Details about Carlos Manuel Asilis
Access statistics for papers by Carlos Manuel Asilis.
Last updated 2010-04-13. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pas104
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Journal Articles
- Macroeconomic policy games and asset-price volatility in the EMS: a linear quadratic control analysis of France, Germany, Italy and Spain
Economic Modelling, 2002, 19, (1), 1-24
- The savings trap and economic take-off
Oxford Economic Papers, 2002, 54, (1), 20-43 View citations (4)
- Price controls and electoral cycles
European Journal of Political Economy, 1997, 13, (1), 131-142 View citations (3)
- A note on the equivalence of time consistency and subgame perfection in stochastic games
European Economic Review, 1995, 39, (2), 245-251 View citations (6)
- Monetary policy games with broad money targets a linear quadratic control analysis of the U.S. and Japan
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1995, 19, (5-7), 1091-1111
- Infant industry policy and information revelation
Estudios Económicos, 1994, 9, (2), 209-236
- Money Demand during Hyperinflation and Stabilization: Bolivia, 1980-88
Economic Inquiry, 1993, 31, (2), 262-73 View citations (6)
- Unionization in a dynamic oligopolistic model of international trade
Estudios Económicos, 1992, 7, (2), 181-208
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