Details about Eugenie W. H. Maiga
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Last updated 2023-01-30. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pma2110
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Working Papers
- Social networks, production of micronutrient-rich foods, and child health outcomes in Burkina Faso
2018 Annual Meeting, August 5-7, Washington, D.C., Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
- Determinants of changes in youth and women agricultural labor participation in selected African countries
2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, Boston, Massachusetts, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
- Is more chocolate bad for poverty? An evaluation of cocoa pricing for Ghana’s industrialization and poverty reduction
AGRODEP working papers, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) View citations (1)
- Mother’s education and children’s nutrition outcomes in Burkina Faso: Is there a strong causal relationship?
AGRODEP working papers, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Does Foreign Aid in Education Foster Gender Equality in Developing Countries?
WIDER Working Paper Series, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER)
- Gauging countries commitment to skills development for economic transformation
2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C., Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Journal Articles
- Input subsidies and crop diversity on family farms in Burkina Faso
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2023, 74, (1), 237-254
- Effets des prix relatifs des échanges sur la croissance économique en Afrique subsaharienne
Region et Developpement, 2021, 54, 161-175
- Infrastructures éducatives et achèvement des études en contexte camerounais de décentralisation
African Development Review, 2020, 32, (3), 327-337 View citations (2)
- Cocoa pricing options and their implications for poverty and industrialization in Ghana
Agricultural Economics, 2017, 48, (4), 481-490 View citations (2)
- The Contribution of Education to Economic Growth: A Review of the Evidence, with Special Attention and an Application to Sub-Saharan Africa
World Development, 2014, 59, (C), 379-393 View citations (56)
- The impacts of school management reforms in Madagascar: do the impacts vary by teacher type?
Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2011, 3, (4), 435-469 View citations (6)
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