulatory remedies Downloads
Gordon Klein and Julia Wendel
106861: Analysis on switching cost versus bundling price under consumer adoption for choosing smart TV over pay TV Downloads
Ahreum Hong, Eun Yu and Junseok Hwang
106860: Game-theoretical models of the competitive dynamics in optical network service provision Downloads
Helio Waldman and Rodrigo Campos Bortoletto
106859: Navigating the everyone-to-everyone economy Downloads
Rob van den Dam
106858: Analysing standardisation processes as technology trajectories in the mobile ecosystem: Implications for competition and innovation Downloads
Hanne Kristine Hallingby
106857: Competition and consumer protection in the cyberspace marketplace Downloads
Joseph A. Klein and P. M. Rao
106856: Spectrum scarcity and Canada's urban core Downloads
Gregory Taylor, Catherine Middleton and Xavier Fernando
106855: The next reformation: The corporation in the age of Amazon Downloads
Gregory Melus
106854: Where is the limit of big data? A case study of journalism practices pertaining to datasets of e-Government in Taiwan Downloads
Chao Chen Lin
106853: User centric cloud service model in public sectors: Policy implications of cloud services Downloads
Dong-Hee Shin, Hongseok Yoon, Jaegil Lee, Yohan Moon, Namchul Kim and Hoyeon Cho
106852: Protecting confidentiality: Regulation as a tool for securing computing environments Downloads
Arnd Weber
106851: Development of a lean margin squeeze testing methodology Downloads
Stephan Jay and Karl-Heinz Neumann
106850: Research on open innovation strategy and its performance in Korea smart media industry: Focusing on user innovation strategy Downloads
Cheongho Na, Eungdo Kim and Junseok Hwang
106849: Empirical analysis of mobile broadband adoption in major six countries from the view of competition policy Downloads
Sobee Shinohara, Hiroyuki Morikawa and Masatsugu Tsuji
106848: Investigating mobile broadband adoption and usage: S case of smartphone in Sweden Downloads
Chatchai Kongaut and Erik Bohlin
106847: The Brazilian Approach to Internet Intermediary Liability: Blueprint for a Global Regime? Downloads
Nicolo Zingales
106846: Provision of universal broadband service in Japan: A policy challenge toward a sustainable ICT infrastructure Downloads
Hitoshi Mitomo
106845: The impact of local loop and retail unbundling Downloads
Gordon Klein and Julia Wendel
106844: A socio-technical framework for Internet-of-Things design Downloads
Dong-Hee Shin, Hongseok Yoon, Jaegil Lee, Yohan Moon, Namchul Kim and Hoyeon Cho
106843: Bundling incentives in markets with product complementarities: The case of triple-play Downloads
João Macieira, Pedro Pereira and João Vareda
106842: Regulation of Latin American's Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Sector: An empirical analysis Downloads
James Alleman and Paul Rappoport
106841: The impact of ICTs on the informal economy Downloads
Martha Garcia-Murillo and Jorge Andres Velez-Ospina
106840: Separation anxieties: Structural separation and technological diffusion in nascent fibre networks Downloads
Bronwyn Howell
106839: One goal, many paths: Policy proposals for universal access to broadband in Brazil Downloads
André Moura Gomes, Pedro Antero Braga Cordeiro and Pedro Lucas da Cruz Pereira Araújo
106838: A Hitchiker 's guide to digital social innovation Downloads
Loretta Anania and Antonella Passani
106837: Competition and market strategies in the Swiss fixed telephony market Downloads
Roberto Balmer
106836: Will asset-sharing improve wireless communications performance? Downloads
Richard N. Clarke
106835: Internet Governance The internet balkanization fragmentation Downloads
Sérgio Alves
106834: Implications of data-intensive applications for next generation mobile networks Downloads
Claudio Feijóo, José Luis Gómez-Barroso and Sergio Ramos
106833: Resolving West Africa's electricity dilemma through the pursuit of smart grid opportunities Downloads
Cheikh Dramé
106832: Troubled road to the first spectrum auction in Poland Downloads
Jerzy Kubasik
106831: How do we keep proper level of content diversity: The influence of the gigantic platform on content diversity Downloads
Changjun Lee and Junseok Hwang
106830: Effects of transaction and switching costs on mobile market performance Downloads
Arturo Basaure, Henna Suomi and Heikki Hämmäinen
106829: A study on business structure of E-book in non-English Language: Case study of Japan Downloads
Masashi Ueda
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