Details about Aline Désesquelles
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Short-id: pds10
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Beneficial effect of adjusted sentences on recidivism in France: investigating the hidden role of the judge
Working Papers, French Institute for Demographic Studies
Journal Articles
- Multi-morbidity and frailty at death: A new classification of death records for an ageing world
Population Studies, 2020, 74, (3), 437-449 View citations (2)
- Circonstances et causes des décès des personnes écrouées en France: le poids écrasant des morts violentes
Population (french edition), 2018, 73, (4), 757-786
- Circumstances and Causes of Death Among Prisoners in France: The Preponderance of Violent Deaths
Population (english edition), 2018, Volume 73, (4), 721-750
- Obesity-related mortality in France, Italy, and the United States: a comparison using multiple cause-of-death analysis
International Journal of Public Health, 2017, 62, (6), 623-629 View citations (4)
- Self-rated Health among HIV-infected People Receiving Treatments in Thailand
Asian Social Science, 2017, 13, (1), 20
- After the epidemiologic transition: a reassessment of mortality from infectious diseases among over-65s in France and Italy
International Journal of Public Health, 2015, 60, (8), 961-967 View citations (2)
- Analysing Multiple Causes of Death: Which Methods For Which Data? An Application to the Cancer-Related Mortality in France and Italy
(Analyse des causes multiples de décès: quelles méthodes pour quelles données? L’exemple de la mortalité par cancer en France et en Italie)
European Journal of Population, 2012, 28, (4), 467-498 View citations (4)
- Revisiting the mortality of France and Italy with the multiple-cause-of-death approach
Demographic Research, 2010, 23, (28), 771-806 View citations (3)
- Why do Italian people rate their health worse than French people do? An exploration of cross-country differentials of self-rated health
Social Science & Medicine, 2009, 68, (6), 1124-1128 View citations (12)
- Generations and Gender Survey (GGS)
Demographic Research, 2007, 17, (14), 389-440 View citations (45)
- Determinants of the living arrangements of older people in Europe Déterminants des modes de vie des personnes âgées en Europe
European Journal of Population, 2006, 22, (3), 241-262 View citations (1)
- Le handicap en milieu carcéral en France. Quelles différences avec la situation en population générale ?
Population (french edition), 2005, 60, (1), 71-98
- Le réseau familial des personnes âgées de 60 ans ou plus vivant à domicile ou en institution
Population (french edition), 2003, 58, (2), 201-227 View citations (4)
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