Details about R. Andres Castañeda
Access statistics for papers by R. Andres Castañeda.
Last updated 2023-02-24. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pca828
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Working Papers
- But ? what is the poverty rate today? testing poverty nowcasting methods in Latin America and the Caribbean
Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank
- Measuring poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: methodological considerations when estimating an empirical regional poverty line
Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank
- Who are the poor in the developing world ?
Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank View citations (10)
- Gasto social, redistribución del ingreso y reducción de la pobreza en México: evolución y comparación con Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay
Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Working Paper Series, Tulane University, Department of Economics
- Hitos del conflicto y riesgo país
Documentos de Trabajo, Universidad del Rosario
- Fifteen years of inequality in Latin America: how have labor markets helped ?
Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank View citations (56)
- Principales metodologías de medición de líneas de pobreza absoluta por ingresos
Revista IB, Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística - DANE
Journal Articles
- Sovereign risk and armed conflict: an event-study for colombia
Defence and Peace Economics, 2012, 23, (2), 185-201 View citations (6)
Software Items
- PIP: Stata module to access poverty and inequality data from the World Bank's Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP)
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- DOTEMPLATE: Stata module to creates templates for do-files
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- DO2SCREEN: Stata module to display do-files in result window
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- MAKEDDI: Stata module to improve the quality and efficiency of meta-data documentation production
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- BACKUP: Stata module to make daily backup of important files (Windows only)
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- DRDECOMP: Stata module to estimate Shapley value of growth and distribution components of changes in poverty indicators
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics View citations (3)
- SKDECOMP: Stata module to estimate Shapley value of growth, price, and distribution components on changes in poverty indicators
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics View citations (1)
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