Details about Jacques Gaude
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Postal address: | 17 ch. de la Source 1246 Corsier-Port GE Switzerland |
Access statistics for papers by Jacques Gaude.
Last updated 2010-05-30. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pga47
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Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Flows of benefits analysis of special public works programmes: a methodological approach
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
- Landholding status, farm size and rural-urban migration: a micro- macro approach to the sierra of Ecuador
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
- Socio-economic Input-Output matrix adapted for an analysis of internal migration: the case of Ecuador in 1974
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
- Simple migration model with market intervention
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
- Bicoa model; a socio-economic model of rural-urban migration in the sierra of Ecuador
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
View citations (3)
- Causes and repercussions of rural migration in developing countries: a critical analysis
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
View citations (5)
- Rubber technology and exports in West Malaysia
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
- Organisation, consumer time and technology in services
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
View citations (5)
- Planning model incorporating technological choices and non-homogeneous supplies of labour
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
View citations (5)
- Capital-labour substitution possibilities; a review of empirical research. Provisional
ILO Working Papers, International Labour Organization
View citations (2)
Journal Articles
- De l'importance des systèmes d'information dans les programmes d'infrastructures rurales dans les pays en développement
Revue Tiers Monde, 1991, 32, (127), 597-615
- A dual-dual migration model with price policies
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 1985, 19, (2), 145-152