Details about Susana Margarida Jorge
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Short-id: pjo356
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Governmental Accounting versus National Accounts: Implications of different accounting bases on EU member-States Central Government deficit/surplus
Working Papers Series 2, ISCTE-IUL, Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL) View citations (2)
Journal Articles
- Debate: Auditing and political accountability in local government—dealing with paradoxes in the relationship between the executive and the council
Public Money & Management, 2023, 43, (3), 231-232
- Debate: Data science challenges to financial information in the public sector
Public Money & Management, 2023, 43, (8), 773-776
- Editorial: PMM CIGAR theme: Public sector accounting—educating for reform challenges
Public Money & Management, 2023, 43, (7), 722-724
Public Organization Review, 2023, 23, (4), 1611-1638
- Measuring the Quality of the Strategic Financial Planning Information (Q-FPI) in the Local Government
International Journal of Public Administration, 2023, 46, (10), 671-688
- Municipal revenue over-budgeting: a dynamic analysis of its determinants
Local Government Studies, 2023, 49, (3), 644-675
- Reflections on being CIGAR Executive Board Chair
Public Money & Management, 2023, 43, (7), 720-721
- The institutional environment of gender budgeting: Learning from the Portuguese experience
Public Money & Management, 2023, 43, (6), 576-585
- Editorial
Public Money & Management, 2022, 42, (7), 538-540
- New development: The development of standardized charts of accounts in public sector accounting
Public Money & Management, 2022, 42, (7), 530-533
- Country Performance in the South American Region: A Multivariate Analysis
International Journal of Public Administration, 2021, 44, (5), 390-408
- Debate: On the ‘why’ of gender budgeting
Public Money & Management, 2021, 41, (7), 504-505
- Enforcement and accounting quality in the context of IFRS: is there a gap in the literature?
International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 2021, 29, (3), 345-367 View citations (2)
- Foreword: 2021 CIGAR annual issue
Public Money & Management, 2021, 41, (6), 427-427
- Municipal financial vulnerability in pandemic crises: a framework for analysis
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 2021, 33, (4), 387-408 View citations (2)
- The Institutionalization of a New Accrual-based Public Sector Accounting System: The Case of Cape Verde*
International Journal of Public Administration, 2021, 44, (5), 372-389
- Comparability in IPSASs: Lessons to be Learned for the European Standards
Accounting in Europe, 2020, 17, (2), 158-182
- Teaching sustainable development in business sciences degrees: evidence from Portugal
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 2020, 12, (3), 611-634
- The institutionalization of public sector accounting reforms: the role of pilot entities
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 2020, 33, (2), 114-137
- Designing an Accountability Index: A Case Study of South America Central Governments
Central European Journal of Public Policy, 2019, 13, (2), 1-14 View citations (1)
- The Challenging Task of Developing European Public Sector Accounting Standards
Accounting in Europe, 2019, 16, (2), 143-145
- The Development of EPSAS: Contributions from the Literature
Accounting in Europe, 2019, 16, (2), 146-176
- The use of budgetary and financial information by politicians in parliament: a case study
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 2019, 31, (4), 539-557 View citations (3)
- Budgetary Balances Adjustments From Governmental Accounting to National Accounts in EU Countries: Can Deficits Be Prone to Management?
Public Budgeting & Finance, 2018, 38, (4), 97-116
- Accounting basis adjustments and deficit reliability: Evidence from southern European countries
Revista de Contabilidad - Spanish Accounting Review, 2016, 19, (1), 77-88 View citations (3)
- Explanatory factors for the use of the financial report in decision-making: Evidence from Local Government in Portugal
Revista de Contabilidad - Spanish Accounting Review, 2016, 19, (2), 216-226 View citations (2)
- Governmental Accounting Maturity Toward IPSASs and the Approximation to National Accounts in the European Union
International Journal of Public Administration, 2016, 39, (12), 976-988
- Information brokers and the use of budgetary and financial information by politicians: the case of Portugal
Public Money & Management, 2016, 36, (7), 515-520 View citations (1)
- Measuring Local Government Transparency
Public Management Review, 2016, 18, (6), 866-893 View citations (26)
- Introduction to a Symposium on New Challenges for Public-Sector Accounting: IPSAS, Budgetary Reporting, and National Accounts
International Journal of Public Administration, 2015, 38, (4), 237-239
- Estudo do Endividamento da Administração Local Portuguesa: Evidência Empírica USando Modelos de Análise de Dados em Painel
Notas Económicas, 2013, (38), 46-67
- From Governmental Accounting to National Accounting: Implications on the Portuguese Central Government Deficit
Notas Económicas, 2010, (31), 24-46 View citations (3)
- Governmental accounting in portugal: why accrual basis is a problem1
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 2007, 19, (4), 411-446
- Factores determinantes do endividamento: uma análise em painel
RAC - Revista de Administração Contemporânea (Journal of Contemporary Administration), 2001, 5, (2), 9-31 View citations (1)
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