Details about Michael Ellman
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Short-id: pel93
Jump to Journal Articles Books
Working Papers
- A New Explanatory Model for Policy Analysis and Evaluation
Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers, Tinbergen Institute
Journal Articles
- Russia’s Current Economic System: From Delusion to Glasnost
Comparative Economic Studies, 2015, 57, (4), 693-710
- The UK’s Coalition government and heterodox economics
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2015, 39, (5), 1457-1464
- Book Review
De Economist, 2009, 157, (1), 121-123
- Economics in Russia: studies in intellectual history
Economic History Review, 2009, 62, (3), 764-765
- What Did the Study of the Soviet Economy Contribute to Mainstream Economics&quest
Comparative Economic Studies, 2009, 51, (1), 1-19 View citations (8)
- The political economy of Stalinism in the light of the archival revolution
Journal of Institutional Economics, 2008, 4, (1), 99-125 View citations (2)
- Transition: Intended and Unintended Processes
Comparative Economic Studies, 2005, 47, (4), 595-614 View citations (2)
- Economic Lessons from the Transition. The Basic Theory Re-examined
Comparative Economic Studies, 2004, 46, (4), 570-571
- The 1947 Soviet Famine and the Entitlement Approach to Famines
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2000, 24, (5), 603-30 View citations (7)
- The Political Economy of Transformation
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1997, 13, (2), 23-32 View citations (8)
Journal of Comparative Economics, 1996, 22, (1), 93-94
- The Increase in Death and Disease under "Katastroika."
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1994, 18, (4), 329-55 View citations (30)
- Transformation, Depression, and Economics: Some Lessons
Journal of Comparative Economics, 1994, 19, (1), 1-21 View citations (6)
- The Political Economy of Communism: J. Kornai, The Socialist System (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992) pp. xxviii+644, hardback [UK pound]35, paperback [UK pound]9.95
European Journal of Political Economy, 1993, 9, (3), 463-466
- Covertibility of the Rouble
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1991, 15, (4), 481-97
- The Contradictions of Perestroika: The Case of Agriculture
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 1991, 18, (1), 1-18 View citations (1)
- Creditworthiness and reform in Poland:, Eds., Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1988. xxiii + 348 pp., $37.50
Journal of Comparative Economics, 1989, 13, (2), 352-353
- Reforming the Soviet economy:, Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1988. xi + 404 pp. $36.95
Journal of Comparative Economics, 1989, 13, (2), 350-351
Contributions to Political Economy, 1988, 7, (1), 110-111
- Peasants, collectives and choice: Economic theory and Tanzania's Villages:, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc., 1986. xviii + 389 pp., $24.75
Journal of Comparative Economics, 1988, 12, (4), 622-622
- Agricultural productivity under socialism
World Development, 1981, 9, (9-10), 979-989 View citations (1)
- Reply to 'Against "Against Convergence".'
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1981, 5, (4), 387-89
- Against Convergence
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1980, 4, (3), 199-210
- The Fundamental Problem of Socialist Planning
Oxford Economic Papers, 1978, 30, (2), 249-62 View citations (1)
- Report from Holland: The Economics of North Sea Hydrocarbons
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1977, 1, (3), 281-90
- Did the Agricultural Surplus Provide the Resources for the Increase in Investment in the U SSR During the First Five Year Plan?
Economic Journal, 1975, 85, (340), 844-63 View citations (24)
- The Consistency of Soviet Plans
Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 1969, 16, (1), 50-74
- Socialist Planning
Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press View citations (42)
Also in Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press (2014) View citations (1)
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