Details about Daniela Ciccolella
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Last updated 2015-07-12. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pci75
Working Papers
- Il setificio meridionale tra età rivoluzionaria, decennio francese e restaurazione: dinamiche di mercato e nuovi assetti produttivi
(Southern Italy’s silk industry between the revolutionary age, the french decennio and the restoration: market dynamics and new productive systems)
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- «Un genere pressocché necessario»: consumo, politica e industria dello zucchero nel Regno di Napoli in età rivoluzionaria e napoleonica
(“An almost necessary good”: sugar consumption, politics and industry in the Kingdom of Naples during the revolutionary and Napoleonic age)
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany