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Short-id: pds10

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Beneficial effect of adjusted sentences on recidivism in France: investigating the hidden role of the judge
    Working Papers, French Institute for Demographic Studies Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Multi-morbidity and frailty at death: A new classification of death records for an ageing world
    Population Studies, 2020, 74, (3), 437-449 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Circonstances et causes des décès des personnes écrouées en France: le poids écrasant des morts violentes
    Population (french edition), 2018, 73, (4), 757-786 Downloads
  2. Circumstances and Causes of Death Among Prisoners in France: The Preponderance of Violent Deaths
    Population (english edition), 2018, Volume 73, (4), 721-750 Downloads


  1. Obesity-related mortality in France, Italy, and the United States: a comparison using multiple cause-of-death analysis
    International Journal of Public Health, 2017, 62, (6), 623-629 Downloads View citations (4)
  2. Self-rated Health among HIV-infected People Receiving Treatments in Thailand
    Asian Social Science, 2017, 13, (1), 20 Downloads


  1. After the epidemiologic transition: a reassessment of mortality from infectious diseases among over-65s in France and Italy
    International Journal of Public Health, 2015, 60, (8), 961-967 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Analysing Multiple Causes of Death: Which Methods For Which Data? An Application to the Cancer-Related Mortality in France and Italy
    (Analyse des causes multiples de décès: quelles méthodes pour quelles données? L’exemple de la mortalité par cancer en France et en Italie)
    European Journal of Population, 2012, 28, (4), 467-498 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Revisiting the mortality of France and Italy with the multiple-cause-of-death approach
    Demographic Research, 2010, 23, (28), 771-806 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Why do Italian people rate their health worse than French people do? An exploration of cross-country differentials of self-rated health
    Social Science & Medicine, 2009, 68, (6), 1124-1128 Downloads View citations (12)


  1. Generations and Gender Survey (GGS)
    Demographic Research, 2007, 17, (14), 389-440 Downloads View citations (45)


  1. Determinants of the living arrangements of older people in Europe Déterminants des modes de vie des personnes âgées en Europe
    European Journal of Population, 2006, 22, (3), 241-262 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Le handicap en milieu carcéral en France. Quelles différences avec la situation en population générale ?
    Population (french edition), 2005, 60, (1), 71-98 Downloads


  1. Le réseau familial des personnes âgées de 60 ans ou plus vivant à domicile ou en institution
    Population (french edition), 2003, 58, (2), 201-227 Downloads View citations (4)
Page updated 2025-03-22