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Details about Ignacio Apella

Workplace:Social Protection and Labor Unit, World Bank Group, (more information at EDIRC)
Departament de Economía (Department of Economics), Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (School of Economic Sciences), Universidad de Buenos Aires (University of Buenos Aires), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Ignacio Apella.

Last updated 2022-09-28. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pap20

Jump to Journal Articles Books

Working Papers


  1. Performance and Challenges of the Income Protection System for Older People in Ecuador
    Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank Downloads


  1. Nonstandard Forms of Employment in Developing Countries: A Study for a Set of Selected Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe and Central Asia
    Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Technological change and the labor market in Argentina and Uruguay: a task content analysis
    Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Work Histories and Pension Entitlements in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay
    Working Papers, Superintendencia de Pensiones Downloads View citations (13)
    Also in Social Protection Discussion Papers and Notes, The World Bank (2009) Downloads View citations (14)

Journal Articles


  1. El cambio tecnológico y las tendencias del mercado laboral en América Latina y el Caribe: un análisis basado en las tareas
    Revista CEPAL, 2022 Downloads
  2. Technological change and labour market trends in Latin America and the Caribbean: a task content approach
    Revista CEPAL, 2022 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Demographic Dividends and Economic Growth in Latin America. A Low and Middle-Income Trap Equilibrium
    Económica, 2021, 67, 48-68 Downloads


  1. The performance of the income protection system for older adults in Ecuador and future challenges
    International Social Security Review, 2020, 73, (2), 51-74 Downloads


  1. Argentine Social Protection in a Context of Demographic Transition
    Apuntes. Revista de ciencias sociales, 2016, 43, (78), 89-120 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Employment-GDP Elasticity in Argentina during 2004-2014
    International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2016, 4, (3), 72-82 Downloads
  3. La protección social en Argentina en un contexto de transición demográfica
    Apuntes. Revista de ciencias sociales, 2016, 43, (78), 89-120 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Expanding economic protection to the elderly in Latin America
    International Social Security Review, 2015, 68, (1), 1-22 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Contributions to social security in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay: Densities, transitions and duration
    Económica, 2011, LVII, 127-163 Downloads View citations (3)
    Also in Económica, 2011, LVII, 127-163 (2011) Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Discrete choice model in a market with product differentiation: the Argentine pension fund system
    Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2008, 7, (2), 179-197 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Participation of seniors in the Argentinian labour market: An option value model*
    International Social Security Review, 2008, 61, (4), 25-49 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Demanda heterogénea y segmentación de mercado: el sistema argentino de fondos de pensiones
    Revista CEPAL, 2006 Downloads
  2. Heterogeneous demand and market segmentation: the Argentine pension funds system
    Revista CEPAL, 2006 Downloads



  1. Skills and the Labor Market in a New Era
    World Bank Publications - Books, The World Bank Group Downloads
  2. When We're Sixty-Four
    (Cuando tengamos sesenta y cuatro)
    World Bank Publications - Books, The World Bank Group Downloads


  1. Demographic Change in Uruguay
    World Bank Publications - Books, The World Bank Group Downloads View citations (2)


  1. As Time Goes By in Argentina
    (Los años no vienen solos: oportunidades y desafíos económicos de la transición demográfica en Argentina)
    World Bank Publications - Books, The World Bank Group Downloads View citations (7)
  2. Beyond Contributory Pensions: Fourteen Experiences with Coverage Expansion in Latin America
    World Bank Publications - Books, The World Bank Group Downloads View citations (20)
Page updated 2024-10-07