Details about Janet Dzator
Access statistics for papers by Janet Dzator.
Last updated 2024-11-07. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pdz28
Jump to Journal Articles Chapters
Working Papers
- Wechselkursfehlausrichtung und Kapitalflucht ab Botswana: Ein Cointegrationsansatz mit Risikoschwellen
(Exchange Rate Misalignment and Capital Flight from Botswana: A Cointegration Approach with Risk Thresholds)
Post-Print, HAL
Journal Articles
- Energy poverty and gender equality in education: Unpacking the transmission channels
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 202, (C)
- Do remittances reduce school dropout in Bangladesh? The role of government’s administrative and structural support
Journal of Policy Modeling, 2023, 45, (2), 388-404 View citations (1)
- Income inequality and economic growth in BRICS: insights from non-parametric techniques
The Journal of Economic Inequality, 2023, 21, (3), 619-640
- Leveraging digital technology for development: Does ICT contribute to poverty reduction?
Telecommunications Policy, 2023, 47, (4) View citations (8)
- Promoting energy inclusiveness: Is rural energy poverty a political failure?
Utilities Policy, 2023, 84, (C) View citations (7)
- Sub-Saharan Africa’s Tragedy: Resource Curse, Democracy and Income Inequality
Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, 2023, 168, (1), 471-509 View citations (2)
- Does democracy really improve environmental quality? Empirical contribution to the environmental politics debate
Energy Economics, 2022, 109, (C) View citations (17)
- Does environmental sustainability attract foreign investment? Evidence from developing countries
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2022, 31, (7), 3542-3573 View citations (9)
- Effects of income inequality and governance on energy poverty alleviation: Implications for sustainable development policy
Utilities Policy, 2022, 78, (C) View citations (22)
- Enhancing human development in developing regions: Do ICT and transport infrastructure matter?
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022, 180, (C) View citations (5)
- Unveiling the effect of transport infrastructure and technological innovation on economic growth, energy consumption and CO2 emissions
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022, 182, (C) View citations (20)
- Empowering the powerless: Does access to energy improve income inequality?
Energy Economics, 2021, 99, (C) View citations (29)
- Remittances, financial development and poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for post-COVID-19 macroeconomic policies
Journal of Policy Modeling, 2021, 43, (6), 1365-1387 View citations (22)
- Renewable energy, CO2 emissions and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: Does institutional quality matter?
Journal of Policy Modeling, 2021, 43, (5), 1070-1093 View citations (27)
- Revisiting the economic growth–energy consumption nexus: Does globalization matter?
Energy Economics, 2021, 102, (C) View citations (31)
- Exchange Rate Misalignment and Capital Flight from Botswana: A Cointegration Approach with Risk Thresholds
JRFM, 2019, 12, (2), 1-26 View citations (2)
- Contract farming, agriculture productivity and poverty reduction: evidence from tea estates in Viet Nam
Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal, 2018, 25, (1), 109-145 View citations (1)
- Common mental disorders, economic growth and development: Economic consequences and measurement issues
Journal of Developing Areas, 2016, 50, (5), 13-26 View citations (1)
- Health and economic growth: are there gendered effects?: Evidence from selected southern Africa development community region
Journal of Developing Areas, 2016, 50, (5), 215-227 View citations (2)
- Health, emergency facilities and development: Locating facilities to serve people and development better
Journal of Developing Areas, 2016, 50, (5), 131-142 View citations (1)
- The impact of FDI spillover effects on total factor productivity in the Chinese electronic industry: a panel data analysis
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 2016, 21, (2), 217-234 View citations (12)
- Does contract farming improve productivity and income of farmers? A review of theory and evidence
Journal of Developing Areas, 2015, 49, (6), 531-538 View citations (6)
Also in Journal of Developing Areas, 2015, 49, (5), 531-538 (2015) View citations (6)
- Gender equality in education and economic growth in selected Southern African countries
Journal of Developing Areas, 2015, 49, (6), 349-360 View citations (8)
- Sustaining development and poverty reduction: Promoting growth where it counts
Journal of Developing Areas, 2015, 49, (6), 1-14 View citations (1)
- A study of malaria care provider choice in Ghana
Health Policy, 2004, 69, (3), 389-401 View citations (11)
- Willingness to Pay for Malaria Insurance: A Case Study of Households in Ghana Using the Contingent Valuation Method
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2003, 33, (1), 31-47 View citations (2)
- Household cost of seeking malaria care. A retrospective study of two districts in Ghana
Social Science & Medicine, 1997, 45, (5), 659-667 View citations (30)
- The behaviour towards malaria care—a multinomial logit approach
Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, 1996, 39, (2), 167-186 View citations (5)
- Urbanisation and Sustainable Development: Econometric Evidence from Australia
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