International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
2011 - 2017
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Volume 7, issue 4, 2017
- Effects of Board Globalizing on Financial Performance of Banks in Nigeria pp. 1-10

- Otuya Sunday and Ofeimun Godwin
- Achieving a Sustainable Business: The Role of Environmental Management Accounting in Corporate Governance pp. 11-20

- Kwame Oduro Amoako, Emmanuel Opoku Marfo, Eric Nsiah Gyabaah and Kofi Owiredu-Ghorman
- Evaluations on the Earning Quality of Listed Firms in Jordan pp. 21-32

- Omar Zuhier Abdul-Karim AL-Shar and Dongfang Qiu
- Understanding and Awareness of Islamic Accounting: The Case of Malaysian Accounting Undergraduates pp. 33-39

- Hazianti Abdul Halim
- Extent of Compliance with Code of Ethics and its Impact on Internal Audit Effectiveness pp. 40-61

- Muhammed Yassin Rahahle
- Exploring the Motivation behind Leakage of Internal Audit Reports (Whistle Blowing) in the Public Sector in Kenya pp. 62-70

- Clement C.M. Akjekwe and Adzor Ibiamke
- Financial Reporting Quality and Debt Contracting in Emerging Economy pp. 71-82

- Ajla Muratovic-Dedic and Nino Serdarevic
- Fraud Free Financial Report: A Conceptual Review pp. 83-94

- A.J. Omoolorun and T.O. Abilogun
- A Comparative Analysis of Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market Performances in Africa (2000-2015) pp. 95-102

- Christian N. Worlu and Cordelia Onyinyechi Oomodero
- Preparation of High Education in Applying International Audit Standard (ISA) in Audit Subject pp. 103-109

- Kazia Laturette
- An Analytical Study of the Impact of Inflation on Economic Growth in Nigeria (1970-2016) pp. 110-120

- Sunusi Yahaya Enejoh and Ahmad Muhammad Tsauni
- Interpret the Change of Standard in Auditing Course Learning Process Using Interactive Control System pp. 121-127

- Stanislaus Adnanto Mastan
- Behavioural Finance: Providing a Helping Hand in Understanding Individuals Financial Behavioural pp. 128-133

- Dana Mihaela Anastasiu
- Earnings Management and Banks Performance: Evidence from Europe pp. 134-145

- Mohammad M. Alhadab and Bassam Al-Own
- Sovereign Credit Rating Changes and Its Impact on Financial Markets of Europe during Debt Crisis Period in Greece and Ireland pp. 146-159

- Fahad Bashir, Omar Masood and Abdullah Imran Sahi
- Decision Usefulness and Financial Reporting: The General Public Perspective pp. 160-168

- Kazeem Akanfe Soyinka, Michael Omotayo Fagbayimu, Emmanuel Adegoroye and John Oladipo Ogunmola
- Tax Compliance Barriers and Internally Generated Revenue in Nigeria: Empirical from Small and Medium Enterprises in Portharcourt Metropolis pp. 169-176

- Lawyer Chukwumah Obara and Efeeloo Nangih
- Safety Practices and Performance of Oil and Gas Servicing Companies in Nigeria: Empirical Evidences from Selected Companies in Portharcourt pp. 177-181

- Efeeloo Nangih
- Impact of Organizational Conflict Strategies on Organizational Commitment at Public Universities in the North Region of Jordan pp. 182-194

- Riad Ahmad Mohammed Abazeed
- SMEs and its Role in Economic and Socio-Economic Development of Pakistan pp. 195-205

- Ammad Zafar and Sadaf Mustafa
- Investigating the Role of Institutional Intermediary Variable in Explaining the Relationship between Firm Value and Profit Quality in Listed Firms in the Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 206-215

- Ahmad Kaabomeir, Abdolnabi Alboghobeish and Hamidreza Taheri
- Audit Quality Determinants: Evidence from Quoted Health Care Firms in Nigeria pp. 216-231

- Amahalu Nestor Ndubuisi, Moses Nnoruga Okeke and Obi Juliet Chinyere
- The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Internal Control in Kuwaiti Shareholding Companies pp. 232-241

- Meshari Saad Awad Alharbi
- The Calculation of Economic and Financial Indicators Based on the Balance Sheet of Economic Entities in Romania pp. 242-247

- Ilie Rascolean and Ileana - Sorina Rakos
- Accounting Information Systems as Sensemaking Tools in DecisionMaking Processes of Small Firms pp. 248-262

- Carmela Rizza, Antonio Leotta and Daniela Ruggeri
- TMAP: Trip Recommendation System Accommodating the Mobile Tourist Preferences pp. 263-277

- Ferdi Sonmez and Arif Mehmet Akay
- Alignment between Board of Directors Roles and Top Management Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study on Defense and Security industry in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan pp. 278-295

- Hisham A. Al Rawashdeh, Sabah H. Ali-Agha and Ayad F. Altememi
Volume 7, issue 3, 2017
- Investment Needs to Achieve Sustainable Healthcare Goals in India pp. 1-5

- Imran Khan
- The Effect of Migration on Labor Resources pp. 6-13

- Constantin Anghelache, Madalina – Gabriela Anghel and Alina – Georgiana Solomon
- Empowering the Internal Audit Function for Effective Role in Risk Management: A Study of Micro Finance Banks in Anambra State, South East, Nigeria pp. 14-23

- S.C. Okaro, G.O. Okafor, I.O. Nwanna and I.M. Igbinovia
- Analysis of the Relationships between Financing and Value of Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 24-37

- Mahdi Hajian, Fatemeh Oghbaee and Fatemeh Sepehri
- Theoretical Elements on the Use of Price Indices for Inflation Measurement pp. 38-47

- Madalina-Gabriela Anghel, Georgeta Lixandru, Marius Popovici, Alina – Georgiana Solomon and Emilia Stanciu
- Exploring the Motivation behind Leakage of Internal Audit Reports (Whistle Blowing) in the Public Sector in Kenya pp. 48-57

- Charles Kamau, Samuel Nduati Kariuki and David Nandasaba Musuya
- The Impact of Brand Experiences, Brand Equity and Corporate Branding on Brand Loyalty: Evidence from Jordan pp. 58-69

- Anber Abraheem Shlash Mohammad
- The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Stock Index: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) pp. 70-86

- Tanveer Bagh, Tahir Azad, Sadaf Razzaq, Idrees Liaqat and Muhammad Asif Khan
- The Relationship between Parasocial breakup and Investor Behaviours pp. 87-96

- Ibrahim Bozkurt and Mercan Hatipoglu
- The Extent of Electronic Accounting Information Systems’ Ability to Provide Quantitative Indicators of Financial Performance in both Public and Private Universities in Jordan pp. 97-107

- Abdullah M. Al-Zoubi
- Financial Performance Evaluation of Turkish Construction Companies in Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) pp. 108-113

- Emrah Onder and A. Taylan Altintas
- Explaining Aspects of Economic Behavior with the Help of Quantitative Methods pp. 114-119

- Gabriel Sorin Gresoi, Dana Mihaela Anastasiu and Ioana Florescu
- The Effect of Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility on Accounting Conservatism in Tehran Stock Exchange Corporations pp. 120-125

- Abbas Rezazadeh Karsalari, Mehdi Aghaee and Fatemeh Ghasemi
- The Perspectives of Romania Hospitality Employment pp. 126-130

- Andreea Marin-Pantelescu
- Intellectual Capital Indicators in Universities of Iran. Case Study of Islamic Azad University of Khuzestan pp. 131-138

- Ahmad Kaab Omeir, Zahra Moradikia and Zahra Darvishzadeh
- The Company’s Business Model and its Valuation: A Theoretical Approach pp. 139-150

- Pasquale De Luca, Salvatore Ferri and Michele Galeotti
- Structural Analysis of the Final Consumption of Households: Evidence from Romania, Estonia and Latvia pp. 151-156

- Mihai Paunica
- On Ensuring Rigour in Accounting Research pp. 157-170

- Adzor Ibiamke and Clement C. M. Ajekwe
- Relationships between Leadership Perceptions and Attitudes towards Innovativeness: A Research in a Technopark in Istanbul pp. 171-181

- Evren Ayranci
- The Application of Social Network Analysis to Accounting and Auditing pp. 182-197

- Slobodan Kacanski and Dean Lusher
Volume 7, issue 2, 2017
- Income Smoothing Behavior at the Times of Political Crises pp. 1-13

- Ahmad N. Obaidat
- Acceptance Model for e-Learning Services: A Case Study at Al-Madinah International University in Malaysia pp. 14-20

- Farah Hanna Zawaideh
- A Study of the Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network Model for Electricity Loads Forecasting pp. 21-29

- Liang-Ying Wei, Chih-Hung Tsai, Yi-Chan Chung, Kuo-Hsiung Liao, Hao-En Chueh and Jyh-Shyan Lin
- Comparative Analysis of Computerized Accounting System and Manual Accounting System of Quoted Microfinance Banks (MFBs) in Nigeria pp. 30-43

- Amahalu Nestor Ndubuisi, Mary-Fidelis Abiahu and Obi Juliet Chinyere
- The Impacts of Interest Rate Fluctuations on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) In Accra pp. 44-53

- Kwame Godsway Kisseih
- Impact of Motivation on Job Performance of Nursing Staff in Private Hospitals in Jordan pp. 54-63

- Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary and Nidaa Abed El-Fattah Banat
- Using AHP Technique and Fuzzy VIKOR Technique to Select a Dynamic Enterprise Resource Planning System in Rayan Pardazesh Co. Case study pp. 64-75

- Mandana Izadi and Mohammad Reza Taghva
- National Accounts System: Source of Information in Macroeconomic Forecast pp. 76-82

- Constantin Anghelache, Madalina-Gabriela Anghel and Alina-Georgiana Solomon
- The Developmental Role of the Pharmaceutical Industries in Jordan during the Period (1994-2014) pp. 83-90

- Khaled Abu Aliqah and Talal Bataineh
- Using the System of National Accounts in the Forecasting Activity pp. 91-96

- Madalina-Gabriela Anghel, Alexandru Manole and Alina-Georgiana Solomon
- The Impact of Public Expenditures on the Indicators of Economic Growth in Jordan during the Period 2002-2015 pp. 97-104

- Khaled Abu Aliqah
- Ranking of Factoring Companies in Accordance with ARAS and COPRAS Methods pp. 105-116

- Asir Ozbek and Emel Erol
- Determinants of Audit Quality: Evidence from Deposit Money Banks Listed on Nigeria Stock Exchange pp. 117-130

- Amahalu Nestor Ndubuisi and Beatrice O. Ezechukwu
- Analysis of Determinants of Profitability of Commercial Banks in Botswana pp. 131-144

- Christian John Mbekomize and Mogotsinyana Mapharing
- Audit Quality Practices and Financial Reporting in Nigeria pp. 145-155

- Loveday A. Nwanyanwu
- Foreign Trade Evolutions in the European Union pp. 156-163

- Catalina Motofei
- Factors Affecting the Adoption of e-Procurement Systems among International Non-Governmental Organisations in Kenya pp. 164-176

- Victor Imbanga Tsuma and Mark Kanda
- Earnings Management Behavior with Respect to Goodwill Impairment Losses under IAS 36: The French Case pp. 177-196

- Nour Malijebtou Hassine and Faouzi Jilani
- Human Resources Information Systems and their Impact on Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Study on Cement Companies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan pp. 197-207

- Ayad Al-Rawashdeh and Ghazi Al-Badainah
- Associations between Earnings Management Manipulation Types and Debt Contracts, Political Costs and Characteristics of Board of Directors pp. 208-214

- Can Tansel Kaya and Nida Turegun
- Accounting Practices and Performance of Oil and Gas Industry (Upstream Sector) in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis pp. 215-222

- Lawyer Chukwuma Obara and Efeeloo Nangih
- Entrepreneurial Behaviours: The Influence of Personal and Organizational Characteristics pp. 223-233

- Nadia Aslam, Amina Manzoor Ahmed, Qasim Ali Nisar and Muhammad Sarfraz
- The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty in LG Company (Goldiran) Tehran City pp. 234-239

- Abbas Rezazadeh Karsalari, Hassan Saberi and Sharareh Kalimdast
Volume 7, issue 1, 2017
- Financial Reporting in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. Challenges and Options pp. 1-10

- Charles Ezeagba
- Working Capital Determinants for the UK Pharmaceutical Companies Listed on FTSE 350 Index pp. 11-17

- Mubashir Qurashi and Muhammad Zahoor
- Roles of Foreign Investment of the Banks in Jordan on Local Assets pp. 18-25

- Ghazi Abdulmajeed Alrgaibat
- The Compatibility of (GFMIS) with the Internal Control System pp. 26-40

- Mohammad Naser Musa Hamdan
- Social Enterprise and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Approach and Policy Recommendations pp. 41-49

- Moga Tano Jilenga
- The Impact of Electronic Banking Services on the Customers Loyalty of Commercial Banks in Jordan pp. 50-63

- Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary and Ahlam Jebreen Ahmad Hussien
- Comprehensive View of the Factors Associated with Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Innovation pp. 64-74

- Majd Mohammad Omoush
- The Role of Financial Analysis Tools in Granting Loans. Field Study on Banks Operating within Aqaba Special Economic Zone) pp. 75-85

- Mousa Mohammad Abdullah Saleh, Laith Ahmad Mohammad Alkasasbeh and Ahmad Ahed Bader
- Monetary Policy Tools and Inflation in Kenya pp. 86-97

- Nathan M. Mutwiri
- Specifying the Determinants of Brand Value by Using AHP Method pp. 98-106

- Ilkut Elif Kandil Goker and Tayfun Arar
- A Theoretical Discussion of Internal Audit Effectiveness in Kuwaiti Industrial SMEs pp. 107-116

- Awn Metlib Al-Shbail and Turki A. A. Turki
- Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: An Examination of Selected Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 117-130

- Uche Boniface Ugwuanyi and Okelue David Ugwunta
- Improving Organisational Performance with Balanced Scorecard in Humanitarian Logistics: A Proposal for Key Performance Indicators pp. 131-137

- Arzu Tuygun Toklu
- Hospital Financing in Rural Ghana: Insight from Practitioners pp. 138-143

- Charles Adusei
- The January Effect: Evidence from Four Arabic Market Indices pp. 144-150

- Omar Gharaibeh
- Strong and Weak Price Momentum Components: Evidence from 10 Arabic Market Indices pp. 151-161

- Omar Gharaibeh
- Analysis of the Convergence Criteria in Romania for Adopting the Single Currency and the Convergence Programme 2016-2019 regarding the Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate pp. 162-169

- Cristina Alina Naftanaila, Viorica Braga and Odi Mihaela Zarnescu
- Impact of Electronic Service Quality on Customers Satisfaction of Islamic Banks in Jordan pp. 170-188

- Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary and Warda Fares Al-Smeran
- Granger Causality Analysis between Inflation, Debt and Exchange Rate: Evidence from Malaysia pp. 189-196

- Lim Yien, Hussin Abdullah and Muhammad Azam
- Perceptions of Academicians Towards the Reasons of Using Internet Banking: Case of Northern Cyprus pp. 197-202

- Okan Veli Safakli
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Conceptual and Theoretical Shift pp. 203-212

- Tareq O. Bani-Khalid and Ahmed H. Ahmed
- Some Significant Macroeconomic Evolutions at the End of 2016 pp. 213-224

- Constantin Anghelache, Alexandru Manole, Madalina-Gabriela Anghel, Emilia Stanciu and Alexandru Ursache
- Monetary Policy Inclusive Growth: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia pp. 225-235

- Lim Yien, Hussin Abdullah and Muhammad Azam
- Effects of Individual Characteristics and Work Related Factors on the Turnover Intention of Accounting Professionals pp. 236-244

- Ibrahim Halil Seyrek and Ayhan Turan
- The Impact of Logistics Management Practices on Company’s Performance pp. 245-252

- Natasha Ristovska, Sasho Kozuharov and Vladimir Petkovski
- An Evaluation of Governments’ Initiatives in Enhancing Small Taxpayers’ Voluntary Tax Compliance in Developing Countries pp. 253-267

- Alex Reuben Kira
- Antifraud Controls in European Projects pp. 268-276

- Ioana Jeler (Popa)
- Environmental Analysis and its Impact on the Competitive Capabilities of the Commercial Banks Operating in Jordan pp. 277-290

- Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary and Ahmad Mousa Al-Hamwan
- Fiscal Sustainability in the Non-Euro States pp. 291-296

- Alina - Georgiana Solomon
- Financial Position – Overview of Economic Performance in the Energy Mining Industry pp. 297-305

- Marian Catalin Corici, Camelia Avram Boitos and Arpad-Zoltan Fulop
- Macroeconomic and Institutional Determinants of Capital Market Performance in Bangladesh: A Case of Dhaka Stock Exchange pp. 306-311

- Fakir Tajul Islam, Md. Shahnawaz Mostofa and Afrida Akhter Tithi
- Factors Affecting to Employee’s Performance. A Study of Islamic Banks pp. 312-321

- Muhammad Rafique Shaikh, Muhammad Nawaz Tunio and Imran Ahmed Shah
- Factors Affecting the Intention to Use e-Marketing: A case Study among Students in Jordan pp. 322-328

- Farah Hanna Zawaideh
- Reality of Use of Electronic Management and its Impact on Job Performance in Tafila Technical University pp. 329-341

- Mohammad Ali Ibrahim Alkhsabah
- The Auditor's Responsibility for Finding Errors and Fraud from Financial Situations: Case Study pp. 342-352

- Dan Ioan Topor
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