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Details about Arvind Ashta

Workplace:BHAI: Building Humane Advances and Institutions
Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi), (more information at EDIRC)

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Last updated 2025-03-15. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pas32

Jump to Journal Articles Books

Working Papers


  1. Banks, microfinance institutions and fintech: how the ratio of male and female entrepreneurs moderates their capacity for financial inclusion
    Post-Print, HAL
    Also in Post-Print, HAL (2024)
    Post-Print, HAL (2023)

    See also Journal Article Banks, microfinance institutions and fintech: how the ratio of male and female entrepreneurs moderates their capacity for financial inclusion, Cogent Economics & Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals (2024) Downloads (2024)


  1. How far can we go? Determining the optimal loan size in progressive lending
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads


  1. Work-sharing from Different Angles: A literature review
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads


  1. Another "French paradox": explaining why interest rates to microenterprises dit not increase with the change in French usury legislation
    Post-Print, HAL
    See also Journal Article Another “French paradox”: explaining why interest rates to microenterprises did not increase with the change in French usury legislation, European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer (2015) Downloads View citations (2) (2015)


  1. An introduction to slow money and its Gandhian roots
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Business Cooperatives as a social response to unemployment
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads
  3. Microfinance and Microentrepreneurship: Case studies in social innovation
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads
  4. Slow Management: Entreprendre la transition
    Grenoble Ecole de Management (Post-Print), HAL View citations (2)
    Also in Post-Print, HAL (2013) View citations (2)
  5. Studying the Micro-Angels Approach to Micro-Investment Decisions
    Working Papers, Departament Empresa, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Downloads


  1. L'accompagnement du micro-emprunteur - spécificité du microcrédit français: son importance pour le bénéficiaire
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads
  2. L'attitude Open Source dans la microfinance: le cas d'AIRDIE
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads
  3. Leçons d'innovation sociale des micro-angels
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads
  4. Micro-prise de participation et entrepreneuriat social du point de vue du capital-risque
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads


  1. An Analysis of European Online micro-lending Websites
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Business Perceptions of the new French regime on Auto-Entrepreneurship: a risk-taking step back from socialism
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Does Social Lending incorporate Social Technologies? The use of Web 2.0 Technologies in online P2P lending
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Institutional Analysis to explain the Success of Moroccan Microfinance Institutions
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads View citations (3)
  5. To whom should we be fair? Ethical issues in Balancing Stakeholder Interests from Banco Compartamos Case Study
    Working Papers CEB, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Downloads View citations (9)


  1. La législation française en matière d'usure et le développement de l'accès au crédit des microentreprises
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads


  1. The power of words in financial markets: soft versus hard communication,a strategy method experiment
    Labsi Experimental Economics Laboratory University of Siena, University of Siena Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Banks, microfinance institutions and fintech: how the ratio of male and female entrepreneurs moderates their capacity for financial inclusion
    Cogent Economics & Finance, 2024, 12, (1), 2402031 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Banks, microfinance institutions and fintech: how the ratio of male and female entrepreneurs moderates their capacity for financial inclusion, Post-Print (2024) (2024)
  2. Vanessa Casadella, Dimitri Uzunidis (eds) (2023), Agri-Innovations and Development Challenges: Engineering, Value Chains, and Socio-economic Models, Innovation in Engineering and Technology, London, ISTE/Wiley, 302 p
    Journal of Innovation Economics, 2024, N° 43, (1), 327-331 Downloads


  1. Alternative strategies of for-profit, not-for-profit and state-owned Nepalese microfinance institutions for poverty alleviation and women empowerment
    Cogent Economics & Finance, 2023, 11, (2), 2233778 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Community Leadership at a Hindu Non-Profit Organization Leads to Outperforming in Indian Microfinance Market
    JRFM, 2023, 16, (3), 1-20 Downloads
  3. Dynamics in environmental legislation
    International Review of Law and Economics, 2023, 76, (C) Downloads View citations (2)
  4. How Can Fintech Companies Get Involved in the Environment?
    Sustainability, 2023, 15, (13), 1-18 Downloads View citations (6)
  5. The determinants of the intention to use autonomous vehicles
    African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2023, 15, (5), 650-660 Downloads


  1. Institutional Motivations for Conversion from Public Sector Unit to a Social Business: The Case Study of Burgundy School of Business in France
    JRFM, 2022, 15, (11), 1-18 Downloads
  2. Is Microcredit a Reverse Innovation?
    FIIB Business Review, 2022, 11, (2), 225-234 Downloads


  1. Falling like ninepins: How Greensill Capital’s supply chain finance took down its partners
    Entreprendre & innover, 2021, n° 48, (1), 94-102 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Knowledge in Microsocial Milieus: the Case of Microfinance Practices Among Women in India
    Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2021, 12, (1), 146-165 Downloads View citations (2)
  3. La création de valeur des fintechs dans l’offre de services bancaires et financiers: entre deshumanisation et réhumanisation
    Innovations, 2021, N° 64, (1), 209-235 Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Les faces cachées de la finance entrepreneuriale ou comment trouver des solutions face à l’inacceptable
    Entreprendre & innover, 2021, n° 48, (1), 5-10 Downloads
  5. The dark side of entrepreneurial finance through the eyes of Muhammad Yunus
    Entreprendre & innover, 2021, n° 48, (1), 11-18 Downloads
  6. The role of inter-subjectivity and shared experience in regulating the dark side of human nature in entrepreneurial finance
    Entreprendre & innover, 2021, n° 48, (1), 58-65 Downloads
  7. Towards a New Form of Undemocratic Capitalism: Introducing Macro-Equity to Finance Development Post COVID-19 Crisis
    JRFM, 2021, 14, (3), 1-7 Downloads


  1. Bottlenecks to Financial Development, Financial Inclusion, and Microfinance: A Case Study of Mauritania
    JRFM, 2020, 13, (10), 1-28 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Lessons from an Incumbent taking over a challenger
    Entreprendre & innover, 2020, n° 46, (3), 56-65 Downloads
  3. Survival of the Smallest: A Study of Microenterprises in Haryana, India
    Millennial Asia, 2020, 11, (1), 54-78 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Tirthankar Roy, A business history of India: enterprise and the emergence of capitalism from 1700 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. pp. xiv+298. 29 figs. 3 maps. 7 tabs. ISBN 9781107186927 Hbk. £59.99; ISBN 9781316637487 Pbk. £24.99)
    Economic History Review, 2019, 72, (1), 420-421 Downloads


  1. A Tale of Three Musketeers of Alternative Finance: Stagnating Microcredit, Growing P2P Online Lending and Striving for Slow Money
    Journal of Innovation Economics, 2018, n° 26, (2), 13-36 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. News and Trends in Fintech and Digital Microfinance: Why Are European MFIs Invisible?
    FIIB Business Review, 2018, 7, (4), 232-243 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. The Greek Crisis: A Gandhian Perspective
    Challenge, 2017, 60, (2), 189-222 Downloads


  1. Micro-equity for sustainable development: Selection, monitoring and exit strategies of micro-angels
    Ecological Economics, 2016, 130, (C), 117-129 Downloads View citations (5)
  2. The Role of Stakeholders in the Historical Evolution of Microfinance in Togo
    Economic History of Developing Regions, 2016, 31, (2-3), 303-344 Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Another “French paradox”: explaining why interest rates to microenterprises did not increase with the change in French usury legislation
    European Journal of Law and Economics, 2015, 40, (3), 479-509 Downloads View citations (2)
    See also Working Paper Another "French paradox": explaining why interest rates to microenterprises dit not increase with the change in French usury legislation, Post-Print (2015) (2015)
  2. Slow money in an age of fiduciary capitalism
    Ecological Economics, 2015, 116, (C), 322-329 Downloads View citations (3)
  3. Why Does Creative Destruction No Longer Work? Proposing Actions for a Future with Reduced Employment
    Challenge, 2015, 58, (5), 428-438 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. From Disconnected to Integrated tax and financial systems A post-IFRS evaluation of evolution of Tax and Financial Reporting relationships based on the French case
    Research in Accounting Regulation, 2014, 26, (2), 242-256 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Contextualising microfinance research
    Journal of Innovation Economics, 2013, n°11, (1), 3-14 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Software as a service: An opportunity for disruptive innovation in the microfinance software market?
    Journal of Innovation Economics, 2013, n°11, (1), 55-82 Downloads


  1. Brand Value Building in Online Social Lending Startups
    Journal of Innovation Economics, 2012, n°9, (1), 139-161 Downloads
  2. Religious Practice and Microcredit: Literature Review and Research Directions (English version)
    Postmodern Openings, 2012, 8, 33-44 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Legal Risk in the Financial Markets, by Roger McCormick
    Journal of Risk & Insurance, 2010, 77, (3), 709-711 Downloads
  2. Online or Offline?: The Rise of “Peer-to-Peer” Lending in Microfinance
    Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO), 2010, 8, (3), 26-37 Downloads View citations (3)
  3. Should online micro-lending be for profit or for philanthropy? DhanaX and Rang De
    Journal of Innovation Economics, 2010, n° 6, (2), 123-146 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Dynamic Information Age of Inter-Systems Connectivity
    Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO), 2009, 7, (1), 18-34 Downloads
  2. Microcredit Capital Flows and Interest Rates: An Alternative Explanation
    Journal of Economic Issues, 2009, 43, (3), 661-684 Downloads View citations (4)


    Global Journal of Business Research, 2008, 2, (2), 123-137 Downloads View citations (4)



  1. A Realistic Theory of Social Entrepreneurship
    Springer Books, Springer View citations (4)
Page updated 2025-03-23