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Technical Reports

From Technische Universität Dortmund, Sonderforschungsbereich 475: Komplexitätsreduktion in multivariaten Datenstrukturen
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2009,14: D-optimal plans for variable selection in data bases Downloads
Julia Schiffner and Claus Weihs
2009,13: Heterogeneity in the cyclical sensitivity of job-to-job flows Downloads
Sandra Schaffner
2009,12: Biases in the measurement of labour market dynamics Downloads
Ronald Bachmann and Sandra Schaffner
2009,11: Interventions in ingarch processes Downloads
Konstantions Fokianos and Roland Fried
2009,09: Optimal designs for estimating critical effective dose under model uncertainty in a dose response study Downloads
Holger Dette, Andrey Pepelyshev, Piter Shpilev and Weng Kee Wong
2009,08: Optimal designs for an interference model Downloads
Joachim Kunert and Sabine Mersmann
2009,07: Optimal designs for estimating critical effective dose under model uncertainty in a dose response study Downloads
Holger Dette, Andrey Pepelyshev, Piter Shpilev and Weng Kee Wong
2009,06: Frequency estimation by DFT interpolation: a comparison of methods Downloads
Bernd Bischl, Uwe Ligges and Claus Weihs
2009,05: The importance of two-sided heterogeneity for the cyclicality of labour market dynamics Downloads
Ronald Bachmann and Peggy Bechara (née David)
2009,04: Constructing irregular histograms by penalized likelihood Downloads
Yves Rozenholc, Thoralf Mildenberger and Ursula Gather
2009,03: Consistencies of the kernel density estimator
Dominik Wied and Rafael Weißbach
2009,02: Kernelized design of experiments Downloads
Stefan Rüping and Claus Weihs
2009,01: An exact upper limit for the variance bias in the carry-over model with correlated errors Downloads
Oliver Sailer
2008,29: Evolutionary algorithms for robust methods Downloads
Robin Nunkesser and Oliver Morell
2008,28: Bootstrapping frequency domain tests in multivariate time series with an application to comparing spectral densities Downloads
Holger Dette and Efstathios Paparoditis
2008,27: A likelihood ratio test for stationarity of rating transitions Downloads
Rafael Weißbach and Ronja Walter
2008,26: A geometric characterization of c-optimal designs for heteroscedastic regression Downloads
Holger Dette and Tim Holland-Letz
2008,25: Convergence analysis of generalized iteratively reweighted least squares algorithms on convex function spaces Downloads
Nicolai Bissantz, Lutz Dümbgen, Axel Munk and Bernd Stratmann
2008,24: Bipower-type estimation in a noisy diffusion setting Downloads
Mark Podolskij and Mathias Vetter
2008,23: Robustness of optimal designs for the Michaelis-Menten model under a variation of criteria Downloads
Holger Dette, Christine Kiss and Weng Kee Wong
2008,22: Practical considerations for optimal designs in clinical dose finding studies Downloads
Frank Bretz, Holger Dette and José Pinheiro
2008,21: Optimal designs for estimating the slope of a regression Downloads
Holger Dette and Viatcheslav B. Melas
2008,20: Strong consistency for delta sequence ratios Downloads
Wladyslaw Poniatowski and Rafael Weißbach
2008,19: A note on all-bias designs with applications in spline regression models Downloads
Holger Dette and Viatcheslav B. Melas
2008,18: Testing for image symmetries: with application to confocal microscopy Downloads
Nicolai Bissantz, Hajo Holzmann and Mirosław Pawlak
2008,17: Asymptotic normality and confidence intervals for inverse regression models with convolution-type operators Downloads
Nicolai Bissantz and Melanie Birke
2008,16: Confidence bands for inverse regression models with application to gel electrophoresis Downloads
Melanie Birke, Nicolai Bissantz and Hajo Holzmann
2008,15: Bias in nearest-neighbor hazard estimation Downloads
Rafael Weißbach and Holger Dette
2008,14: More on the F-test under nonspherical disturbances Downloads
Walter Krämer and Christoph Hanck
2008,13: Some comments on quasi-birth-and-death processes and matrix measures Downloads
Holger Dette and Bettina Reuther
2008,12: RFreak-An R-package for evolutionary computation Downloads
Robin Nunkesser
2008,11: An intersection test for panel unit roots Downloads
Christoph Hanck
2008,10: Is double trouble? How to combine cointegration tests Downloads
Christian Bayer and Christoph Hanck
2008,09: Optimal designs for dose finding experiments in toxicity studies Downloads
Holger Dette, Andrey Pepelyshev and Weng Kee Wong
2008,08: Shape constrained kernel density estimation Downloads
Melanie Birke
2008,07: A martingale-transform goodness-of-fit test for the form of the conditional variance Downloads
Holger Dette and Benjamin Hetzler
2008,06: Optimal discrimination designs Downloads
Holger Dette and Stefanie Titoff
2008,05: A finite sample comparison of nonparametric estimates of the effective dose in quantal bioassay Downloads
Holger Dette and Regine Scheder
2008,04: Enhanced services for targeted information retrieval by event extraction and data mining Downloads
Felix Jungermann and Katharina Morik
2008,03: Imputing missing genotypes with weighted k nearest neighbors Downloads
Holger Schwender and Katja Ickstadt
2008,02: Optimal designs for estimating pairs of coefficients in Fourier regression models Downloads
Holger Dette and Viatcheslav B. Melas
2008,01: Robust shift detection in time-varying autoregressive processes Downloads
Roland Fried
2007,41: Microstructure noise in the continuous case: the pre-averaging approach Downloads
Jean Jacod, Yingying Li, Per A. Mykland, Mark Podolskij and Mathias Vetter
2007,40: Statistical inference for inverse problems Downloads
Nicolai Bissantz and Hajo Holzmann
2007,39: Evaluating continuous training programs using the generalized propensity score1 Downloads
Jochen Kluve, Hilmar Schneider, Arne Uhlendorff and Zhong Zhao
2007,38: Robust online signal extraction from multivariate time series Downloads
Vivian Lanius and Ursula Gather
2007,37: Optimal experimental designs for inverse quadratic regression models Downloads
Holger Dette and Christine Kiss
2007,36: Testing for a constant coefficient of variation in nonparametric regression Downloads
Holger Dette and Gabriele Wieczorek
2007,35: Shape constrained estimators in inverse regression models with convolution-type operator Downloads
Melanie Birke and Nicolai Bissantz
2007,34: Goodness-of-fit tests for multiplicativemodels with dependent data Downloads
Holger Dette, Juan Carlos Pardo-Fernandez and Ingrid Van Keilegom
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