Details about Sabit Temirkhanovich Khakimzhanov
Access statistics for papers by Sabit Temirkhanovich Khakimzhanov.
Last updated 2022-11-25. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pkh10
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Working Papers
- Волатильность экспортных и импортных цен Казахстана // Volatility of export and import prices in Kazakhstan
Working Papers, National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Казахстанский рынок депозитов населения: проблемы и решения // Kazakhstan's retail deposit market: problems and solutions
Working Papers, National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Пруденциальные требования по ликвидности и риск-ориентированный подход // Prudential liquidity requirements and a risk-based approach
Working Papers, National Bank of Kazakhstan 
See also Journal Article Пруденциальные требования по ликвидности и риск-ориентированный подход // Prudential liquidity requirements and a risk-based approach, Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan), National Bank of Kazakhstan (2022) (2022)
- Оценка качества ссудного портфеля по данным на уровне займа // Assessing the quality of loan portfolio based on the loan level data
Working Papers, National Bank of Kazakhstan 
See also Journal Article Оценка качества ссудного портфеля по данным на уровне займа // Assessing the quality of loan portfolio based on the loan level data, Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan), National Bank of Kazakhstan (2021) (2021)
- Path-Following Algorithm for Parametric Analysis of a Pension Reform
Computing in Economics and Finance 2002, Society for Computational Economics
Computing in Economics and Finance 2000, Society for Computational Economics
Journal Articles
- Пруденциальные требования по ликвидности и риск-ориентированный подход // Prudential liquidity requirements and a risk-based approach
Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan), 2022, (1), 4-27 
See also Working Paper Пруденциальные требования по ликвидности и риск-ориентированный подход // Prudential liquidity requirements and a risk-based approach, Working Papers (2022) (2022)
- Вызовы макроэкономического моделирования Казахстана: составные элементы, методы и цели // Challenges of macroeconomic modeling of Kazakhstan: elements, methods and objectives
Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan), 2021, (4), 4-30
- Оценка качества ссудного портфеля по данным на уровне займа // Assessing the quality of loan portfolio based on the loan level data
Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan), 2021, (3), 4-24 
See also Working Paper Оценка качества ссудного портфеля по данным на уровне займа // Assessing the quality of loan portfolio based on the loan level data, Working Papers (2021) (2021)
- Устойчивость оценок сезонно-скорректированной инфляции к выбросам // Robustness to macroeconomic outliers of seasonally adjusted inflation
Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan), 2021, (3), 25-56
- Constructing a Yield Curve in a Market with Low Liquidity
Russian Journal of Money and Finance, 2019, 78, (4), 71-98
- Social Security Reform in Transition Economies
Palgrave Macmillan Books, Palgrave Macmillan
Edited books
- Financial Stability Report of Kazakhstan, 2018 - 1 half of 2019
Financial Stability Reports(National Bank of Kazakhstan), National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Financial Stability Report of Kazakhstan, 2015-2017
Financial Stability Reports(National Bank of Kazakhstan), National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Kazakhstan’s Economic Transformation, 1989–2007
Palgrave Macmillan
- The Political Economy of the Reform
Palgrave Macmillan
- The Road to Kazakhstan’s Pension and Social Reform
Palgrave Macmillan
- Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan)
National Bank of Kazakhstan
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