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Details about Mojmir Helisek

Workplace:Vysoká Škola Finanční a Správní (VŠFS) (University of Finance and Administration), (more information at EDIRC)

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Last updated 2021-02-06. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: phe403

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Journal Articles


  1. Potential Impact of the Euro Adoption in the Czech Republic on Relations with the Euro Area
    EuroEconomica, 2012, (4(31)), 87-97 Downloads


  1. Impacts of Financial Crisis on the Euro Introduction in the Czech Republic
    ACTA VSFS, 2011, 5, (3), 220-240 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Riziko měnové krize z hlediska účasti v kursovém mechanismu ERM II
    (The risk of currency crisis in the period of participating in exchange rate mechanism ERM II)
    Politická ekonomie, 2008, 2008, (3), 380-403 Downloads


  1. K pøíèinám mìnových krizí - empirie a teorie
    Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver), 2002, 52, (9), 458-477 Downloads


  1. Ekonomie: proč učit, co učit, jak učit
    Politická ekonomie, 2000, 2000, (5) Downloads


  1. K výuce makroekonomie na vybraných univerzitách v Německu, Rakousku a Švýcarsku
    (To teaching of macroeconomics at selected universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
    Politická ekonomie, 1999, 1999, (4) Downloads


  1. Zahranièní zadluženost - definice a statistická evidence v publikacích mezinárodních organizaci (1. èást) (Foreign Indebtness - Definition and Statistical Records in the Publications of International Organizations - 1st part)
    Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver), 1992, 42, (10), 503-512 Downloads
  2. Zahranièní zadluženost - definice a statistická evidence v publikacích mezinárodních organizaci (2. èást) (Foreign Indebtness - Definition and Statistical Records in the Publications of International Organizations - 2nd part)
    Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver), 1992, 42, (11), 545-555 Downloads
Page updated 2023-06-15