Details about Doren Chadee
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Short-id: pch1701
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Working Papers
- Gatt and Direct Income Payments: Progress in Decoupling
1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
- An Analysis of New Zealand Beef Exports to Japan
1992 Conference (36th), February 10-13, 1992, Canberra, Australia, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
- The Japanese Beef Market Following the Start of Trade Liberalisation in June 1988
1992 Conference (36th), February 10-13, 1992, Canberra, Australia, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
- Prospects for New Zealand Dairy Exports Under Trade Liberalisation
1991 Conference (35th), February 11-14, 1991, Armidale, Australia, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Journal Articles
- Corruption, Bribery and Innovation in CEE: Where is the Link?
Journal of Business Ethics, 2021, 174, (4), 747-762 View citations (10)
- Influence of Informal Relationships on Expatriate Career Performance in China: The Moderating Role of Cultural Intelligence
Management and Organization Review, 2020, 16, (3), 569-593
- Linking and leveraging resources for innovation and growth through collaborative value creation: A study of Indian OSPs
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2017, 34, (4), 777-797 View citations (5)
- Effects of Partnership Quality, Talent Management, and Global Mindset on Performance of Offshore IT Service Providers in India
Journal of International Management, 2013, 19, (4), 333-346 View citations (17)
- Effects of formal institutions on the performance of the tourism sector in the Philippines: The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation
Tourism Management, 2013, 37, (C), 1-12 View citations (23)
- Environmental sustainability orientation and financial resources of small manufacturing firms in the Philippines
Social Responsibility Journal, 2012, 8, (2), 208-226 View citations (13)
- How dynamic capabilities drive performance in the Indian IT industry: the role of information and co-ordination
The Service Industries Journal, 2011, 32, (4), 531-550 View citations (3)
- Higher educational services exports: sources of growth of Asian students in US and UK
Service Business, 2009, 3, (2), 173-187 View citations (3)
- Culture, product type, and price influences on consumer purchase intention to buy personalized products online
Journal of Business Research, 2008, 61, (1), 31-39 View citations (56)
- Technology strategy and performance: a study of information technology service providers from selected Asian countries
Service Business, 2008, 2, (2), 109-126 View citations (12)
- FDI location at the subnational level: a study of EJVs in China
Journal of Business Research, 2003, 56, (10), 835-845 View citations (16)
- Research on foreign direct investment: introduction to the special issue
Journal of Business Research, 2003, 56, (10), 777-778
- Foreign ownership of equity joint ventures in China: a pooled cross-section-time series analysis
Journal of Business Research, 2001, 52, (2), 123-133 View citations (15)
- Are Subsidies to be Blamed? A Reexamination of U.S. Countervailing Duty on Hog Imports From Canada
Journal of Policy Modeling, 1999, 21, (7), 823-830 View citations (1)
- Developments in the Japanese Beef Market Following Import Liberalisation
Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics, 1996, 64, (01), 12
- The Uruguay Round: Final Agreements and Directions: Domestic Support
Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics, 1994, 62, (02), 14 View citations (4)
- The Japanese beef barket in transition
Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues, 1993, 08, (4), 2 View citations (2)
- An Assessment of the 1988 Japanese Beef Market Access Agreement on Beef and Feed-Grain Markets: Comment
Review of Agricultural Economics, 1992, 14, (2), 327-332
- Biotechnology in U.S. agriculture: Trade consequences for dairy products
Journal of Policy Modeling, 1991, 13, (2), 241-258 View citations (1)
- U.S. CVDs and Canadian Hog Exports: Methodological and Measurement Issues
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 1988, 36, (4), 669-687
- Prospects and Challenges of Free Trade Agreements: Unlocking Business Opportunities in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Markets
Palgrave Macmillan Books, Palgrave Macmillan
- Australia-GCC FTA: International Business Prospects and Limitations
Palgrave Macmillan
- Background and Context of the Study
Palgrave Macmillan
- Challenges and Opportunities for Australian Businesses in GCC
Palgrave Macmillan
- GCC Market Scope and Competitiveness
Palgrave Macmillan
- GCC-Australian Trade and Investment Trends and Patterns
Palgrave Macmillan
- The Political Economy of Free Trade
Palgrave Macmillan
- Export Knowledge and Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Philippines: The Moderating Effects of Relational Capital
Palgrave Macmillan
- Knowledge Flows in International Services Firms: A Conceptual Model
Palgrave Macmillan
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