Details about Светлана Георгиевна Кирдина-Чэндлер (Kirdina-Chandler Svetlana)
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Short-id: pki231
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Эффекты path dependence и экономии от масштаба в российском законотворчестве
(The effects of path dependence and economies of scale in the Russian lawmaking)
Working papers, Institute of Economics
- A shift in the prevailing institutional models of the global order:is a new cycle starting?
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (1)
- From Marxian school of economic thought to system paradigm in economic studies: the institutional matrices theory
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (1)
See also Journal Article From Marxian School Of Economic Thought To System Paradigm In Economic Studies: The Institutional Matrices Theory, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research (ELIT) (2012) View citations (2) (2012)
- Institutional matrices theory as a framework for both western and non-western people to understand the global village”
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (4)
- Prospects of liberalization for S&T policies in Russia: institutional analysis
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (7)
- Взгляд экономиста-социолога: заметки с XVII Мирового социологического конгресса, Гетеборг, Швеция, 11-17 июля 2010
(Point of view of economist-sociologict: notes from the world congress of sociology, 11-17 July, Gothenburg, Sweden)
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Эволюция банков в Х- и Y-экономиках
(Evolution of banks in economies of X-type and Y-type)
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Модели экономики в теории институциональных матриц
(Economy models within institutional matrices theory framework)
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Институциональная структура современной России: эволюционная модернизация
(Institutional structure of modern Russia: evolutionary modernization)
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Institutional matrices and institutional changes
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (3)
Journal Articles
- Institutional Matrices Theory, or X- and Y-Theory: A Response to F. Gregory Hayden
Journal of Economic Issues, 2017, 51, (2), 476-485 View citations (3)
- Towards an intellectual history of evolutionary economics: competition and struggle versus cooperation and mutual aid
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 37, (3), 551-564
- Кооперация versus конкуренция в трудах российских эволюционистов
Journal of Institutional Studies Journal of Institutional Studies (Журнал институциональных исследований), 2017, 9, (1), 6-26
- Institutions and Geography in Economic Development: A Heterodox Economic Discussion
Spatial Economics=Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika, 2016, (3), 133-150
- Methodological institutionalism as a new principle of complex social systems analysis at meso-level
Terra Economicus, 2016, 14, (1), 98-108
- Институциональная организация воспроизводственных процессов в х- и Y-экономиках
Journal of Institutional Studies Journal of Institutional Studies (Журнал институциональных исследований), 2016, 8, (4), 72-91
- Methodological individualism and methodological institutionalism for interdisciplinary research
Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2015, 11, (1), 53-67 View citations (1)
- Институционализм в России в 1930-2010-е гг.: инверсионный цикл?
Journal of Institutional Studies Journal of Institutional Studies (Журнал институциональных исследований), 2015, 7, (2), 6-37
- Institutions and the Importance of Social Control in a Nation's Development
Journal of Economic Issues, 2014, 48, (2), 309-322 View citations (2)
- On the choice of measures of reliability and validity in the content-analysis of texts
Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 2014, 48, (5), 2703-2718 View citations (7)
- The Effects of Path Dependence and Economy of Scale in Russian legislature
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2014, (11) View citations (1)
- Economic Policy For Real Sector And R&D Financing: Basic Institutional Models
Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2013, 9, (4), 39-52
- Evolution of the Banking System in the Russian Context: An Institutional View
Journal of Economic Issues, 2013, 47, (2), 475-484 View citations (6)
- Institutional Models of Real Sector Financing
Journal of the New Economic Association, 2013, 18, (2), 129-155
- Methodological Individualismand Methodological Institutionalism
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2013, (10)
- New Systemic Institutional Approach for Comparative Political and Economic Analysis
Review of Radical Political Economics, 2013, 45, (3), 341-348
- From Marxian School Of Economic Thought To System Paradigm In Economic Studies: The Institutional Matrices Theory
Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2012, 8, (2), 53-71 View citations (2)
See also Working Paper From Marxian school of economic thought to system paradigm in economic studies: the institutional matrices theory, MPRA Paper (2012) View citations (1) (2012)
- On the Timeliness of Modern Economics (On the Book by A. G. Khudokormov "Economics: The Newest Currents of the West")
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2010, (6)
- Point of View of Economist- Sociologist: Notes from the World Congress of Sociology, 11–17 July, 2010, Gotheburg, Sweden
Journal of the New Economic Association, 2010, (7), 162-167
- Russian Model of Institutional Change: Empirical-Statistical Research
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2010, (11)
- Некоторые количественные оценки институциональных изменений: опыт исследования российского законодательства
Terra Economicus, 2010, 8, (3), 8-22
- A Theory for Policy or A Polcy for Theory? (International Discussion in Yalta “Mixed Economy in the 21st Century”, May 4-7 2008, Alushta)
Journal of the New Economic Association, 2009, (1-2), 268-269
- Социальный интерес, государство и экономическая политика
Terra Economicus, 2008, 6, (4), 148-156 View citations (1)
- Х-эффективность и Х-экономики: синтез теоретических подходов
Terra Economicus, 2007, 5, (2), 9-26
- Institutional Structure of Modern Russia: Evolutionary Modernization
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2004, (10)
- Постсоветский институционализм в России: попытка обзора
Terra Economicus, 2004, 2, (2), 40-54
- The Institute of Land Ownership in Russia
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2003, (10)
- The Russian Face of Evolutionary Economics (on the 5th International Symposium on Evolutionary Economics "Economic Transformation and Evolutionary Theory of J. Schumpeter")
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2003, (11)
- Российское лицо эволюционной экономики (заметки с v международного симпозиума «Трансформация экономики и эволюционная теория Й. Шумпетера»)
Terra Economicus, 2003, 1, (4), 48-54
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