Details about Aydanur Atış
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Last updated 2021-06-06. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pat143
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Journal Articles
- An Investigation on the Relationship Between Credit Volume and Current Account Deficit in Turkey
Business and Economics Research Journal, 2014, 5, (4), 129-141
- Turkiye’nin Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon Sektorunun Karsilastirmali Rekabet Analizi
Ege Academic Review, 2014, 14, (2), 315-334
- A Research on the Exchange Rate Exposure of Firms Listed in Borsa Istanbul
Business and Economics Research Journal, 2013, 4, (4), 25 View citations (5)
- Turkiye’de Hanehalkinin ve Finansal Kesimin Portfoy Tercihleri
Ege Academic Review, 2010, 10, (2), 523-538
- Turkiye Kimya Sanayi Endustri Ici Ticaretinin Statik ve Dinamik Analizi: Avrupa Birligi Uye ve Aday Ulkeleri, Rusya Federasyonu, Ukrayna ve Cin
Ege Academic Review, 2007, 7, (1), 251-291
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