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Details about Charles I. Plosser

Workplace:Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, (more information at EDIRC)
Hoover Institution on War Revolution & Peace, (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Charles I. Plosser.

Last updated 2022-07-10. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: ppl11

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Working Papers


  1. Some Thoughts On International Monetary Policy Coordination
    Economics Working Papers, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Downloads View citations (1)


  1. The Risks of a Fed Balance Sheet Unconstrained by Monetary Policy
    Economics Working Papers, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Downloads View citations (4)


  1. A perspective on the economy and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  2. An appreciation of the Fed's 12 banks
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia


  1. A longer-term view of the U.S. economy and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  2. Communicating a systematic monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  3. Communication and transparency in the conduct of monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Communication challenges
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  5. Economic erowth and monetary policy: Is there a new normal?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (2)
  6. Monetary policy and a brightening economy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (3)
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2014) Downloads View citations (3)
  7. Monetary rules: theory and practice
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (3)
    See also Journal Article Monetary rules: Theory and practice, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier (2014) Downloads View citations (5) (2014)
  8. Perspectives on the Economy and Monetary Policy The 13th Annual Economic Outlook The School of Business at La Salle University, Union League of Philadelphia Business Network, January 14, 2014, Philadelphia, PA
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  9. Perspectives on the U.S. economy and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2014) Downloads View citations (1)
  10. Reinventing older communities: bridging growth & opportunity
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  11. Shocks, gaps, and monetary policy, Korea-America Economic Association, January 4, 2014, Philadelphia, PA
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  12. Simplicity, transparency, and market discipline in regulatory reform
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (4)
  13. Systematic Monetary Policy and Communication
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  14. Systematic policy and forward guidance
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  15. The Economic Outlook
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2011) Downloads
  16. The U.S. economic outlook and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2012) Downloads View citations (8)
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2014) Downloads
  17. The economic outlook and housing
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads


  1. A limited central bank
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (5)
    See also Journal Article A Limited Central Bank, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Morgan Stanley (2019) Downloads View citations (2) (2019)
  2. A perspective on the U.S. economic outlook and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2013) Downloads
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2013) Downloads
  3. Assessing monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  4. Can we end too big to fail?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  5. Economic conditions and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2013) Downloads
  6. Forward guidance
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  7. Observations on the Centennial of the Federal Reserve System The Philadelphia Fed Policy Forum: \"The History of Central Banking in the United States,\" December 6, 2013
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  8. Reconsidering EXIT
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  9. Reducing financial fragility by ending too big to fail
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (2)
  10. The Economic Outlook and Long-Term Growth, New Jersey Economic Leadership Forum, New Jersey Bankers Association, January 11, 2013, Somerset, NJ
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  11. The Economic Outlook and Long-Term Growth; 34th Annual Economic Seminar, Sponsored by the Simon School of Business with JPMorgan Chase & Co. and the Rochester Business Alliance> January 15, 2013, Rochester, New York
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  12. The national economic outlook and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)


  1. A perspective on the economic outlook
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  2. A progress report on our monetary policy framework: Forecasters Club, New York, New York, February 29, 2012
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Economic outlook and communicating monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (4)
  4. Economic outlook and the limits of monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (4)
  5. Economic outlook: a speech at the Rotary Club of Wilmington, Wilmington, Delaware, March 29, 2012
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  6. Economic prospects and monetary policy for the new year; 33rd Annual Economic Seminar, January 11, 2012, Rochester, New York
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  7. Fiscal policy and monetary policy: restoring the boundaries - U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, The Initiative on Global Markets, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, New York, New York, February 24, 2012
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (3)
  8. Macro models and monetary policy analysis
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (8)
  9. Resilient communities in a resilient economy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  10. Restoring central banks after the crisis: Re-examining central bank orthodoxy for unorthodox times: Inaugural meeting of the Global Society of Fellows of the Global Interdependence Center, Banque de France, Paris, France, March 26, 2012
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  11. The outlook and the hazards of accelerationist policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  12. Transparency and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  13. Transparent communications: The journey continues, National Economists Club, Washington, D.C., April 12, 2012
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads


  1. A credible commitment to normalization: a speech at Capital Markets in the Post-Crisis Environment, Global Interdependence Center and the Bank of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, June 6, 2011
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  2. A perspective on the economic outlook: a speech for the New Jersey Bankers Association, May 12, 2011, Aventura, Florida
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  3. EXIT: a speech at the Shadow Open Market Committee, March 25, 2011
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  4. Economic outlook and a perspective on monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  5. Economic outlook and challenges for monetary policy: a speech at the Philadelphia Chapter of the Risk Management Association, Philadelphia, PA, January 11, 2011
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  6. From recession to expansion: a policymaker's perspective: a speech at the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & Capital Regional Economic Development Corporation, April 1, 2011
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  7. Some observations on fiscal imbalances and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  8. Strengthening our monetary policy framework through commitment, credibility, and communication
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  9. Strengthening our monetary policy framework: a speech at the 20th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference, April 14, 2011, New York, New York
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  10. The U.S. economic outlook and the normalization of monetary policy: a speech at the Society of Business Economists annual conference, London, England, June 9, 2011
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  11. The progress of recovery and challenges for policymakers: a speech at the Rotary Club of Birmingham, February 23, 2011
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  12. The scope and responsibilities of monetary policy: a speech at the GIC 2011 Global Conference Series: Monetary Policy and Central Banking in the Post-Crisis Environment, The Central Bank of Chile, Santiago, Chile, January 17, 2011
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads


  1. Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble: a dangerous brew for monetary policy: a speech at the Cato Institute’s 28th Annual Monetary Conference, Washington, D.C., November 18, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  2. Convertible securities and bankruptcy reforms: addressing too big to fail and reducing the fragility of the financial system: a speech at the Conference on the Squam Lake Report: Fixing the Financial System, New York, NY, June 16, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (5)
  3. Credible commitments and monetary policy after the crisis: a speech at the Swiss National Bank Monetary Policy Conference, Zurich Switzerland, September 24, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (5)
  4. Economic outlook and monetary policy: a speech at 32nd Annual Economic Seminar, Sponsored by the Simon Graduate School of Business, Rochester Business Alliance, and JPMorgan Chase & Co., Rochester, NY, December 2, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  5. Economic outlook: a speech at the Blair County Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Club, Altoona, PA, June 11, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  6. Economic outlook: a speech at the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, DuPont Country Club, Wilmington, Delaware, May 7, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  7. Economic outlook: a speech at the Entrepreneurs Forum of Greater Philadelphia, January 12, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  8. Economic outlook: a speech at the Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce, Vineland, NJ, September 29, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  9. Output gaps and robust policy rules: a speech at the 2010 European Banking & Financial Forum, Czech National Bank, Prague, The Czech Republic, March 23, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (4)
  10. Plosser defines key issues in financial reform: remarks to the Joint Economic Committee Staff Meeting, U.S. Congress, May 5, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  11. Plosser outlines critical elements of financial reform: a letter to United States Senators in the Philadelphia Fed District, April 20, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  12. Responding to economic crises: good intentions, bad incentives, and ugly results: a speech at The Union League of Philadelphia, October 20, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  13. The Federal Reserve System: balancing independence and accountability: a speech at the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, February 17, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  14. Welcoming remarks: financial interdependence in the world's post-crisis capital markets: a speech for the 2010 Global Conference Series (Part III), March 3, 2010
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads


  1. A perspective on the outlook, output gaps, and price stability: a speech at Money Marketeers, The Down Town Association, New York, May 21, 2009
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  2. Demystifying the Federal Reserve: a speech at Lafayette College Policy Studies Program, Easton, PA, September 29, 2009
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  3. Ensuring sound monetary policy in the aftermath of crisis: a speech at the U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, The Initiative on Global Markets, New York City, February 27, 2009
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Food or commodity price shocks and inflation: a central banker's perspective
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  5. Improving financial stability: a speech at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, March 31, 2009
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (2)
  6. Monetary policy and the wisdom of Wayne Gretzky
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  7. Redesigning financial system regulation: a speech at the New York University Conference \"Restoring Financial Stability: How to Repair a Failed System,\" March 6, 2009
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  8. Some observations about policy lessons from the crisis
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  9. Sound monetary policy for good times and bad: a speech at the Merk Investments/Stanford SIEPR Panel, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, October 20, 2009
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  10. The economic outlook and some challenges facing the Federal Reserve: a speech at the Economic Outlook Panel, University of Delaware, January 14, 2009
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Education and economic prosperity: a speech at Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, PA, April 16, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  2. Foundations for sound central banking: a speech at the Session on Global Challenges in Monetary Policy, Global Interdependence Center (GIC), Cape Town, South Africa, March 28, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  3. Importance of financial econometrics for financial innovation and financial stability: a speech for the Inaugural Conference of the Society for Financial Econometrics, New York University Stern School of Business, June 5, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  4. Monetary policy and financial stability: a speech at the 26th Annual Monetary and Trade Conference The Global Interdependence Center and Drexel's LeBow College of Business, April 18, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  5. Perspectives on the economy, inflation, and monetary policy: a speech at the Philadelphia Business Journal Book of Lists Power Breakfast, King of Prussia, PA, July 22, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (3)
  6. Some thoughts on the economy and financial regulatory reform: a speech at the Economics Club of Pittsburgh, November 13, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  7. The benefits of systematic monetary policy: a speech presented to the National Association for Business Economics, Washington Economic Policy Conference, March 3, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (3)
  8. The economic outlook and challenges for policymakers: a speech to the Birmingham Rotary Club, February 6, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  9. The economic outlook and the Fed's roles in monetary policy and financial stability: a speech presented to the Main Line Chamber of Commerce, January 8, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  10. The financial tsunami and the Federal Reserve: a speech at the University of Rochester, December 2, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  11. The limits of central banking: a speech at the New York Office of the Council on Foreign Relations, October 8, 2008
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads


  1. Credibility and commitment: a speech presented to the New York Association for Business Economics, March 6, 2007, and as the Hutchinson Lecture, University of Delaware, April 10, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (5)
  2. Economic outlook and central bank policy: a speech at the University of Rochester, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration Economic Outlook Seminar, November 27, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  3. House prices and monetary policy: a speech for the European Economics and Financial Centre Distinguished Speakers Series, July 11, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  4. Invention, productivity, and the economy: a speech for the New Jersey Technology Council, Edison Innovators Speaker Series, Mount Laurel, New Jersey, September 25, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  5. Opening remarks: a speech at the Federal Reserve Community Affairs Research Conference Financing Community Development, Washington, D.C., March 30, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  6. Price stability and economic welfare: a speech at the Global Interdependence Center's 25th Annual Monetary & Trade Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, April 16, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  7. The economic outlook: prospects for 2007: a speech to the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce February 7, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  8. Two pillars of central banking: monetary policy and financial stability: opening remarks to the Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers 130th Annual Convention, Waikoloa, Hawaii, September 8, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads
  9. What can we expect from the yield curve?: a speech at the NJ Bankers 2007 Annual Convention, Palm Beach, FL, March 23, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads


  1. The economic outlook and monetary policy: a speech at the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester, Annual Economic Outlook Seminar, November 28, 2006
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads View citations (1)
  2. The economy, inflation, and monetary policy: a speech to the CFA Society of Philadelphia, October 5, 2006
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Downloads


  1. Shadow Open Market Committee; Policy Statement and Position Papers
    Working Papers, Rochester, Business - Industry Policy Studies View citations (4)
  2. Stochastic trends and economic fluctuations
    Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago View citations (706)
    Also in NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1987) Downloads View citations (55)

    See also Journal Article Stochastic Trends and Economic Fluctuations, American Economic Review, American Economic Association (1991) Downloads View citations (843) (1991)


  1. Money and Business Cycles: A Real Business Cycle Interpretation
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc Downloads View citations (7)
    Also in RCER Working Papers, University of Rochester - Center for Economic Research (RCER) (1989) View citations (6)

    See also Journal Article Money and business cycles: a real business cycle interpretation, Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (1989) View citations (14) (1989)


    RCER Working Papers, University of Rochester - Center for Economic Research (RCER) View citations (21)
    Also in NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1989) Downloads View citations (13)

    See also Journal Article Real business cycles and the test of the Adelmans, Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier (1994) Downloads View citations (86) (1994)
    RCER Working Papers, University of Rochester - Center for Economic Research (RCER) View citations (185)
    Also in Working Papers, Rochester, Business - General (1989) View citations (181)

    See also Journal Article Understanding Real Business Cycles, Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association (1989) Downloads View citations (186) (1989)


  1. The Behavior of Money, Credit, and Prices in a Real Business Cycle
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc Downloads View citations (55)


  1. Nelson_Plosser
    Instructional Stata datasets for econometrics, Boston College Department of Economics Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. The Murky Future of Monetary Policy
    Review, 2022, 104, (3), 178-188 Downloads


  1. A Limited Central Bank
    Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2019, 31, (4), 16-20 Downloads View citations (2)
    Also in Cato Journal, 2014, 34, (2), 201-211 (2014) Downloads View citations (1)

    See also Working Paper A limited central bank, Speech (2013) Downloads View citations (5) (2013)


  1. Commitment, Rules, and Discretion
    Cato Journal, 2016, 36, (2), 251-259 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Monetary rules: Theory and practice
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2014, 49, (C), 144-146 Downloads View citations (5)
    See also Working Paper Monetary rules: theory and practice, Speech (2014) Downloads View citations (3) (2014)
  2. Systematic Policy and Forward Guidance at the Fed
    Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2014, 26, (2), 15-18 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Fed Policy: Good Intentions, Risky Consequences
    Cato Journal, 2013, 33, (3), 347-357 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Designing monetary policy rules in an uncertain economic environment
    Business Review, 2012, (Q1), 1-9 Downloads
  2. Política fiscal y política monetaria: el restablecimiento de las fronteras
    Boletín, 2012, LVIII, (1), 7-12 Downloads
  3. Time-consistency and credible monetary policy after the crisis
    Business Review, 2012, (Q2), 19-26 Downloads


  1. A Dangerous Brew for Monetary Policy
    Cato Journal, 2011, 31, (3), 417-425 Downloads


  1. Convertible Securities and Bankruptcy Reforms: Addressing Too Big to Fail and Reducing the Fragility of the Financial System
    Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2010, 22, (3), 30-33 Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Financial Econometrics, Financial Innovation, and Financial Stability
    Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2009, 7, (1), 3-11 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Commentary on \\"Economic projections and rules of thumb for monetary policy\\"
    Review, 2008, 90, (Jul), 325-330 Downloads


  1. New Leadership at the Federal Reserve*
    Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2006, 18, (1), 126-129 Downloads


  1. The econometrics of the New Keynesian price equation
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 2005, 52, (6), 1059-1060 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Trade, Jobs, and the Economic Outlook for 2005
    Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2005, 17, (1), 100-105 Downloads


  1. Production, Growth and Business Cycles: Technical Appendix
    Computational Economics, 2002, 20, (1-2), 87-116 Downloads View citations (156)


  1. Introduction to the series
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1999, 50, (1), v-v Downloads
    Also in Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1997, 46, (1), v-v (1997) Downloads
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1998, 48, (1), v-v (1998) Downloads
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1998, 49, (1), vii-vii (1998) Downloads
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1997, 47, (1), v-v (1997) Downloads
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1996, 44, (1), v-v (1996) Downloads
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1995, 42, (1), v-v (1995) Downloads
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1999, 51, (1), v-v (1999) Downloads


  1. International term structures and real economic growth
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1994, 33, (1), 133-155 Downloads View citations (192)
  2. Real business cycles and the test of the Adelmans
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1994, 33, (2), 405-438 Downloads View citations (86)
    Also in Proceedings, 1989 (1989) View citations (13)

    See also Working Paper REAL BUSINESS CYCLES AND THE TEST OF THE ADELMANS, RCER Working Papers (1989) View citations (21) (1989)


  1. Introduction
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1992, 36, (1), 1-4 Downloads
  2. The search for growth
    Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole, 1992, 57-86 Downloads View citations (28)


  1. Introduction
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1991, 35, (1), 1-5 Downloads
  2. Introduction
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1991, 34, (1), 1-5 Downloads
  3. Real business cycles under test: A multi-country, multi-sector exercise: by Horst Entorf
    European Economic Review, 1991, 35, (4), 961-966 Downloads
  4. Stochastic Trends and Economic Fluctuations
    American Economic Review, 1991, 81, (4), 819-40 Downloads View citations (843)
    See also Working Paper Stochastic trends and economic fluctuations, Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues (1991) View citations (706) (1991)


  1. Money and business cycles: a real business cycle interpretation
    Proceedings, 1989 View citations (14)
    See also Working Paper Money and Business Cycles: A Real Business Cycle Interpretation, NBER Working Papers (1990) Downloads View citations (7) (1990)
  2. Understanding Real Business Cycles
    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1989, 3, (3), 51-77 Downloads View citations (186)
    See also Working Paper UNDERSTANDING REAL BUSINESS CYCLES, RCER Working Papers (1989) View citations (185) (1989)


  1. Production, growth and business cycles: I. The basic neoclassical model
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1988, 21, (2-3), 195-232 Downloads View citations (1395)
  2. Production, growth and business cycles: II. New directions
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1988, 21, (2-3), 309-341 Downloads View citations (653)
  3. Real business cycles: Introduction
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1988, 21, (2-3), 191-193 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Fiscal policy and the term structure
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1987, 20, (2), 343-367 Downloads View citations (67)
  2. Sectoral vs. Aggregate Shocks in the Business Cycle
    American Economic Review, 1987, 77, (2), 333-36 Downloads View citations (85)


  1. Editorial
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1986, 17, (1), 1-1 Downloads
  2. Money as the mechanism of exchange
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1986, 17, (1), 93-115 Downloads View citations (32)


  1. Money, deficits, and inflation
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1985, 22, (1), 147-195 Downloads View citations (62)


  1. Editorial policy and data
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1984, 14, (2), 131-131 Downloads
  2. Money in a theory of finance: Some observations on the Lucas paper
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1984, 21, (1), 47-56 Downloads
  3. Money, Credit, and Prices in a Real Business Cycle
    American Economic Review, 1984, 74, (3), 363-80 Downloads View citations (230)


  1. Alternative monetary standards: Introduction
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1983, 12, (1), 1-5 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Real Business Cycles
    Journal of Political Economy, 1983, 91, (1), 39-69 Downloads View citations (1006)


  1. Differencing as a Test of Specification
    International Economic Review, 1982, 23, (3), 535-52 Downloads View citations (24)
  2. Government financing decisions and asset returns
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1982, 9, (3), 325-352 Downloads View citations (70)
  3. Trends and random walks in macroeconmic time series: Some evidence and implications
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1982, 10, (2), 139-162 Downloads View citations (2225)


  1. Comments on Mussa's paper
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1981, 15, (1), 297-300 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Potential GNP: Its measurement and significance: A dissenting opinion
    Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1979, 10, (1), 179-186 Downloads View citations (29)
  2. The analysis of seasonal economic models
    Journal of Econometrics, 1979, 10, (2), 147-163 Downloads View citations (8)


  1. Money, income, and sunspots: Measuring economic relationships and the effects of differencing
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 1978, 4, (4), 637-660 Downloads View citations (64)


  1. Estimation of a non-invertible moving average process: The case of overdifferencing
    Journal of Econometrics, 1977, 6, (2), 199-224 Downloads View citations (35)



  1. The Balance Sheet
    Chapter 1 in The Structural Foundations of Monetary Policy, 2018 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Panel on Independence, Accountability, and Transparency in Central Bank Governance
    Chapter 6 in Central bank Governance & Oversight Reform, 2016 Downloads


  1. A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models
    A chapter in Seasonal Analysis of Economic Time Series, 1978, pp 365-408 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Journal of Monetary Economics
Page updated 2025-03-23