Details about Pedro Lara Arruda
Access statistics for papers by Pedro Lara Arruda.
Last updated 2016-01-12. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: par440
Working Papers
- Jóvenes del Grupo BRICS, Crisis Financiera y Creación de Empleos
One Pager Spanish, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- La jeunesse des BRICS, la crise financière et la création d’emploi
One Pager French, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- O Sistema de Cotas e Práticas AntiCastas como Instrumentos de Proteção Social na Índia
One Pager Portuguese, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Observações preliminares sobre os sistemas de Seguridade Social e Saúde dos países do BRICS
One Pager Portuguese, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Policies for Rural Development: an Analysis Focusing on the North and Northeast Regions of Brazil
One Pager, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Políticas de Desenvolvimento Rural: uma Análise com Foco sobre as Regiões Norte e Nordeste
One Pager Portuguese, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Preliminary Observations on Social Security and Health Care Systems of the BRICS
One Pager, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Quotas et mesures contre la discrimination inhérente au système des castes: des instruments de protection sociale pour l’Inde ?
One Pager French, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Reservation and Anti-Casteist Practices as Instruments of Social Protection in India?
One Pager Arabic, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth 
Also in One Pager, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (2013)
- Social Technologies and Public Policies in Brazil
Policy Research Brief, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- ¿Prácticas Anticasta y de Cuotas como Instrumentos de Protección Social en India?
One Pager Spanish, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Digesting the Alphabet Soup: a Comparative Institutional History of IBSA and BRICS
Policy Research Brief, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Juventude e Emprego entre os BRICS
Poverty In Focus (Portuguese), International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Social Programmes and Job Promotion for the BRICS Youth
Working Papers, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
- Youth and Employment among the BRICS
Poverty In Focus, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth