Details about Adnan mohsin Abdulazeez
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Last updated 2021-03-07. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pab466
Jump to Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition: A Review
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021, 5, (2), 114-127 View citations (1)
- Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network for Speech Recognition: A Review
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021, 5, (3), 1-14
- Human Diseases Detection Based On Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021, 5, (2), 102-113 View citations (2)
- Identifying Speakers Using Deep Learning: A review
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021, 5, (3), 15-26
- Impact of Deep Learning on Transfer Learning: A Review
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021, 5, (3), 204-216
- Machine Learning Classification Based on Radom Forest Algorithm: A Review
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021, 5, (2), 128-142 View citations (2)
- Medical Text Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network: A Review
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021, 5, (3), 27-41
- Reinforcement Learning and Modeling Techniques: A Review
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021, 5, (3), 174-189
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