Details about Antonio Avila-Cano
Access statistics for papers by Antonio Avila-Cano.
Last updated 2023-12-07. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pav86
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- The distribution of soccer leagues scores that generates the minimum of competitive balance: Truncated-Cascade Distribution
Working Papers, Universidad de Málaga, Department of Economic Theory, Málaga Economic Theory Research Center View citations (3)
Journal Articles
- Did the UEFA Champions League winners start in an easy group?
Journal of Economic Analysis, 2024, 3, (3), 161-172
- Measuring competitive balance in sports leagues that award bonus points, with an application to rugby union
European Journal of Operational Research, 2023, 309, (2), 939-952 View citations (1)
- Measuring the diversification of energy sources: The energy mix
Renewable Energy, 2023, 216, (C) View citations (1)
- On the control of competitive balance in the major European football leagues
Managerial and Decision Economics, 2023, 44, (2), 1254-1263
- Firm growth in the 21st century: Does the Andalusian economy comply with Gibrat’s Law?
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021, 577, (C) View citations (1)
- Identifying the Maximum Concentration of Results in Bilateral Sports Competitions
Mathematics, 2021, 9, (11), 1-19 View citations (3)
- The equivalent share of a dominant firm: an approach based on distances
Applied Economics Letters, 2021, 28, (17), 1521-1525 View citations (1)
- The distance to competitive balance: a cardinal measure
Applied Economics, 2019, 51, (7), 698-710 View citations (8)
- Desempleo masculino: probabilidades y diferencias regionales
Revista de Estudios Regionales, 1991, 02, 95-118
- Análisis de coyuntura regional: elaboración de cuadros macroeconómicos a partir de datos coyunturales
EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía, 1988, 11, (02), 11-32
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