Details about Albert Fishlow
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Short-id: pfi25
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Working Papers
- Latin American Economic Development: 1950-1980
NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc View citations (9)
- Lessons of the 1890s for the 1980s
Economics Working Papers, University of California at Berkeley View citations (5)
Also in Department of Economics, Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, Institute for Business and Economic Research, UC Berkeley (1987)
- Market Forces or Group Interests: Inconvertible Currency in Pre-1914 Latin America
Economics Working Papers, University of California at Berkeley View citations (3)
Also in Department of Economics, Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, Institute for Business and Economic Research, UC Berkeley (1987) View citations (3)
- Some Reflections on Comparative Latin American Economic Performance and Policy
Economics Working Papers, University of California at Berkeley View citations (4)
Also in Department of Economics, Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, Institute for Business and Economic Research, UC Berkeley (1987) View citations (12)
Journal Articles
- Solving the Riddle of Globalization and Development. Edited by MANUEL R. AGOSIN, DAVID E. BLOOM, GEORGES CHAPELIER and JAGDISH SAIGAL
Economica, 2008, 75, (298), 393-394
- Future sustainable Latin American growth: A need for savings
The Review of Black Political Economy, 1995, 24, (1), 7-21
- Economic development in the 1990s
World Development, 1994, 22, (12), 1825-1832
- Tax evasion, inflation and stabilization
Journal of Development Economics, 1994, 43, (1), 105-123 View citations (22)
- Proposal for a North American Regional Development Bank and Adjustment Fund
Proceedings, 1991, 15-23 View citations (9)
- Review of Handbook of Development Economics
Journal of Economic Literature, 1991, 29, (4), 1728-37 View citations (2)
- Desenvolvimento econômico na América Latina: 1950-80
Revista Brasileira de Economia - RBE, 1990, 44, (3)
- The Latin American State
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1990, 4, (3), 61-74 View citations (15)
- Latin America - The Political Economy of the Brazilian State, 1889–1930. By Steven Topik. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987. pp. xii, 241. $25.00
The Journal of Economic History, 1989, 49, (1), 225-226
- Deficits, debt and destabilization: The perversity of high interest rates
Journal of Development Economics, 1987, 27, (1-2), 227-244 View citations (1)
- Latin America in the 1930's: The role of the periphery in world crisis: Rosemary Thorp, ed., (Macmillan, London, for St. Anthony's College, Oxford, 1984), $30.00
Journal of Development Economics, 1986, 23, (2), 389-392
- The East European debt crisis in the Latin American mirror
International Organization, 1986, 40, (2), 567-575
- Lessons from the past: capital markets during the 19th century and the interwar period
International Organization, 1985, 39, (3), 383-439 View citations (77)
- Anne O. Krueger, Editor, Trade and Employment in Developing Countries. 2: Factor Supply and Substitution, The University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Chicago and London (1982), p. xv + 265
Journal of International Economics, 1984, 16, (3-4), 379-382
- Anne O. Krueger, Editor, Trade and Employment in Developing Countries. 3: Synthesis, The University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Chicago and London (1983), p. x + 219
Journal of International Economics, 1984, 16, (3-4), 379-382
- Anne O. Krueger, Hal B. Lary, Terry Monson and Narongchai Akrasanee, Editors, Trade and Employment in Developing Countries. 1: Individual Studies, The University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Amsterdam (1981), p. x + 548
Journal of International Economics, 1984, 16, (3-4), 379-382
- Summary comment on Adelman, Balassa and Streeten
World Development, 1984, 12, (9), 979-982
- Clockwork debt: Pierre dhonte, (Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington, Massachusetts, 1980) pp. xiv+125, $22.50
Journal of International Economics, 1981, 11, (3), 437-439
- A new Latin America in a new international capital market
Revista CEPAL, 1980
- Brazilian Development in Long-Term Perspective
American Economic Review, 1980, 70, (2), 102-08 View citations (3)
- Una América Latina nueva y el nuevo mercado internacional de capitales
Revista CEPAL, 1980
- Who Benefits from Economic Development? Comment
American Economic Review, 1980, 70, (1), 250-56 View citations (2)
- Indexing Brazilian Style: Inflation without Tears?
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1974, 5, (1), 261-282 View citations (10)
- Brazilian Size Distribution of Income
American Economic Review, 1972, 62, (2), 391-402 View citations (71)
- Quantitative Economic History: An Interim Evaluation Past Trends and Present Tendencies
The Journal of Economic History, 1971, 31, (1), 15-42 View citations (3)
- Levels of Nineteenth-Century American Investment in Education*
The Journal of Economic History, 1966, 26, (4), 418-436 View citations (15)
- The Economic Effects of Regulation. By Paul W. MacAvoy. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1965. Pp. ix, 275. $10.00
The Journal of Economic History, 1966, 26, (3), 390-392
- Discussion of Bjork paper
The Journal of Economic History, 1964, 24, (4), 561-566
- Canals and American Economic Development. Edited by Carter Goodrich. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. vi, 303. $7.50. - “Canal or Railroad?” By Julius Rubin. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series—Volume 51, Part 7, 1961. Pp. 106. $2.50
The Journal of Economic History, 1963, 23, (1), 129-131
- Trends in the American Economy in the Nineteenth Century*
The Journal of Economic History, 1962, 22, (1), 71-80
- Optimal Resource Allocation in an Imperfect Market Setting
Journal of Political Economy, 1961, 69, (6), 529 View citations (6)
- The Trustee Savings Banks, 1817–1861*
The Journal of Economic History, 1961, 21, (1), 26-40 View citations (15)
- Latin America and the Caribbean
Chapter 65 in International Handbook of Development Economics, Volumes 1 & 2, 2008
- Adjustment in the 1980s: From International Monetarism to the Plano Cruzado
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 290-304
- Adjustment to the First Oil Shock: From Import Substitution to Macroeconomic Restraint
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 281-290
- Appendix: Brazilian Statistics
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 359-387
- Epilogue: Debt and Development
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 351-359
- External Debt, Budget Deficits, and Inflation
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 318-334 View citations (4)
- Introduction to "Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: The Country Studies -- Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico"
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 271-280 View citations (2)
- Notes
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 387-388
- References
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 388-392
- Stopping Inflation
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 305-318
- Trade Policies and Consequences
A chapter in Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Volume 2: Country Studies—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, 1990, pp 335-351
- Productivity and Technological Change in the Railroad Sector, 1840–1910
A chapter in Output, Employment, and Productivity in the United States after 1800, 1966, pp 583-646 View citations (9)
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