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Details about Wassiuw Abdul Rahaman

Workplace:Economics Department, University of Ghana, (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Wassiuw Abdul Rahaman.

Last updated 2024-05-08. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pab483

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Intergenerational mobility in occupational choices: Are there gender differences in Ghana?
    WIDER Working Paper Series, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Influences of parental occupation on children's occupational choices
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2023, 50, (12), 1735-1755 Downloads


  1. Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Evidence from West Africa
    International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research (IJBESAR), 2021, 14, (3), 7-25 Downloads
  2. Gender Differences in Earnings Rewards to Personality Traits in Wage-employment and Self-employment Labour Markets
    Management and Labour Studies, 2021, 46, (2), 204-228 Downloads View citations (2)
  3. Predicting the direction of dynamic price adjustment in the Hong Kong hotel industry
    Tourism Economics, 2021, 27, (2), 346-364 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Impact of mobile money access on internal remittances, consumption expenditure and household welfare in Ghana
    Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 2020, 37, (3), 337-354 Downloads
  2. The role of personality traits in predicting days lost due to illness: evidence from the World Bank’s Skills toward Employment and Productivity survey
    International Review of Economics, 2020, 67, (2), 163-188 Downloads


  1. Personality and gender differences in revealed risk preference: evidence from Ghana
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2019, 46, (5), 631-647 Downloads View citations (2)
Page updated 2024-10-06