Details about Azamat Berberov
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Short-id: pbe1293
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Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Challenges of international business taxation in the context of digitalization
Published Papers, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy
- Features of the application of the concept of the actual right to income in the Russian tax legislation
(Особенности применения концепции фактического права на доход в российском налоговом законодательстве)
Working Papers, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
- Russia's international tax policy: finding a balance between protective and incentive measures
(Международная налоговая политика России: поиск баланса между защитными и стимулирующими мерами)
Working Papers, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Journal Articles
- Налогообложение международного движения капитала в контексте факторов инвестиционных стратегий компаний: опыт развивающихся стран // International Capital Flow Taxation within the Context of Companies’ Investment Strategies Factors: Developing Countries’ Experience
Экономика. Налоги. Право // Economics, taxes & law, 2019, 12, (4), 132-142
- Assessment of the Scope of Tax Base Erosion in Russia
Finansovyj žhurnal — Financial Journal, 2018, (6), 47-58