Eastern Journal of European Studies
2010 - 2024
From Centre for European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Alupului Ciprian (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 9(2), month December, 2018
- Dimensions of globalization and income inequality in transition economies: taking into account cross-sectional dependence pp. 5-25

- Mehmet Destek
- Analysis of the relationships between Bitcoin and exchange rate, commodities and global indexes by asymmetric causality test pp. 27-45

- Mehmet Levent Erdas and Abdullah Emre Caglar
- Explaining informal entrepreneurship in South-East Europe: a tax morale approach pp. 47-68

- Colin Williams and Slavko Bezeredi
- Does democracy improve human development? Evidence from former socialist countries pp. 69-88

- Giorgio Liotti, Marco Musella and Federica D’isanto
- Cultural values and financial reporting practices: contemporary tendencies in Eastern European countries pp. 89-109

- R.M. Ammar Zahid, Alina Țaran and F.N. Can Simga-Mugan
- Education and health: welfare state composition and growth across country groups pp. 111-144

- João Andrade, Maria Adelaide Duarte and Marta C. N. Simões
- Corporate Social Responsibility of Ukrainian tourist enterprises: identity, strategy and performance pp. 145-167

- Iryna Kubareva, Olha Maliarchuk and Nataliia Pohuda
- Economic convergence of the Eastern Partnership countries towards the EU-13 pp. 169-185

- Dzenita Siljak and Sandor Nagy
- The impact of the 2008 economic and financial crisis on the public spending devoted to social protection in the EU pp. 187-203

- Ágnes Orosz
- Structural changes and wage inequality in the Bulgarian economy pp. 205-227

- Svilena Mihaylova and Silviya Bratoeva-Manoleva
- Credit growth and non-performing loans: evidence from Turkey and some Balkan countries pp. 229-249

- Almir Alihodžić and İbrahim Halil Ekşi̇
- BOOK REVIEW - Alina Mihaela Dima (ed.), Doing Business in Europe. Economic Integration Processes, Policies, and the Business Environment, Springer, 2018, 449 pages, ISBN: 978-3-319-72238-2 pp. 251-255

- Mihaela Cristina Drăgoi
Volume 9(1), month June, 2018
- How has the level of European governance changed since 2004? Trends and fault lines pp. 5-22

- Irena Vrňáková
- Gender differences in tourism behaviour in the European Union pp. 23-43

- Bogdan-Constantin Ibănescu, Oana Mihaela Stoleriu and Alexandra Gheorghiu
- Central European Free Trade Agreement: did the initiative prove its commitments? pp. 45-62

- Rodica Crudu, Olesea Sirbu and Augustin Ignatov
- The dynamics of poverty and its consequences on regional inequalities in Romania pp. 63-86

- Marinela Istrate and Raluca Ioana Horea-Șerban
- Regional socio-economic factors influencing diabetes incidence: the case of Romania pp. 87-109

- Elena Druica, Zizi Goschin and Cristian Băicuș
- Determinants of earnings in Macedonia: assessing the difference between low-paid and highly-paid employees pp. 111-131

- Dimitar Nikoloski, Marjan Angeleski and Slavica Rocheska
- Clientelism and informality in Albania pp. 133-150

- Islam Jusufi
- Structure or agency? Explaining Armenia’s foreign policy evolution pp. 151-172

- John H.S. Aberg and Aram Terzyan
- BOOK REVIEW - Sai Loo, Creative Working in the Knowledge Economy, New York: Routledge, 2017 pp. 173-176

- Sorin Mazilu
Volume 8(2), month December, 2017
- Assessment of EU member states' positions in Global Value Chains pp. 5-24

- Ines Kersan-Škabić
- Innovation investment decisions: are post(transition) economies different from the rest of the EU? pp. 25-43

- Ljiljana Božić and Valerija Botric
- Urban transitions and resilience of Eastern European Union cities pp. 45-69

- Alexandru Bănică and Ionel Muntele
- Did the economic crisis change V4 trade patterns? The case of intra-industry trade pp. 71-93

- Patryk Emanuel Toporowski
- Characteristics of recovery and resilience in the Romanian regions pp. 95-126

- József Benedek and Alexander Lembcke
- Exploring regional economic convergence in Romania. A spatial modeling approach pp. 127-146

- Zizi Goschin
- The impact of Foreign Direct Investments on employment: the case of the Macedonian manufacturing sector pp. 147-165

- Dimitar Nikoloski
- Croatia’s police and security community building in the Western Balkans pp. 167-184

- Sandro Knezović, Vlatko Cvrtila and Zrinka Vučinović
- The EU vs. Russia in the foreign policy discourse of Armenia: the fragility of normative power or the power of Russian coercion? pp. 185-203

- Aram Terzyan
- BOOK REVIEW - Gabriela Carmen Pascariu and Maria Adelaide Pedrosa da Silva Duarte (eds.), Core-Periphery Patterns across the European Union. Case Studies and Lessons from Eastern and Southern Europe pp. 209-209

- Gabriela Prelipcean
Volume 8(1), month June, 2017
- Tackling the illegitimate under-reporting of salaries in Southeast Europe: some lessons from a 2015 survey in Bulgaria, Croatia and FYR Macedonia pp. 5-28

- Colin Williams and Josip Franić
- Assessing the poverty-growth-inequality nexus: the case of Macedonia pp. 29-43

- Dimitar Nikoloski and Miroslav Gveroski
- Revisiting the ‘invisible hand’ hypothesis: a comparative study between Bulgaria and Germany pp. 45-77

- Nadezhda Gesheva and Aleksandar Vasilev
- Regional interplay of factors informing SMES’ density in Romania. A panel data analysis pp. 79-95

- Elena Druica, Zizi Goschin and Ana-Maria Grigore
- Social responsibility in Ukrainian agriculture: the regional issue pp. 97-114

- Larysa Levkivska and Inna Levkovych
- Managing the competitiveness in CIS countries and Ukraine: the goal and conditions pp. 115-136

- Anna Kukharuk, Julia Gavrish and Danyil Zmitrovych
- Within the media earshot: national ideas in the Republic of Moldova prior to the 2016 election pp. 137-155

- Onoriu Colăcel
- Concepts, approaches and methods on europeanisation – a meta-analysis pp. 157-176

- Zoltán Grünhut
- Migranthood and self-governing rights: a new paradigm for the post-communist Eastern Europe pp. 177-195

- Francesco Trupia
- BOOK REVIEW - Sieglinde Gstöhl and Simon Schunz (eds.), Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy, Abingdon: Routledge, 2017 pp. 197-203

- Cristian Nitoiu
Volume 7(2), month December, 2016
- Editorial - A new European Neighbourhood Policy to strengthen the European project pp. 5-10

- Gilles Rouet
- The EU’s Eastern Partnership: Normative or Geopolitical Power Projection? pp. 11-29

- Kamala Valiyeva
- Geopolitical challenges for the post-bipolar Europe pp. 31-46

- Nadia Alexandrova-Arbatova
- From cooperation to confrontation: the impact of bilateral perceptions and interactions on the EU-Russia relations in the context of shared neighbourhood pp. 47-70

- Adrian Pop
- Soft power geopolitics: how does the diminishing utility of military power affect the Russia – West confrontation over the “Common Neighbourhood” pp. 71-90

- Vasif Huseynov
- The Eurasian Economic Union: prospective regional integration in the post-Soviet space or just geopolitical project? pp. 91-110

- Pablo PODADERA Rivera and Anna Garashchuk
- The EU’s rule of law promotion in post-Soviet Europe: what explains the divergence between Baltic States and EaP countries? pp. 111-144

- Martin Mendelski
- Implementing the DCFTA in the context of state capture: assessing the position of Small and Medium Enterprises pp. 145-164

- Kerry Longhurst
- The evolution of the European Union’s conception in the foreign policy discourse of Armenia: implications for U-turn and the path beyond the Association Agreement pp. 165-184

- Aram Terzyan
- Europeanization through students’ lens: EU versus EaP citizens. Is there a collective identity? pp. 185-206

- Elena-Alexandra Gorgos, Elena-Mădălina Vătămănescu and Andreia Gabriela Andrei
- BOOK REVIEW - Pernille Rieker (ed.), External Governance as Security Community Building, The Limits and Potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 218 pages, ISBN 978-1-137-56169-5 pp. 207-210

- Ion Mușchei
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