Details about Arup Barman
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Phone: | +91-9954912377 |
Postal address: | Deptt. of Business Administration, Assam University, Silchar-788011 (Assam) India |
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Last updated 2017-02-10. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pba883
Jump to Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Economic and Organisational Wisdom for Asian Century
Postmodern Openings, 2015, 6, (1), 11-34
- Technology and Well-Being- An Evocative Essay
Postmodern Openings, 2014, 5, (2), 15-37
- Validating Global Competency Scale for Indian Business and Management Education (English version)
Revista romaneasca pentru educatie multidimensionala - Journal for Multidimensional Education, 2013, 5, (1), 199-213
- Social Responsibility of Management Teacher – Beyond Teaching (English version)
Postmodern Openings, 2012, 10, 19-36 
Also in Postmodern Openings, 2012, 3, (2), 19-36 (2012)
- ‘Mind…to Mindfulness’ as a Conjugative Science. An Apparition on Position of It’s in Advanced Business Curriculum and Social Research (English version)
Postmodern Openings, 2012, 8, 117-135
- Competency Based Curriculum in Higher Education: A Necessity Grounded by Globalization (English version)
Revista romaneasca pentru educatie multidimensionala - Journal for Multidimensional Education, 2011, 6, 7-15 View citations (1)
- Faculty Engagement in Higher Educational Institution – A proposed model (English version)
Revista romaneasca pentru educatie multidimensionala - Journal for Multidimensional Education, 2011, 7, 143-164 View citations (1)
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