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Details about Willy Walter Cortez

Phone:523337703300 ext 258
Postal address:Departament of Quantitative Methods CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara Av. Periferico Norte 799 Modulo P, No 106 (planta baja) Nucleo Los Belenes, Zapopan Jalisco, 45100 Mexico
Workplace:Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos (Department of Quantitative Methods), Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas (CUCEA) (University Center for Economics and Management), Universidad de Guadalajara (University of Guadalajara), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Willy Walter Cortez.

Last updated 2025-03-17. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pco109

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Delincuencia, Pobreza y Crecimiento Económico en México, ¿existe una relación asimétrica?
    (Delinquency, Poverty and Economic Growth in Mexico, is there an asymmetric relationship?)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  2. Histéresis y Asimetría en Delitos: un análisis de los robos a nivel colonias en la ZMG
    (Hysteresis and Asymmetry in Crime: an analysis of robbery in Guadalajara´s neighborhoods)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


  1. How relevant is monetary policy to explain Mexican unemployment fluctuations?
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Los modelos econométricos y el realismo económico
    Economic Development, University of Santiago de Compostela. Faculty of Economics and Business. Econometrics. Downloads
  3. Revisiting Okun's law for Mexico: an analysis of the permanent and transitory components of unemployment and output
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Dispersión y Estabilidad de las Diferencias Salariales interestatales en México, 1984-2000
    Development and Comp Systems, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Regional Labor Market Integration: Northern Mexico and Southern USA
    Urban/Regional, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Can the informal sector affect the relationship between unemployment and output? An analysis of the Mexican case
    Revista CEPAL, 2018 Downloads View citations (5)
  2. Is Mexico's Forward Exchange Rate Market Efficient?
    Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance), 2018, 13, (2), 273-289 Downloads
  3. ¿Puede el sector informal afectar a la relación entre desempleo y producción? Un análisis del caso de México
    Revista CEPAL, 2018 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. La corrupción en la burocracia estatal mexicana
    Revista de Economía Institucional, 2015, 17, (33), 161-182 Downloads
  2. Who are the victims of property crime in Mexico?
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2015, 42, (2), 179-198 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. An assessment of the dynamics between the permanent and transitory components of Mexico's output and unemployment
    Revista CEPAL, 2013 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Relaciones dinámicas del producto y el empleo en México: una evaluación de sus componentes permanentes y transitorios
    Revista CEPAL, 2013 Downloads


  1. Distribución del ingreso y bienestar social en México 1984-2008
    Estudios Económicos, 2012, 27, (2), 347-378 Downloads
  2. Mexico: what is the impact of monetary policy on unemployment rates?
    Revista CEPAL, 2012 Downloads
  3. México: ¿cómo inciden las políticas monetarias en las tasas de desempleo?
    Revista CEPAL, 2012 Downloads


  1. How Correlated are Mexico’s Salaries and Us Output? an Inquiry on Some Us Border Cities
    Panorama Económico, 2009, IV, (08), 35-62 Downloads
  2. Labor Market Integration between Northern Mexico and Southern United States: an empirical investigation
    Ensayos Revista de Economia, 2009, XXVIII, (1), 21-60 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Convergencia salarial entre las principales ciudades mexicanas: Un analisis de cointegracion
    EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas, 2004, 1, 25-47 Downloads


  1. Organización industrial, distribución del ingreso y dinamismo industrial
    Estudios Económicos, 2003, 18, (2), 279-323 Downloads


  1. What is Behind Increasing Wage Inequality in Mexico?
    World Development, 2001, 29, (11), 1905-1922 Downloads View citations (31)
Page updated 2025-03-31