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Details about Arif Eser Güzel

Workplace:İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences), Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University), (more information at EDIRC)

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Last updated 2023-07-13. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pgz5

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Journal Articles


  1. The impact of economic, social, and political globalization and democracy on life expectancy in low-income countries: are sustainable development goals contradictory?
    Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 2021, 23, (9), 13508-13525 Downloads View citations (7)
  2. The role of agricultural productivity in economic growth in middle-income countries: An empirical investigation
    Economic Journal of Emerging Markets, 2021, 13, (1), 13-26 Downloads


  1. Causal Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Export: The Case of Developing Economies of Asia
    Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2018, 8, (4), 537-551 Downloads
Page updated 2024-10-19