Details about Edwin G. Dolan
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Last updated 2023-05-25. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pdo596
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Journal Articles
- Deflation: Are We Still Sure "It" Cannot Happen Here?
The Economists' Voice, 2008, 5, (7), 4
- Science, Public Policy, and Global Warming: Rethinking the Market-Liberal Position
Cato Journal, 2006, 26, (3), 445-468 View citations (1)
- Economic institutions compared:, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977. xi + 608 pp.; index. $22.50
Journal of Comparative Economics, 1978, 2, (4), 407-408
- Alienation, Freedom, and Economic Organization
Journal of Political Economy, 1971, 79, (5), 1084-94
- Structural interdependence of the soviet economy before the industrialization drive
Europe-Asia Studies, 1967, 19, (1), 66-73
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