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Details about Jan Horst Keppler

Workplace:Laboratoire d'Économie de Dauphine (LEDa) (Dauphine Economics Laboratory), Université Paris-Dauphine (Paris IX) (University of Paris 9), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Jan Horst Keppler.

Last updated 2024-06-08. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pke212

Jump to Journal Articles Edited books Chapters

Working Papers


  1. Economie de marché et inconscient: la pulsion à l'origine de la valeur économique
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Economie industrielle
    Post-Print, HAL
  2. Optimal DSO/Market Coordination for the Activation of Distributed Flexibility
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads
  3. Rents of Electricity Generators in France and Germany due to Carbon Trading under Different Allocation Mechanisms
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads
  4. The value of distributed flexibility for reducing generation and network reinforcement costs
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article The value of distributed flexibility for reducing generation and network reinforcement costs, Utilities Policy, Elsevier (2023) Downloads View citations (1) (2023)
  5. Why the Sustainable Provision of Low-Carbon Electricity Needs Hybrid Markets: The Conceptual Basics
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads


  1. Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions in Switzerland in 2050: Low Carbon Scenarios and their System Costs
    Working Papers, HAL
  2. Les coûts de la transition énergétique
    Post-Print, HAL
  3. New Perspectives for Financing Nuclear New Build. Financing New Nuclear Power Plants: Minimising the Cost of Capital by Optimising Risk Management
    Working Papers, HAL
  4. Why the sustainable provision of low-carbon electricity needs hybrid markets
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (12)
    See also Journal Article Why the sustainable provision of low-carbon electricity needs hybrid markets, Energy Policy, Elsevier (2022) Downloads View citations (9) (2022)


  1. Ensuring the Adequacy of Funding Arrangements for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management
    Working Papers, HAL


  1. Carbon Pricing and Zero Emission Credits
    Post-Print, HAL
  2. Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: 2020 Edition
    Working Papers, HAL View citations (6)
  3. The Competitiveness of Nuclear Energy: From LCOE to System Costs
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. The Cost of Decarbonisation: System Costs with High Shares of Nuclear and Renewables
    Working Papers, HAL
  2. The Costs of Decarbonisation: Insights from a New Study of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
    Post-Print, HAL
  3. The True Costs of Decarbonisation
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Determining Optimal Interconnection Capacity on the Basis of Hourly Demand and Supply Functions of Electricity
    Post-Print, HAL
    See also Journal Article Determining Optimal Interconnection Capacity on the Basis of Hourly Demand And Supply Functions of Electricity, The Energy Journal, International Association for Energy Economics (2018) Downloads View citations (4) (2018)
  2. The Full Costs of Electricity Provision
    Working Papers, HAL
  3. The Full Costs of Electricity Provision: A new NEA report
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Estimation de l’élasticité prix de la demande électrique en France
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Rationales for Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms: Security of Supply Externalities and Asymmetric Investment Incentives
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (27)
    See also Journal Article Rationales for capacity remuneration mechanisms: Security of supply externalities and asymmetric investment incentives, Energy Policy, Elsevier (2017) Downloads View citations (28) (2017)
  3. Special section: Towards hybrid market regimes in the power sector
    Post-Print, HAL
  4. The Impact of Intermittent Renewable Production and Market Coupling on the Convergence of French and German Electricity Prices
    Working Papers, HAL Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Review of the New English Translation of Heinrich von Stackelberg (1934, 2011) Market Structure and Equilibrium
    Post-Print, HAL
  2. Review of the New English Translation of Heinrich von Stackelberg (1934, 2011), Translated by Damien Bazin (Scientific Director), Lynn Urch and Rowland Hill, Berlin, Springer, 2011
    Post-Print, HAL
  3. The impacts of variable renewable production and market coupling on the convergence of French and German electricity prices
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (15)
    See also Journal Article The Impacts of Variable Renewable Production and Market Coupling on the Convergence of French and German Electricity Prices, The Energy Journal (2016) Downloads (2016)


  1. Nuclear New Build: Insights into Financing and Project Management
    Working Papers, HAL


  1. L’interaction entre les énergies nucléaire et renouvelables et ses effets systémiques dans les réseaux électriques bas carbone
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads
  2. Sept propositions pour améliorer le fonctionnement de l'espace électrique européen
    Post-Print, HAL
  3. Sept propositions pour une Europe électrique efficace et dynamique
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads
  4. Short-term and Long-Term System Effects of Intermittent Renewables on Nuclear Energy and the Electricity Mix
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (4)


  1. Nuclear Energy and Renewables - System Effects in Low-Carbon Electricity Systems
    Working Papers, HAL View citations (15)
    Also in Post-Print, HAL (2012)
  2. The economic costs of the nuclear phase-out in Germany
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (3)


  1. Going with Coase against Coase: The Dynamic Approach to the Internalization of External Effects
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Barriers to entry: abolishing the barriers to understanding
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Réforme et régulation des services publics dans les pays en voie de développement: Mythes et réalités
    ULB Institutional Repository, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles

Journal Articles


  1. The value of distributed flexibility for reducing generation and network reinforcement costs
    Utilities Policy, 2023, 82, (C) Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Working Paper The value of distributed flexibility for reducing generation and network reinforcement costs, Post-Print (2023) View citations (1) (2023)


  1. Why the sustainable provision of low-carbon electricity needs hybrid markets
    Energy Policy, 2022, 171, (C) Downloads View citations (9)
    See also Working Paper Why the sustainable provision of low-carbon electricity needs hybrid markets, Post-Print (2022) View citations (12) (2022)


  1. Determining Optimal Interconnection Capacity on the Basis of Hourly Demand And Supply Functions of Electricity
    The Energy Journal, 2018, Volume 39, (Number 3) Downloads View citations (4)
    Also in The Energy Journal, 2018, 39, (3), 117-140 (2018) Downloads

    See also Working Paper Determining Optimal Interconnection Capacity on the Basis of Hourly Demand and Supply Functions of Electricity, Post-Print (2018) (2018)


  1. Rationales for capacity remuneration mechanisms: Security of supply externalities and asymmetric investment incentives
    Energy Policy, 2017, 105, (C), 562-570 Downloads View citations (28)
    See also Working Paper Rationales for Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms: Security of Supply Externalities and Asymmetric Investment Incentives, Post-Print (2017) View citations (27) (2017)


  1. The Impacts of Variable Renewable Production and Market Coupling on the Convergence of French and German Electricity Prices
    The Energy Journal, 2016, 37, (3), 343-360 Downloads
    Also in The Energy Journal, 2016, Volume 37, (Number 3) (2016) Downloads View citations (14)

    See also Working Paper The impacts of variable renewable production and market coupling on the convergence of French and German electricity prices, Post-Print (2016) View citations (15) (2016)


  1. Causalities between CO2, electricity, and other energy variables during phase I and phase II of the EU ETS
    Energy Policy, 2010, 38, (7), 3329-3341 Downloads View citations (92)
  2. Rents in the European power sector due to carbon trading
    Energy Policy, 2010, 38, (8), 4280-4290 Downloads View citations (27)


  1. Energy Interdependence in a Multi-polar World: Towards a Market-based Strategy for Safeguarding European Energy Supplies
    Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 2007, XLVI, (4), 31-48 Downloads
  2. Piero Sraffa and Attilio da Empoli: Competing Solutions for the Crisis of the Theory of the Firm in the Early 20th Century
    Il Pensiero Economico Italiano, 2007, 15, (2), 51-67 Downloads


  1. The Origins of the U-Shaped Average Cost Curve: Understanding the Complexities of the Modern Theory of the Firm
    History of Political Economy, 2006, 38, (4), 733-774 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. La quête d'une théorie de la concurrence empiriquement pertinente. Les leçons de la révolution de la concurrence monopolistique
    Revue économique, 2004, 55, (3), 557-567 Downloads


  1. Attilio da Empoli’s contribution to monopolistic competition theory
    Journal of Economic Studies, 2001, 28, (4/5), 305-323 Downloads


  1. Prices, technology development and the rebound effect
    Energy Policy, 2000, 28, (6-7), 457-469 Downloads View citations (99)


  1. Externalities, Fixed Costs and Information
    Kyklos, 1998, 51, (4), 547-563 Downloads View citations (4)
  2. The Genesis of 'Positive Economics' and the Rejection of Monopolistic Competition Theory: A Methodological Debate
    Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1998, 22, (3), 261-76 View citations (3)


  1. Luigi Amoroso (1886–1965): Mathematical Economist, Italian Corporatist
    History of Political Economy, 1994, 26, (4), 589-611 Downloads View citations (3)

Edited books


  1. Le protocole de Kyoto et les mécanismes de développement propre (MDP): quels impacts pour les pays en développement à l'horizon 2020--2050 ?
    Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University


  1. Choix d'investissement sous incertitude des gestionnaires des réseaux de distribution (GRD) en Europe à l'horizon 2030
    Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University Downloads


  1. Rôle du signal prix du carbone sur les décisions d'investissement des entreprises
    Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University Downloads
  2. Trajectoires carbone en Europe à l'horizon 2050 sous une stabilisation mondiale à 450 ppmv CO2-équivalent: réductions, valeurs carbone et coûts d'abattement optimaux
    Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University Downloads


  1. Conséquences environnementales du développement énergétique chinois: solutions pour un développement durable
    Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University Downloads


  1. The Econometrics of Energy Systems
    Palgrave Macmillan Books, Palgrave Macmillan View citations (27)



  1. Review of the New English Translation of Heinrich von Stackelberg (1934, 2011)Market Structure and Equilibrium, Translated by Damien Bazin (Scientific Director), Lynn Urch and Rowland Hill, Berlin, Springer, 2011
    A chapter in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 2016, vol. 34A, pp 405-411 Downloads


  1. Climate Change, Security of Supply and Competitiveness: Does Europe Have the Means to Implement its Ambitious Energy Vision?
    Palgrave Macmillan
    Also in Palgrave Macmillan (2009) View citations (1)


  1. Causality and Cointegration between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
    Palgrave Macmillan View citations (10)
Page updated 2025-03-23