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Details about Pedro Lara Arruda

Workplace:International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (United Nations Development Programme), Nações Unidas (United Nations), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Pedro Lara Arruda.

Last updated 2016-01-12. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: par440

Working Papers


  1. Jóvenes del Grupo BRICS, Crisis Financiera y Creación de Empleos
    One Pager Spanish, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  2. La jeunesse des BRICS, la crise financière et la création d’emploi
    One Pager French, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  3. O Sistema de Cotas e Práticas AntiCastas como Instrumentos de Proteção Social na Índia
    One Pager Portuguese, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  4. Observações preliminares sobre os sistemas de Seguridade Social e Saúde dos países do BRICS
    One Pager Portuguese, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  5. Policies for Rural Development: an Analysis Focusing on the North and Northeast Regions of Brazil
    One Pager, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  6. Políticas de Desenvolvimento Rural: uma Análise com Foco sobre as Regiões Norte e Nordeste
    One Pager Portuguese, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  7. Preliminary Observations on Social Security and Health Care Systems of the BRICS
    One Pager, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  8. Quotas et mesures contre la discrimination inhérente au système des castes: des instruments de protection sociale pour l’Inde ?
    One Pager French, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  9. Reservation and Anti-Casteist Practices as Instruments of Social Protection in India?
    One Pager Arabic, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
    Also in One Pager, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (2013) Downloads
  10. Social Technologies and Public Policies in Brazil
    Policy Research Brief, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  11. ¿Prácticas Anticasta y de Cuotas como Instrumentos de Protección Social en India?
    One Pager Spanish, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads


  1. Digesting the Alphabet Soup: a Comparative Institutional History of IBSA and BRICS
    Policy Research Brief, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  2. Juventude e Emprego entre os BRICS
    Poverty In Focus (Portuguese), International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  3. Social Programmes and Job Promotion for the BRICS Youth
    Working Papers, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
  4. Youth and Employment among the BRICS
    Poverty In Focus, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-22