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Details about Richard Mattoon

Workplace:Economic Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Richard Mattoon.

Last updated 2023-02-24. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pma2416

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Charting an Economic Development Strategy for Industrial Regions: The Story of the U.S. Midwest in the 1990s and Beyond
    NFI Reports, Indiana State University, Scott College of Business, Networks Financial Institute Downloads


  1. A new social compact: how university engagement can fuel innovation
    Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Downloads


  1. Creating a national state rainy day fund: a modest proposal to improve future state fiscal performance
    Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Assessing the Midwest economy: looking back for the future: report of findings
    Assessing the Midwest Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago View citations (1)


  1. A mixed bag: assessment of market performance and firm trading behavior in the NOx RECLAIM program
    Working Paper Series, Regional Economic Issues, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Downloads View citations (9)
  2. Issues in governance structure for metropolitan areas
    Assessing the Midwest Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


  1. State and local government spending--the balance between investment and consumption
    Working Paper Series, Regional Economic Issues, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Journal Articles


  1. Land Value Taxes—What They Are and Where They Come From
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2023, No 489, 5 Downloads


  1. Best Practices for Financing Illinois Infrastructure: A Conference Summary
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2019 Downloads


  1. Navigating Pension Reform in Illinois
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2018 Downloads
  2. Preventing the Next State Budget Crisis: A Conference Summary
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2018 Downloads


  1. Chicago’s Fiscal Future: Growth or Insolvency? A Conference Summary
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2017 Downloads


  1. Improving Transparency and Accountability in State Budgeting
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2016 Downloads
  2. Medicaid Expansion and the Affordable Care Act: A Fiscal Checkup
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2016 Downloads


  1. Measuring and Financing Infrastructure Investments
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2015, (Jan) Downloads
  2. Sin Taxes: The Sobering Fiscal Reality
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2015 Downloads


  1. After Detroit: How Will Illinois and Its Communities Respond?
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2014, (Jul) Downloads
  2. Industry clusters and economic development in the Seventh District’s largest cities
    Economic Perspectives, 2014, (Q II), 52-66 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Are local property tax breaks for businesses and nonprofits broken?
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2013, (Mar) Downloads


  1. Beyond parking meters: the future of public–private partnerships
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2012, (Jun) Downloads


  1. Charting Illinois’s fiscal future
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2010, (Aug) Downloads


  1. Assessing the state and local sector - Where will the money come from?: a conference summary
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2009, (Jul) Downloads


  1. A forum on Medicaid and state budgets: a summary
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2007, (May) Downloads
  2. Can higher education foster economic growth?—a conference summary
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2007, (Mar) Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Can higher education foster economic growth?
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2006, (Aug) Downloads
  2. State and local government public pension forum: a conference summary
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2006, (May) Downloads


  1. Challenges and prospects for Midwest manufacturing
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2005, (Mar) Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in Chicago Fed Letter, 2005, (Mar) (2005) Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Challenges and prospects for Midwest manufacturing: report on the 2003–04 Chicago Fed Manufacturing Project
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2005, (Feb) Downloads


  1. State and local business taxation: is there a better way?
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2004, (Dec) Downloads
  2. State budgets and the economy
    Chicago Fed Letter, 2004, (Mar) Downloads
  3. The state of the state and local government sector: fiscal issues in the Seventh District
    Economic Perspectives, 2004, 28, (Q I), 2-17 Downloads


  1. A Mixed Bag: Assessmentof Market Performance and Firm Trading Behaviour in the NOx Reclaim Programme
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1997, 40, (6), 751-774 Downloads View citations (9)
  2. Assessing the Midwest economy: looking back for the future--a summary
    Chicago Fed Letter, 1997, (Jun) Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Brownfield redevelopment and urban economies
    Chicago Fed Letter, 1995, (May) Downloads
  2. Can alternative forms of governance help metropolitan areas?
    Economic Perspectives, 1995, 19, (Nov), 20-32 Downloads View citations (4)
  3. Complying with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: a progress report
    Chicago Fed Letter, 1995, (Jan) Downloads


  1. Assessing the Midwest flood
    Chicago Fed Letter, 1993, (Dec) Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Alternative approaches to meeting economic and environmental challenges
    Chicago Fed Letter, 1992, (Nov) Downloads
  2. Buy now, invest later: state and local government spending strategies
    Chicago Fed Letter, 1992, (Jul) Downloads
  3. Can the states solve the health care crisis?
    Economic Perspectives, 1992, 16, (Nov), 15-27 Downloads
  4. Caution: state and local governments brake for recessions
    Chicago Fed Letter, 1992, (Mar) Downloads


  1. Balancing act: tax structure in the seventh district
    Economic Perspectives, 1991, 15, (Sep), 22-32 Downloads
Page updated 2025-02-11